Sunday, September 30, 2007

pradeep = gg

Advise to you pradeep.its short and sweet.add sugar if u want it sweeter.

see a doctor!

and i am willing to pay to be in that dream changing partner to aseter!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

haiz.... vaianas!

well.. its been a while since i updated. been busy doing nothing. AHHA. so went sch just now to take the machine paper,LOL. if i fail then cya guys on lecture ah kay?haha. ohh yea, and i saw chee wei when walking towards the mrt, anyhows.. the paper was ok lah.. i studied yesterday sia..:SZOZ! i cant wait for school.. cuz right now im broke.. no school, no money.. WEAAAAAKKKKKKK~ i miss going mac, i miss ripping on WJ(haha),i miss checking out chicks..LOL i miss school sia! i cant believe im saying this! but i really do miss it.:( haha.. so.. cya guys on oct 15th then! hopefully!:D


very free now so share one jokes and fact ba.some is contributed by dillys.somehow i got the time totalk with ppl in msn :p

1)There is no records of jesus laughing or smile.
because jesus christ (cry)

2)What did Batman say to Robin before they got in the car?
Robin get in the car.

3)There was a lawyer that was talking to his client who just committed murder. He said "I have some good news, and some bad news. The bad news is that you're getting the electric chair." His client said "That's terrible!! Well, what's the good news? " The lawyer said "I got the voltage lowered."

4)A traveling salesman was driving down a country road when a rabbit ran in front of his car and he hit it. The proverbial farmer was sitting on the fence watching. The salesman gets out of his car and opens the trunk. He then removes an aerosol can and sprays the contents on the dead rabbit. The next thing you know the rabbit gets up and hops about 20 ft. down the road, turns and waves to the salesman, goes another 20 ft. and waves to the salesman. The salesman looks at the farmer and says "he'll be ok ay now." The salesman gets into his car and leaves. The farmer wondering what's going on walks over to the ditch where the salesman threw the can, picks it up and read the label which said FOR HARE RESTORATION AND PERMANENT WAVE.

5)A man is sitting on a park bench, making the STRANGEST noises."Are you all right?" asks a concerned stranger. The man nods and keeps making the noises. The stranger then asked "Then why are you screaming like that?" The man replies "It keeps the elephants away." The stranger mentioned that there weren't any elephants for miles. The man smiled "See, it works!"

6)What do you call a deer with no eyes?
answer : no idea ( no eye dear)

7)What do you call a deer with no legs and no eyes?
answer : still no idea

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Today meet up wif apple, her bro n jh.. haha.. FINALLY, apple come out le, usually she will be lazy to come out.. haha.. apple n her bro funny. keep disturbing each other..

Apple quite quiet today.. mayb she's SHY! LOL.. we went to buy ticket first, we brought 4.25pm de.. den we went to eat lunch.. saw paul 2hill at food junction.. after tat when to watch movie, ratatouille.. veri funny we laugh till peng.. Apple seem to be excited abt the movie cos can see her keep moving her body forward.. gt 1 part she chua tio.. kana scared.. =.=

After movie, we decided to play pool.. lucky they din check IC if not apple will not be able to go in.. we r having a great fun playing pool.. apple almost win jh.. she first time play too, mus be talented in playing pool.. u noe y? cos i teaching HER how to play.. WAHAHA.. =]]

After pool we go eat kfc n den go home le.. jus reach home nia.. slping soon.. working tml..

Happy Birthday!!!!

Happy 18th Birthday Pradeep!!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

trying to BE STRONG

Sorry if ive pissed anybdy off lately k? Im nt in a carefree position curently. Im facing some serious stuff at home. My mind's in a whirl. Current situations dun permit me to do stuff i rather do. Do put up with my suckky attitude for a few days yea... all will be fine... i hope.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


3B+, 2B,1C and 1 C+. Hmm actaully this is my best result soo far even though no A la. GPA displayed wat 2.6 smth but when i calculate this sem GPA it was 3.1 smth. But too bad la, they compile everything. But anyways, lets work hard next time and im thankful to God for the pass.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

lawyer jokes

These are from a book called Disorderinthe American Courts, and are thingspeople actually said in court, word forword, taken down and now published bycourt reporters that had the torment ofstaying calm while these exchanges wereactually taking place.

ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at themoment of the impact?

WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.


ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?

WITNESS: No, I just lie there.


ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, doesit affect your memory at all?


