Sunday, May 10, 2009

Untitled Post

Wishes every mother in the earth a

Well, this week had gone really fast. Can time slows down for me? I really hope time can slows down or even be reversed. I be wishing mother's day here but i know father's day isn't the same for me. I wont be typing Happy Father's Day on time here. Seriously, i now counting the dates i feel very very very depressed. My first year tantamount to my first week is inside. Alright, i always thought of something good whenever i am depressed. The something good is - My birthday! Hahaha... Actually, from now what i am looking forward to is my birthday. Seriously! There is nothing on earth i am looking forward to right now.

Well, as i mentioned earlier, this week really passed very fast. Out of 5 days work week, i only busy on 2 days. OMG! The horror of Swine Flu is part of what is causing me to be so free.

And another dinning place (sort of near my house) was founded. Lots of good food there. Hahaha.. Tried the westrn food, not bad. Dont ask me where is it cause i only know how to go there. And is by car.

End this post with a short advertisement.
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xxx--- End of Advertisement ---xxx WAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

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