Thursday, March 26, 2009

Untitled Post

Well, this few days was alright for me. And i feel alittle down last night. If i scolded anyone, i am sorry. Yesterday just was a bad day for me. Afternoon i email out to request for some helps and guess what the other party reply me?
"I regret to inform you that i am unable to help you due to the regulation...."
so i got so fed-up with that idiot. And in the end i sought help from someone else and make me feel like replying that idiot with this
"I am pleased to inform you that i had sought help and we no longer need your help anymore. In future, please do not email me and i wouldnt want to email you too."

And caught a movie with JH JJ and Yulin the day before. KILL... Whahahahaa... A funny and vuglar show larx.. LOL.. But not suitable for woman to watch lea, abit vuglar..

Well, nothing more to add on. I am tired, sleeping soon..

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