ATTORNEY: And in what ways does itaffect your memory?

WITNESS: I forget.

ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot?


ATTORNEY: Do you know if your daughter has ever been involved in voodoo?

WITNESS: We both do.



ATTORNEY: You do?WITNESS: Yes,voodoo.


ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the nextmorning?

WITNESS: Did you actually pass the exam?


ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?

WITNESS: Are you shitt'in me?


ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (ofthe baby) was August 8th?


ATTORNEY: And what were you doing atthat time?

WITNESS: Uh.... I was gett'in laid!


ATTORNEY: She had three children,right?


ATTORNEY: How many were boys?


ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?

WITNESS: Are you shitt'in me? YourHonor, I think I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?


ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?

WITNESS: By death.

ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?

WITNESS: Now whose death do you suppose terminated it?


ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?

WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard.

ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?



ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?

WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when Igo to work.


ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?

WITNESS: All my autopsies are performedon dead people. Would you like to rephrase that?


ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST beoral, OK? What school did you go to?



ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?

WITNESS: The autopsy started around8:30p.m.

ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?

WITNESS: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy on him


ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?

WITNESS: Huh....are you qualified to ask that question?


And the best for last:

ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performedthe autopsy, did you check for a pulse?


ATTORNEY: Did you check for bloodpressure?


ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?


ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible thatthe patient was alive when you begantheautopsy?


ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure,Doctor?

WITNESS: Because his brain was sittingon my desk in a jar.

ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patienthave still been alive, nevertheless?

WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law




Monday, September 17, 2007

tis past few days...

hi guys... result on wed coming out... haha
well tis week was quite fun for me... Although there was a few thing i wish to say...
first is that fucker tat keep licking my manager's ass and he tink he is handsome tat gals wan to stay around him... Well the fact is tat he is jus a rich guy and gals onli look at him for his money... so to tat guy, get a grab...
feel so funny when he talking like a big shot and he tink he is so high class... OMG... haha...
And wat i learn tis week is tat don look at a person's look onli and one self mus learn wat is their limited... i don wan to say much abt wat happen... cos i oso hav no right to talk much...


i went to work as normal and went home as usual... but at 8 i met my friends and when to drink @ Lighthouse... We oso crazy one... we spent 6 hrs to drink frist 2 martell and talkin to gals who work there... i met tis good gal name sophia and she is 19 too... but wat too bad is tat my friend targeted her... and no use to snatch friends' target although we r in a 'play for fun' mood... then form 4 - 6 am we went to martin entertainment and wat we get is a fake martell and it doesn't taste rite...
then after tat we went home and sleep...


i wake up abt 1pm and start jio ppl for basketball at nite... turn out, my friend brought 2 guys wit 1.95m and 1.86m players from unity sec sch... playing wit them seriously is a hard one although i did score abt 4 points out of 11 game points in front of them... but i can not do wat i wanted to do due to two of them... 7 sets of games and my team onli able to win 3... good job to my friends cos they did most of the scoring and i did onli rebounds and steals... it was fun when challenge arise...
sleep early till to fri fun and sat excerise...

well tat all guys... good luck for wed result and keep updating... and we broke our 100 posts... i am 102... haha...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

EVAN almightly

Today went out wif jh, apple bro (benned) to watch movie, evan almightly.. Apple actually wanna come along de.. den last min PANG SEH.. wahaha..
Nvm.. next time see her.. make her into apple juice as wat jh mention to me.. LOL..
During the movie, we three laughed till peng.. ALOT of veri funny scene.. u all mus go watch..
After watching movie, we went to paradize centre to play pool.. it was fun, cos tis time ard i on form.. manage to win jh.. but sometime win jh is luck. cos i anyhow shoot n it anyhow go in.. wahaha..benned oso got improve too.. mus thx to jh too.. he is alot ppl de shifu.. LOL..
After our pool session, we were headaches abt wat to eat.. so we decided to go back ps den we decide... n so we decided to eat pasta mania.. we were so hungry tat we order alot of things.. gt bread, baked rice n pizza.. LOL.. eat till full..
ok.. apple i will jio u out again for movie.. since u sae it in ur blog.. WAHAHA.. but tis time no pang seh.. =]]
GUYS pls update?

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Yellowcard - Light up the sky

Your making choice to live like this,
And all of the noise,
I Am Silence.
We already know how it ends tonight,
You run in the dark through a firefight.
And I would explode just to save your life,
Yeh I would explode.

