Friday, March 28, 2008

周杰伦 - 我不配

Well, weird, i find this somewhere. The song lyrics of Wo Bu Pei in English. I read and saw it isnt direct translate one. I wonder who did this (or there are really english version but i too "WOLS" to know that? Weird.. Just share with everyone here before lunch time..

周杰伦 - 我不配
Jay Zhou - Wo Bu Pei (I’m not worthy)

Zhe Jie shang tai yong ji
This street is too crowded

Tai duo ren you mi mi
Too many people with secrets

bo li shang you wu qi zai bei yin chang qi guo qu
At the glass, there's the fog hidden from it

Ni lian shang de qing xu
The sulky face of yours

Zai huan yuan na chang yu
Is completing that rain

Zhe xiang nong tai guo wan qu zou bu hui gu shi li
This street is simply too narrow to return to the story

Zhe ri zi bu zai lu
These days are not green anymore

You ban bo le ji ju
Just a few word exchanges

Sheng xia ban kong hui yi de wo zai da fang zi li
I'm left alone in the house, with half-filled memories

Dian ying yuan de zuo yi
The seats in the cinema

Ge yao yuan de ju li
Are separated far by distance

Gan qing mei you dui shou shi ni gen zi ji xia qi
Feelings with no partner is a game of chess you played by yourself

hai lai bu ji zi zi xi xi xie xia ni de guan yu
it’s still too late to carefully write down your concern

Miao shu wo ru he ai ni
Describing how I love you

Ni que wei xiao de li wo er qu
Yet you leave me away with a smile

Zhe gan jue yi jing bu dui
This feeling is not right anymore

Wo nu li zai wan hui
I tried hard to retrieve

Yi xie xie ying gai ti tie de de gan jue wo mei gei
A bit feeling of care that I didn’t give

Ni de zui xu de yuan wang hen bei wei
The many wish from your lips is very petty and low

Zai tuo xie shi wo hu lue
I neglected to compromise it

Ni bu guo yao ren pei
However you want some company

a zhe gan jue yi jing bu dui
ahh, This feeling is not right anymore

Wo zui hou cai liao jie
I’m the last to understand

Yi ye ye bu ren fan yue de qing jie
Looking through the pages of circumstances which cannot be endured

Ni hao lei
You’re so tired

Ni mo bei wei wo diao guo ci lei
You have silently cried behind my back for so many times

Duo qiao sui
So sallow

er wo xin sui ni shou zui ni de mei
Yet my heart breaks and you accepted my sin, your beauty

Wo bu pei
I’m not worthy

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Another round of increasement

Another round of increasement.. Flour Price.. Ooh My! Flour price and everything related (Including Wanton Skin, Raw Mee... I wonder Popiah skin counted? LOL) Meaning Bread, Wanton Mee, Lor Mee and even Bak Chor Mee (No Chili Please.. haha) will increase.. My god... All my favorite food sia.. Bread increase price heng i never suffer alot.. Coz i am the the king of breads.. ahahaha....

Flour increase even the price of paper also increase... And GV also announce increase of movie ticket today.. Why everything increase my money never increase one.. No wonder i am becomming poorer and poorer coz this few weeks, money really not enough for me to use...

The god po-pi po-pi tonight toto i win the 3 million then i will be happy happy happy liaoz.. (Think too much..) hahaha..

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Moo.. Moo..

Well, nothing better to do now so i go find my favorite Moo.. Moo... photo and put it in my desktop pix...
Seen before all this cows right? hahaha... I in love with all this moo.. design when the first time i know all this had been exisited.. If you guys still do not know what this moo is, this is an icon of a local advertsing firm, Moo Media.. Well, Moo Media is also under ComfortDelgro Group.
Just came back not long from my breakfast.. Big Breakfast... Long time didnt eat already...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Untitled Blog Entry

5th consective post.. Oi, you all really dun want to post arx?

Yesterday night till about 8.10pm.. Then after that take cab home.. I noticed since a long time i didnt take cab home liaoz.. wahahaha... Tired tired.. After a monday, i am tired liaoz... And today Tuesday.. I not going for training.. I still afeeling abit sick.. Not jiao wei one, i still find myself heart pain.. Sian liaoz, like this go down i might die one day liaoz.. When i die, everyone remeber burnt more paper money give me so i got more money to give u all dream.. JJ, i know u sure be asking for 4 numbers (Sure open) dream right? whahaha...

8.30am.. And from my view, JJ you are late again...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Untitled Entry

10weeks more.. and i am counting down.. wahaha...

As i predict, today road condition is abit jam liaoz. School reopen and more cars on the road again.. Well, i am early although there is abit jam..

Haiz haiz.. Money like becomming Smaller again.. During FYP, i tink i spent money faster than what i normally spend. In the past, in the end of a week, i might still have balance to pay for mobile phone bill BUT now totally different.. I every week had to fork out extra money from my savings. Within 2 weeks, i withdraw about $100 already. I think it is due to the raising cost of everything. I spent everything as per how i spend last time but still overspent la.. Sianz... Now i got 3months unpaid mobile phone bills liaoz.. This time sure kana suspension line liaoz.. Win le lorx, stack until so high i no money pay also.. Some smart people say switch every of the food to "House Brand". From Potato chips to every daily neccsarities. I wont do that because to me, potato chips, Lays are still the best. I still found out the dunno what de British Potato chips also not bad.. ahahhaa...

