Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Count Down to New Sem

haha... i'm back to update...
tml basically is the end of IBC Working days...
Wat i did tis few days basically is weekend basketball then sunday slack....
mon till wed is abt all work... but today i slack though the working hrs... i even download a whole album by Xin Guang Bang... hahaha...
even cs and my friend find it surpirsely y i so slient today cos i been browsing though and downloading songs... Wahahaha...
speaking of Chun Sim... Pls man... Stop being so Gay and stop all the audrey stuff...
jus now finish work, do u noe her man was behind us @ the lift... wakao...
but working there wit chun sim basically u mus not hav any heart problem... cos u may not not wat he going to do next min... i was scare or lame by him a couple of times...
today oso is hui xian's last day... she look emo when she start work... Maybe due to bf and stuff... then suddenly at lunch i rmber tat lame joke tat goes when a emo gal and a emo guy hav sex and they give birth to Elmo... hahaha...
errrmmm... i going to end liao... hahaha...
guys wan to meet @ yck mrt abt 12 to go buy lect notes??? msg me if u wan to go @ friday...
thanks... bye...

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