Let me light up the sky,
Light it up for you.
Let me tell you why,
I would die for you.
Let me light up the sky.

I can't find a wall to pin this to,
Their all coming down since i've found you.
I just wanna be where you are tonight.
I run in the dark looking for some light,
And how will we know if we just don't try,
We won't ever know.

Let me light up the sky,
Light it up for you.
Let me tell you why,
I would die for you.

Let me light up the sky,
Light it up for you.
Let me make this mine,
I'll ignite for you.

Let me light up the sky,
Just for you tonight.
Let me help you fly,
Cause you won't have time.
Cover your eyes,
Get your disguise,
They won't ask you why,
They just watch you die.

And it's still so hard to be who you are,
So you play this part,
The show goes on.
You've come this far with a broken heart,
Yeh you've come this far,
And you've broken.

Let me light up the sky,
Light it up for you.
Let me tell you why,
I would die for you.
Let me light up the sky,
Light it up for you.
Let me make this mine,
I'll ignite for you,
I'll ignite for you.

Let me light up the sky,
Light it up for you.
Let me tell you why,
I would die for you.

And it's still so hard to be who you are,
But you've come this far with a broken heart.
And it's still so hard to be who you are,
But you've come this far with a broken...

Let me light up the sky,
Let me light up the sky.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Today n tml take off.. Cos i have to attend my ah ma de funeral.. =[[
On Mon i receive tis sad new after my work.. Ah ma was dead.. she's dead after suffering from a heart attack.. so tis few days i will MIA..
i oso piss off too..
SOMEONE wanna spoil my reputation? how u spoil it? come lo.. u tink i scare.. call me cheapo?
last time sae wj watch free movie online u oso call him cheapo den u urself watch free moive too.. ratatouille!! so was u a CHEAPO too?
As for the present, since u sae noe 2 days friend mus chip out money den u noe 2 days friend will u lend him money? if u will lend den i will pay.. if not fuck off.. somemore pradeep din sae anything abt the present lo.. he jus ask me come cos he sae tat there was not enough ppl going.. so not too spoil mood, i went.. BTW i din sae noe for 2 days NOT friend u BITCH..
u tink u veri pretty ar? u jus a fat n below average BITCH.. my tt friend add u in msn bcos he jus being friendly.. he oso got add jh too.. u tink he interested in u? PLS dun tink too HIGHLY of urself? u will not get a handsome guy as a husband cos of ur action n ur bitchy attitude.. SO STOP fa hua chi.. see handsome guy like horny like tat.. the guy veri shuai.. wad wad wad.. =.=
i still hav alot of thing to sae i giv u face so i stop here n i use a black font too.. i scare tat i will spoil ur reputation MORE if i keep write.. so if ppl highlight it they will noe u MORE too..

Sunday, September 9, 2007

A veri sian Week

tis week to me damn sian... i did not went back to secondary sch to visit my teacher during teachers' day...
but then my sec sch hav nothing for me to visit to.... LOL...

tue i was off from my work and i did nothing but rest at home... At nite i was onli able to make myself to run for 1/2 hr... Hope i will not gain more weight during tis time...

Fri was a veri boring day for me... Although i took half day off, i was not able to meet up wit my pals to go pub in the end... seriously No Money = No life... LOL...
i hav to say sorry to edmund who is going to army... i can't meet u all for the last 2 weeks due to low cash... & i don wan to own u all any more money... it not right to keep owning u guys money...

Sat was the same... went to lot 1 to pay bills on my dad's behalf and saw kai ni working at 'giodano'(i don noe really how to spell it!!!)... seeing someone in giodano kept making me rmb of someone...(most of u noe wat i talking abt)
Then at home i draw a couple of pic...

first pic is jay chou(I don tink i draw it correctly)... the second is haseo from the game(HACK//G.U) not completed yet... Third one i get it long ago from warcraft...

Saturday, September 8, 2007

on 31 aug pic

ALL tis pic below is on teacher's day, 31 aug.. today den gt the pic so i upload it.. haha


Last but not least, ME

Candy n zifu
US.. but look like candy was been blocked

Friday, September 7, 2007



Singapore Indoor Stadium

TICKET PRICE (Exclude Booking Fee)

Free Standing - S$148, S$128

Reserved Seating - S$128, S$88, S$68

Please add to above price $2 Booking Fee for tickets above $20 and $1 Booking Fee for tickets $20 and below. Charges include GST where applicable.

