Tuesday, January 29, 2008


b4 i go copy my note for tml test. i wanna thx cs n yj for the presents they giv.
THX for the wallet n shirt. although i will not be in the same class wif u all next year but i will treasure tis friendship in my deep deep heart.
this 2 yr in poly life is the happier life tat i hav been. love all my friends.

okok.. i will end here. thx to everyone of u who had entered into my life. if dun hav u all my life will not be complete. THX.

Monday, January 28, 2008

2nd year of poly is coming to an endddddd

Pradeep fierce...
boring moring
tml bpo test
all the best
k bye

Friday, January 25, 2008

Untitled Post

Well, its been for at least a few weeks i didnt post already. Well, i am NOT DEAD yet.. I am alive and maybe will die in the next few weeks or maybe months... hahaha...

This few weeks had been a very busy week for us from final tests till presentation. All enough to make us die. Sometimes i feel that i should be born clever or really i do not have luck (Depend on whether you think i am stupid or unlucky). How hard i study for my tests also useless one, its still an F in the end. I thought my luck changes abit but not really. Up to now, my IT 2754 is still an F (although the last test i can do but dono y) and my IT2751 is gurantee an F again (by juding on this morning test). I do not understand all sort of programming... Maybe i see the chunk of codes i can sleep already...

If i know earlier this course is like this, i should even try my luck to appeal BECAUSE I FEEL IT IS NOT WORTH IT. I should have gone the long way or rather i should even work harder to go what should i like.. What i can say now is TOO LATE!

Well, my next post i have some furious news to share with you guys.. Those who go through
SEC 5N might be appericate of it..

Thursday, January 24, 2008

new post!

BACK to blog!! Finally all the project had end! thes few days not enough slp..
like a zombie.. haha. Today we did a finally presentaion for tis sem and is the last for me.. cos next sem i will be taking other specialise, i taking programming while mostly of my other class guy taking ilog..
so onli me going to programming.. =[[


i will rmb n miss

chunsim siao-ness
jiehui lame-ness
towhong naggy-ness n his fav action (onli some of us noe) n his free tix for movie.
daniel laugh-ness n all his crap
hakim sia la.
weijie hao lian n contridiction (can shoot him)
pradeep tsk tsk-ness.
weizhong joke n disturbig

for those who i din mention, of cos will miss u too.
hope we can meet up in the future, we can still tok n lame ard.
RMB to date me out guys. i will rmb tis 2 yr of poly life tat we going through it is so fun. my life will not be fun n happy wifout all of u.

As for us, mostly of us gt into path B which mean we hav to do our final project n attachment first. Wish everyone good luck, hope i gt a nice boss n can slack in their company.

Last sun went out wif vanessa, kian, my bro n me.
we have a gathering, we went to watch movie, body 19, the movie was so sucky.
N i drink alot of water while watching movie den i nd to go toilet to pee.
den they spread sae i scare till wanna pee.. =.=
this sentence is for van, ask me pee in popcorn box, arbish box u.
wahaha. ok. i going to end here le.. there is so many up coming test next week..
kana die at home to study! =[[

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Chaos At kbox

haha... tis is my first post in 2008...
Well the kbox trip for my friend's birthday is amazing nite for me and my friends...
although i forget to buy present for the birthday girl... XD
we all started at 7 and i am quite surprise all came on time... then we started singing till 1130 where my guys get the birthday cake for the bday girl... she was surprise and she nvr thought we will buy a cake for her...
after singing bday song, the chao really begin... don noe y the bday girl gone wild and wat, all start to use cake and attack... lucky for me, i went out quicky and my face kanna a bit onli...
details is in the video... (P.S no R(A) included as my friend say one part a bit like R(A))...

After the clean up, we gone back to singing then i went back abt 3++...
taxi is really exp nowaday... Jus like towhong say... Kao... lol
Photos for tat day...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Untitled Post

So while waiting for my "slow-motion" mum, i shall blog.. I want offline already then she is there "slow-motion-ing" taking out her MP3, See the serial number and so i must wait. If not later forget to register her warnty again..

So shall talk something about school perhaps.. After all F, i think luck is comming up to me already. Last monday my business mandrain test up to now get A. Although its a low A but i hope i can get overall A coz i never get A before for any module. Seriously i havent get before any A for this past 2 years. And Monday night see the ERP result heng arx, no F! If i not wrong is C. i think the F is "Forever Gone".. hahaha,... Hoping for no more F.

And yesterday i was throughly disappointed with some people.. Well, dun care that.. Sad thing is bound to have it...

Now my mum give me the serial number liaoz so i registered and end my blogging here.. Bye everyone.. Looking forward to see you all on monday.. ahahaha...

Sunday, January 6, 2008

School Making me Sleepy meepy


Another one

Photoshop FTW

Super nothing to do, lazy do project, SO i made this.

some of my past creations.

Friday, January 4, 2008

First post of 2008

New year new entry... well, i had made my resoultion or/& wishes in 2007 liaoz... So 2008 New Year Old Wishes... ahahhaa... (Jie Hui... New Year BUT OLD WISHES)

Well... My wish for 2008 (as written in 2007)

1. To have money (Current Assets) in my bank account to grow till a quarter of 5 digits figures...
2. To fall ill less than 6 times in 2008.
3. To start taking my driving lesson in 2008.

My resoultion or rather wishes is as simple as ABC one.. 3 only... Short and simple. I do not have big aim or big wishes when i am writting this. Most popular wishes i had from my friend. To lose weight (afewvery unrealistic weight losing too). all i wanted to say is its a fortunate that we can eat. Lose weight is not equal to u do what exercise or what. Eat healthily do play a part.. :)
Anopther popular resoultion. Find a partner too.. Alamak. All this is when you want it, it will not come to you soon and when you do not want it, it will come to you.. All this is god fated.. I also wun wish for all this and morever i do not want it now..

But when i post this, i tink i want to get something. Luck in studies.. I do not understand why, no matter what i put in the result is always the same "Fantastic".. Sianz lorx.. I dunno what is going down-slide lorx... @$#%&^%*%$@....