And one more sad thing, i found that alot of my friends or rather people around me will choose not to leave in this realistic world. People please be realistic.. One means one, two means two.. There is no such thing like One = Two. Maybe, you teach me to be realistic. (The person i refering to, will not be reading this coz she also dunno about this..wahaha) You taught me a broken love will never be able to mend back, be realistic walk our own way..

Ending now with a quote i heard it today.
Do not say that what happen around the world doesnt concern about me, Its depend on whether you want to know it or prefer not to know it.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Untitled Entry

No one wants blog arx? Wa very sian lea, my hand pain.. My body inside pain.. Its seems like at least 2 years i never do so "fierce" de exercise liaoz, that y pain all over the body..

Well, FYP 8.30 start (8.25 on the school clock, coz the computer de timming never synchorize with the school clock) is like a terrible day. Why? 8.30am, the bus de timming to school is very weird.. To sign in at 8.25 i had to take the 7.35am bus. Then after which 7.40am got another bus which will make me late. And worst to worst is 7.30am got one bus also.. That make all the bus near to each other.. And stupid bus company also dunno how to go adjust one, after 7.40am must wait till 12mins later got bus liaoz.. Complain so much i better go hire a chauffer better la hor.. ahhaha..

Well, sian sian sian.. I am v tired.. I want to sleep.. Like this like no life one lorx.. 6.45am wake up, then reach home 7.15pm. Then already tired can do what.. NO LIFE.. (heng i no girlfriend.. :p).. LOL...

Well, lastly wishes DILLYS happy 19th birthday..

Monday, March 10, 2008

Untitled Post

Well, its a brand new week again.. 8.31am on my school clock.. Well, i am super early today.. The route to my school is so smooth flowing today maybe because its school holiday...

11 Weeks for for my HYP. Well, generally FYP is like no life or rather say lunch then got life come back.. hahaha... 8.30am to 6pm Mon-Thur and 8.30 to 5.30pm on Friday.. Go home eat watch TV and sleep.. Where got time for what blogging or even MSN.. Got also on MSN disappear dunno where..

And yea! I signed up MIO Plan 3mbps Unlimited. Good Bye Starhub for 2 years.. Singnet (or rather MIO Plan) I am here.. Well, installation date 25Mar 4 to 6pm. I dun mind the date but they cant let me have a weekend. The stupid sales guy dun wan to say also say saturday fully book. And my dad intially want to play with them say "dun have then we dun want lor". Then my mum was there aiyah anything lar.. So in the end i had to make myself to see whether i can apply leave to go back to wait for the insatallation. I think i can at least apply for alot leave ba.. People can so i also can.

Well, i think i better publish here to help dillys ask.. Her birthday celebration, who want to go? And prefer Thursday or Friday..

End of my always long post... And at this point of time, i got a news.. My supervisor is only free after 3pm coz he had lesson. So my partner told me we are half free today liaoz.. Hahaha... I am going to disturb people again..

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Untitled Blog Entry

Wow.. 200th post.. I am the 200.. LOL...

Generally, FYP (or rtaher FYPJ) only make us feel more tired. 8.30am to 6.00pm.. Its like working hours... Say working we still got pay but this is like FREE LABOUR... We got to create a system for ....... (NON-DISCOURE) whahahahaa....

8.30am, i need to wake up at 6.45am. Take bus at 7.35am.. Tomrrow i decided, i will take the next bus and late for a few minutes rather then today so early come and do nothing.. And you, JunJie, where are you sia.. Your partner already came in and adjust the aircon temperature and you dunno still where havent come in.. ahaha... (Everyone i knew everything of Jun Jie because he just sat in the room next to me and i can see everything from my side... wahaha)

FYP = tired and doing project with people all i dunno one.. My whole room i dont think there is any farmilar faces at all. Not a single one ok! Dunno larx, all i wish is this 3 months hurry pass now.. For now that what i feel..

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Holiday ending!

holiday ending soon. jus like i blink my eyes like tat.
today is the last day of holiday le. so sad.

for the past few days our class is enjoying wif our class chalet.
we did alot of things during chalet.

1st day which is on wed 27/2

some of us when to buy foods n some other stuffs tat is needed for chalet.
after tat we take cab down to chalet. woohoo..
den after we book in we watch dvd in chalet cos still gt alot of ppl haven reach yet.
so we watch n watch till evening time. most of us reach.
and on night time we start to gamble. ban luck. hehe. 1st night no luck. lose abit.
den we guys decided to ton till morning.
and tis time we decided to go red house.
we keep disturb wj sia.. damn FUNNY!! horoscopes crush. LOL

we really went into the red house go sse. after tat we went to expolre the swamp.
after tat went to the beach n relax there b4 we went back to chalet.
ton till 6am we went to eat our breakfast den after tat went back to slp.

after few hr of slp wj wake up and start to tok cock or bomb his story wif gals. LOL.
FUNNY! jh shoot wj. haha.

2nd day

went to wild wildwet to play. we play alot of things there is so fun.
after www, is bbq time we gt our 'great' cook, wj.

but the weather is not good, it start to rain. but lucky it stopped.
we wait for th to come.. cos he is the gamble king.
and i won 35$ on 2nd night but later lost $10 to stupid inbetween.
haha. den we tok crap all the way till night.

and i slept at 3am can take it anymore. hehe.
when i am slping someone secretly attack me. when i wake up till in the blur condition. it funny too.

3rd day
we take cab go home to SLEEP.