Friday, August 14, 2009

Untitled Post

See me posting at this time weird right? I think alot friends had already know that i am having one week MC due to SLIGHTLY high fever. And now i had sore thoart. Sign of H1N1? Choi! Hahahaa..

One week MC and i gonna miss alot of things. I cant go out on weekend (its by order). I been at my home since Monday morning. I told my mum yesterday that i got few days never take lift liao. Hahahaa...

I am very happy now because next week its week 10. 2 weeks + 3 days more to POP! Yea! Hahahaa... End of this xxxx. earlier is the best.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Untitled Post


I realize i had not post for long. (I think super long right?)

This few weeks is super hectic. Every week come home, go out with friends, sleep.. All done in a very short time.

Today had to go again at 4pm. Public holiday and i need to return. What kind of logic is this? Dont ask me, i also don't know.

Ok larx, end my post liao. My birthday is comming... Woo Hoo!