Tuesday, April 29, 2008


我就Pass我的Basic Theory
差一些 我就能在路上开车**
却在错的时间错的 心情
去考我的Basic Theory

考到了 失败的成绩
让我真的真的伤心 难过
感觉像一个旅程 失败的旅程
差一点 我就Pass我的Basic Theory
差一些 我就能在路上开车
却在错的时间错的 心情
去考我的Basic Theory

差一点 我就Pass我的Basic Theory
差一些 我就能在路上开车
却在错的时间错的 心情
才会Fail我的Basic Theory
差一点 我就Pass我的Basic Theory
差一些 我就能在路上开车
就让我Fail这次的Basic Theory
差一点 我就Pass我的Basic Theory
差一些 我就能在路上开车
却在错的时间错的 心情
才会Fail我的Basic Theory

For the benefits of all readers i will explain ** in depth.
You must pass your basic theory first before you can learn driving (as in the L plate sign).. That why i say that..

Well, i re-written a lyrics for the above song based on my feelings now. After everyone read, you all will know what happen to me. An appologies to those people who i throw my anger over at you all (today). I really got no mood today especially after learning that i need to wait for another 2 and a half month for my basic theory. Well, you may ask me why i totally had no mood today. As blog is a public space, i do not wish to further repeat it out here.

Well, a failed is a failed. There is nothing that i can change the fate now. All i can do is wait for another two and a half months more. People who passed their basic theory at first taking will say its simple what why can you fail. My mood is really low today and i think almost on every day last week. I am totally moodless. If you know me well, you can see my laughter is reduced. A little bit reduced already. I am tired over of "it". I just wish i just wish...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Untitled Post

Since you all dun wan to "wipe" it away, let me do the task.

The adminstrator of this blog had left us few days before April Fools. Well, may of us thought of it "April Fools" when we hear the news. I heard it at about 7.30am and i too feel that it is impossible. Pradeep you are so cheerful in front of us, you didnt show any emotion to us in the past few days. Why why? Why u leave us? U still got alot of things you yet finish. You yet to finish your dipolma in EI. You yet to get your driving lience and alot of thing you yet to finish. And we yet to sit together and laugh while we "called" another person with "Private number". You promised to edit "something" when WJ blog. You havent did it. (Please do not ask me what is the "something" if you yet to know) There is alot of things you yet to do but why u choose to leave us and the world.
(The above part is dedicated to you, Our Adminstrator.. I thereby plead with everyone, please contuinue to blog here. He is so nice to create for us yet you all never post after a period of time. Whatever "reasons" all of you might give but i plead with everyone please do at least a post can?)

Ok to the bottom part.. 1 month ago i login to post and now is one month after. Everything had been different. One month ago we had .... and One month later we dont have .... Well, i am not emo-ing is that i just wanted to clear away the "dust". Currently on sick mode again. SIAN... 6weeks from last time. Abt mid March recover..