Thursday, December 31, 2009

Summary of 2009 and 2010 Resoultion

Well, another about 22.5 hours more to 2010. (I am typing this at 1.30am on 31-Dec-09 BUT this post will be posted only when the clock strike 0000Hrs)

Let me start by summarize 2009.
2009 indeed is another year of up and down for me. However, i do feel that 2009 is some way better than 2008.

Summarize of my life in every quarter of the year
In the first quarter, it is as usual the final lap of study as well as examination. We end our examination somewhere in the end of Feb 2009. After which i continue to work.

Second quarter of the year is somewhere when work come in and i know the news of my NS enlistment. Well, when i first see the date of my enlistment i was feeling very down. Truly very down. The date of my enlistment cause me to miss 3 important thing in 2009. Well, what to say? After which is also the graduation ceremony.

Third quarter of the year is where NS starts for me. Well, i think i dont need to mention much here, everyone will know the life inside.

Fourth quarter of the year is where i posted to my new unit. Well, i think i also dont wish to mention much here. This is also the period where i start investing in shares. My first investment netted me $300+ in 2 weeks. And somewhere in the start of Dec, a sad news came in. My beloved grandmother had passed away. Well, i thanks all for the condolences messages, helps and supports towards me in that period.

Except the last month of 2009, 2009 is such a wonderful year to me as compared to 2008. However, human are greedy, they always wishes for the best. I was hopibng for the best in the comming year.

Next is the resoultion for 2009
1. To pass by driving test by June 2009.
2. Back to money again, hoping to have at least 3k in my bank account before i enter NS
3. Unfilled resolution (will fill once i thought of it) Hehehe
Results of the resoultion
1. I never achieve it BUT i am happy that i passed on 11-Sep-2009.
2. I never achieve it too.
3. I never had a 3rd resoultion up till today.
Well, all i can say is the resoultion that i made is such a failure. Maybe i shall be more realistic in this year resoultion. Aim for what i can and not have such a big dream.

And next is my RESOULTION FOR 2010 (As usual 3 resoultion will do)
1. As usual, money come in mind first. To have at least 5k savings by the end of 2010. 5k savings include Cash at hand, Cash in bank, debtors and all current assets.
2. I never want to put something about relationship into resoultion all this while BUT 2010 shall be a different one. I hope to win the heart of my girl by the end of 2010 failure to do so, i will make another plan. I really just wish i can do it.
3. To save 50k (or if not possible half of it) by the end of 2010. This is to make sure that i can acheive my dream of owning a personal car.

In about 22 hours later we will bid good bye to 2009. 2009, a meaningful year to me. All i hope is that 2010 will even be more meaningful year to me. All the good things that happen in 2009, please happen again and again. All the bad things that happen in 2009, please dont come again. That what i wish.

HELLO 2010

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Untitled Post

Last weekend of 2009. Come Thursday we will bid good bye to 2009. And here come 2010. Well, i simply just love it. May time flies as fast as possible till 2011 June. I think everyone knows what i mean.

This few days i am enjoying myself. Well, Its a season and holiday where i shall enjoy. I just need to book in tonight and book out tomrrow and that end my camp life for 2009.

I shall blog about 2009 the next few days and here end my post.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Untitled Post

Firstly, i would like to thanks everyone for their helps, supports and condolences message during the last week. Its sad to hear the news that my beloved grandmother had pass away. Me too, had been in an emotional mood whenever i thought of her, and up till today. I think sooner or later i might get diagnosed with depression. I just simply cannot take it that she had left us.

Well, forget about that, let's move on. I never realize that this is the last weekend before christmas and yet i didnt brought much presents. Those who gave me, i really wanted to say a very big thanks if i didnt prepare a present for you. I guess when i booked out on Christmas Eve, i shall go do a last minute shopping if time and money is permitted.

And its 11 more days to the end of 2009. Every year till this time, people are preparing their resoultion. This year, i think i really had no time to think of resoultion. Maybe i shall do it during my leave period.

I am counting down. 4 more days to christmas and then i am on leave all the way till 3-Jan-2010. I will only return to "work" for 12 hours on 28-Dec. Anyone who had free time, please jio me out and dont let me think too much. If not i will really get depression one day. I will think that much only when i had nothing to do.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Untitled Post

Its sunday again! I hate sunday and i love friday. I guess this is going to be my tagline till June 2011. Hhahaa... I waiting for my leave to come and i can have more resting time. Rest time is always insufficient in weekday. No matter how early i slept, next day will just be tired.

Well, i feel that the past few weeks had been a enjoyable weeks for me. Everything goes well. I got a profit of about $300+ for my first investment. Woo hoo! Dont ask me to treat because the money i earn is for the next investment. Well, i believe in investing now. I share make my own money to work harder for me and i SHALL NOT invest in those stupid shit of things. Those thing that when you pull out you suffer the loss of heartache.

2009 is comming to an end soon, very soon. Its about 20+ days more and we will bid good bye to 2009. Well, i thinking of my resoultion for 2010 already. I slowly began to see some lights in front of me. I know what i am going to do next now. I chuck unimportant and maybe hinderance stuff aside. The future is mine and i am going inside it.

I will end my post here today and will update probably next week.