Admission Rules

No admission for infant in arms or child aged below 7 years old for seated sections and below 12 years old for standing sections.

* Strictly no Bottles, Photography, Video recording and Audio recording is allowed for this event !

No Stupid Ppl.!

eh Interested sia.but 128...and 148 free standing? then why buy 148 one xD....

Thursday, September 6, 2007

They coming to Singapore againnnn!!

Yes they are coming to Singapore Again
November 13 Singapore Indoor Stadium
But the ticks are expensive
Those interested about the price
Can go see at
I think im going again
How cool is that man!
k im done
Fasting month is coming
im becoming thinner?
no no..gonna eat more when break fast time

Monday, September 3, 2007


31 Aug 07

Take off from work n head to sch for teacher's day celebration.. When we reach there, we faster went to hall to watch the performance.. haha.. But the performance abit boring.. all singing de.. haha.. After the performance, went down to the staff room to visit teachers. The last teacher tat we visited is our form teacher, Mr how and everyone is waiting for him to treat us lunch again.. wahaha..

After lunch, candy suggested to go to kbox, so we agreed... onli five of us go nia and they r kai ming, jiaming, zifun candy n me.. the rest go home.. =.= So we decided to go amk for our kbox session.. but tis is not at kpool de kbox is at other side de, raider there.. the kbox there veri good.. Cos we were supposed to sing till 5.30 but in the end, we sang till 7pm..

After tat, candy n kaiming went home den left me jiaming n zifu.. we went to kfc to had our dinner n went home.. =]]

1 sep 07

Meet zifu, wei kiong n his gf n we went to suntec for IT fair.. Cos zifu wanna buy laptop n weikiong wanna buy mp3.. but in the end weikiong brought himself a mp4 n zifu brought himself a toshiba laptop.. wahaha..

After buying we went home, cos they going to jam after tat at 4.30.. so i meet them at chong pang n went jamming.. wahaha.. after tat they had dinner n home sweet home..

3 sep 07

As for today, nth much.. went to work nia.. super sian lo.. den i slp during work when is abt to release tat time.. Having a flu now.. keep sneezing.. =[[

B4 i end i wanna wish wen juan good luck for her N lvl.. =]]

Sleep aso cannot ah

Well im still sick, abt 20 days and still counting. I was on medication yesterday, and i was feeling drowsy so i went to nap in the aft, it was abt 3 plus. Then some guy, thinkis my relative, called my house phone just when i was falling asleep. It was noisy la so had to go take. Then he wanted to speak to my mom, then i said she aso sleeping and ask him to call later. Then i go back to bed again. Then as i was falling asleep, he call again! Was irritated la. Then my mother just nice come out when i went to ans the phone, so i pass it to her. Then i went back to bed again, then my grandmother come in my room, wake me and ask if i sleeping anot. wah... was super pissed oready. then she say she wan ice kacang from the shop. Bo pian mah, hv to go buy. Then by the time come back was alr 5. I wanted to go and sleep b4 anybdy disturb me. Then mother say, if sleep at this time the family will have bad luck, dun sleep. WAHHH..... I really nothing to say alr. Was really really pissed tt day.

Then tdy supposed to go east coast, then due to certain circumstances, the trip kena cancel. Then we went to kovan from bedok, talk talk stare stare, then go to bishan J8. Go eat pasta mania then felt like eating ice cream at swensens. Then we gt only 3 ppl in the end. then super nth to do. So walk from J8 all the way to my hse there. Met MR CHIA on the way. HE last time so happy get high high class then tdy say our batch just lazy only, but now theirs gt attitude problem. muahaha, dillys are u reading this? We're better than them. Yea then reach the bus stop lio, then dad called to buy smth, then walk back to the shops then walk back to the bus stop again, then they left and i went up home. Yea tts abt it la. Am super pissed lately, so pardon me if i explode at u guys. ENJOY UR HOLIDAYS! Cheers!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Life's a BITCH,sometimes

my friends.. got nothing to post, so i just post this to let u like know a little about my life,kinda. so days have been bad for me.. i'm stoning right now.. got no idea what to post, but i just feel like posting. ohh yea, just now i helped wie jie to buy his crumpler bag cuz my "friend" is selling it for cheaper price.. really cheaper price.. so if any of u out there wanna buy, pm me in u guys are most probably busy working huh. thats cool.. well thas all.. goodbye.
