Thursday, March 26, 2009

Untitled Post

Well, this few days was alright for me. And i feel alittle down last night. If i scolded anyone, i am sorry. Yesterday just was a bad day for me. Afternoon i email out to request for some helps and guess what the other party reply me?
"I regret to inform you that i am unable to help you due to the regulation...."
so i got so fed-up with that idiot. And in the end i sought help from someone else and make me feel like replying that idiot with this
"I am pleased to inform you that i had sought help and we no longer need your help anymore. In future, please do not email me and i wouldnt want to email you too."

And caught a movie with JH JJ and Yulin the day before. KILL... Whahahahaa... A funny and vuglar show larx.. LOL.. But not suitable for woman to watch lea, abit vuglar..

Well, nothing more to add on. I am tired, sleeping soon..

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Untitled Post

Its a weekend again. Days passed, weeks passed, months passed. Its been one month + since we had our last paper. All i can say is times flies.

I got nothing much to post because nothing to share with everyone. I think i will have some busy weeks ahead probably till the mid of April. Busy for work and i shall not elaborate here because i am not trying to show off what i am working.

Lastly a random sentence. I ever heard an advertisement tag line
"Good things always come in a pair"
True or not? I don't have the answer to it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Untitled Post

I am so fed-up now! Some idiotic web designer can put the word "Web Maintainence" at a corner where no one sees. I rather they dont announce. I stupid stupid go try to send in thrice then i saw the word web maintainence. No wonder i keep having error. STUPID. Waste my 2 hours. Luckily radio now played a smoothing song to my ear "My love will bring you home". I am singing to it,
If you found yourself lost and all alone, get back to your feet and think of me, My love will get you home

Next result out yesterday morning. The smartest person doesnt check his result at 12am but instead went to bed. Hahaha.. This year everyone is being cheated. The result is released at OFFICIAL TIME 8AM. Hahaha.. Well, wasnt too satisfied with my result although i got one A. The modules i expected to do well end up so bad. Well, what can i say?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Untitled Post

So well, countdown starts - 1 month time.
Have or not is one month later.

If you people still do not know what i am referring to, i am referring to my TP test. 15-Apr-2009 1100am. If you had no business to be near the roads of AMK, please shoo off. Hahaha...

So my dad gave me a very big encouragement.
He told me 11.00am test
12.00noon return to driving centre
1.00pm Settle everything
2.00pm To go lend my uncle car
3.00pm Go fetch my aunt
4.00pm at Airport.
My dad is a big planner for me but this is also what he encourage me. To pass at first taking.

Honestly speaking, i am scared. I scared mount kerb, i scared vertical parking, horizontal parking. Alot of scared... LOL.. Pray that i can do everything in a very proper way at that day.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Untitled Post

I think its been afew days since i last blogged. Well, alittle busy this week. And four weeks had passed. Remembered four weeks ago we had just finished our last papers. Its really time is flying without us noticing.

I got nothing much to say but this post is dedicated to a birthday girl


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Untitled Post

I just cannot understand why i am so tired this few days. Me everyday sleep 8 hours and i am so tired everyday. Weird.
Next, yesterday went for Revision driving lesson. 2 weeks never drive alot of thing can get very mess up lorx. Parallel parking very bu shun. Then i dunno why last time my directional change i can do very nicely, yesterday i do its not straight at all. Then i ask my instruction he say directional change if not straight also never mind because its call Directional Change. Really mahz? I dunno.
And i like got those mindset of buying every household things at JB. Hahahaa.. Just now i follow my mum go supermarket she want buy washing detergent i told her, aiya i go JB then buy for you. Whahahahaa... Super duper funny mindset i have.

Another poem i thought of:
You are just like the "hum" in my bowl of Laksa.
You complement with my bowl of Laksa.
Without you, it doesnt taste like Laksa.
Without you, i doesnt even crave for Laksa.
So just to let you know, you only fit into my bowl of Laksa.
and of course not mee siam



Ok, i advertise here liao. So the charges is $1 per day. Whahahahaahaha... Who want me advertise for them, please call me. whahahaa...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Untitled Post

Woo.. Its been afew days since i last posted. Was thinking to do my private task to earn money tonight but my "boss" ask me to KIV first.
And was so happy today. I am going to receive my first pay cheque for work after graduation. Woo hoo.. I will try my best to save all this money.
Actually i got nothing to post but just post a entry if not people think i am date.
And yesterday was thinking should i go Hong Kong on the 8-10 with my god-mum. But end up aiya dun wan larx now no money also. So Poor.

End up with another sentence.

Dear, you are just like the power in my house.
Without you, i cannot watch television program.
Without you, i cannot surf the net.
Without you, i cannot do my daily necessity.
Without you, i felt powerless.
In short, i cannot do without you as you power up my life.