Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Untitled Post

Weeks never posted.. And this is how time REALLY FLIES.. Just to post an entry here before people thinking me i had dead or i have no chance to post here again.

Well, graduation is fast. 2 Days later. Just thinking the days of orientation, our first year, our second year, FYPJ, IPP and last semester of studies and then there we graduated. (I hope the next two years time can flies as fast as you can)

Before entering NS, i already make a count on my calender. POP date is somewhere around 911. The one week break and i know i be flying. I am promised of flying and JB-ing. (My own new word JB-ing) Really i hope this 3 months end fast. No worries i am going to be old by then but i want it FAST. lol... I really love to fly. And not to mention my birthday before that... Hahahaa... Say 3months before it, isnt it too early? LOL... Just pray that i be comming out peacefully. If i am dead inside then all i can wish is everyone dont cry in my funeral. Whahahahahaahaa....

Well, end this post telling everyone i got THREE 03 more weekends and i am going to be disconnected with everyone..

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Untitled Post

Wishes every mother in the earth a

Well, this week had gone really fast. Can time slows down for me? I really hope time can slows down or even be reversed. I be wishing mother's day here but i know father's day isn't the same for me. I wont be typing Happy Father's Day on time here. Seriously, i now counting the dates i feel very very very depressed. My first year tantamount to my first week is inside. Alright, i always thought of something good whenever i am depressed. The something good is - My birthday! Hahaha... Actually, from now what i am looking forward to is my birthday. Seriously! There is nothing on earth i am looking forward to right now.

Well, as i mentioned earlier, this week really passed very fast. Out of 5 days work week, i only busy on 2 days. OMG! The horror of Swine Flu is part of what is causing me to be so free.

And another dinning place (sort of near my house) was founded. Lots of good food there. Hahaha.. Tried the westrn food, not bad. Dont ask me where is it cause i only know how to go there. And is by car.

End this post with a short advertisement.
Its alright (with exceptional of H1N1 infected country) to go out of Singapore at this moment. You just had to remember to wash your hand with soap (that applies if you are in sg too) regularly. I would encourage everyone to buy Travel Insurance now if you are going out of Singapore. There are many coverages and benefits in Travel Insurance.
To buy Travel Insurance, LOOK FOR ME..
xxx--- End of Advertisement ---xxx WAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Untitled Post

Its a Sunday! I counting to see how many weekends i have still. Why would i spend my this weekend at home playing RC in facebook? And trade something with an idiot still need kana scolding. You think who are you? Moron! Idiot! See before you scold. I wonder how can you work in future? Totally BIG failure.

Was thinking to go Gain City to see camera but lazy to go liao. Go cycling better. Nothing to blog seriously. But just put a post if not people might think i am dead.

Just heard something very funny. "People paid a great money to stay there but you can stay for free." Hahahahaha... Dont need to elaborate much about this statment. But is very fun.

I wanted to walk staright all along but was pulled back eventually. People out there told me, once a committment is done, dont give up halfway.