Wednesday, August 29, 2007

pic of red moon


Red moon

Ytd newspaper n radio gt report sae can see red moon.. but ytd the red moon din appeared.. i tink is the moon shy.. wahaha.. no la.. i tink is bcos of the rain in the afternoon.. den in the nite time gt dark cloud cover it tat y we can see it.. so sad la.. haha..

i was at home looking ard the sky to look for the red moon but cant find it.. wahaha.. but nvm i tink can see it next time ba..

Do u now how red moon is form? it is cos by eclipsed.. haha

ok.. i tink i end here liao ba.. seem like alot of ppl is back to blog.. haha..
to ans th de ans the one who tag wei jie is kaijing la duh.. cant u see the killing power coming out.. wj is die.. LOL..


Days didnt blog and i nearly forget about this until now. So i decided to "eat snake" while i work to come here blog.. Haha... Who's care what... People can use 3 hours yesterday to have a lunch. So i can also use my time working to blog. Kan Bu Shuang ppl who go so long for lunch. I go 2 hours long liao, people still can go 3 hours. Dunno do what seh! Well, dun care about unhappiness at work. Blog important! Who's care about "eating snake" as long as i am "productive" in work, close as many deal as possible and be the BEST in customer's service will do... LOL....

My offical working hours are 11am to 7pm on weekday. 11am to 3pm on Saturday and i am off on Sunday! hahaha.... Actually, i simply love holidays. Haha... Coz i can dun nid worry about school work and schooling time...

Now, i got something very curious to ask also, who the one who had war with wei jie arx, CAPS LOCK and scold him. To the one i intrested in knowing who are you, see this message can sms me? ahhaha....


Tuesday, August 28, 2007


paiseh my drawing de pic abit dark.. haha..
tis is wat i am going to post on tat day when i mention.. go see my drawing skill..
u all can post comment on it.. =]]

haha. i'm back.

hey guys... i'm back in the blog... haha...
well tml is the start of work for me and chun sim...
we r working in the same company...

tis few days wat i did is all sports... haha...
from basketball to gym and swimming, the result i get in the end is my whole body is now in pain...

United hero Solskjaer retires... tis is the headline in soccernet today...
one of the best players in england is going to retire...
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer ,34 yrs old, the reason for retirement cos of problems with a knee injury...

good luck to him anyway... and hope u guys hav a good hoilday...

Its Morphin Time!

Hello Everyone
eh the picture look like
Power Rangers off to see zordon
donch you think so?
Dan blue ranger, Padeep grey ranger,
Jie hui White Ranger
Chee wei orange ranger,
Me black ranger
holiday boring sia
thats all
don't know wat to say alreadyy
k bye

Monday, August 27, 2007


hehe.. im so bored of our blog.. so decided to update baby!its monday blues today.. holidays are going bad :( im broke.. but i cant wait for saturday baby! wow.. sch starts oct 15.. thats like a long way to go man, i hope i find a job soon or else im gonna die of boredom(not funny).so yeah.. this pic was taken when we were in the middle of unix class, and i dont know how we ended up together.haha. usually they'll be jh,deep or wj.. but its like only the 3 of us.hmm so thats it ay.. cya guys ard soon! go MOS ah JJ!hehe kk chao

Friday, August 24, 2007


Finally exam OVER liao.. now can relax relax.. so shiok.. den can play alot of thing le.. wahaha... mahjong n other alot of thing to do.. wahaha..

Shiok Shiok Shiok Shiok Shiok Shiok Shiok Shiok Shiok Shiok Shiok

den mus start find job le.. haha.. if not at home rot till siao..mayb later i going to post wat i draw today.. hehe.. ok bye..


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Dan Black

If i was in South Park, i would probably look like this :) HAHA! And for those who watch SP, i bet Cartman will rip on me for being black! hmm.. nothing much to say ay, so i think i'll make this short and sweet =) anyway good luck for exams guys and gals!


Tuesday, August 21, 2007


So sian lo.. so fast exam liao. ytd de cisco exam was great.. all the tip tat teacher giv gt come out.. But the teacher giv extra, hai wo men study extra @#$%.. memerise till siao lo.. haha..

Tok abt today, went to yishun de BK to study wif cat, wz,yj jh n pradeep.. Meet them up to help them on some part of their study.. hehe.. After study jh n i brought an adidas perfom for ourselves.. hehe..

When i reach home, beside my block got ppl die.. dunno is suicide or someone push.. i heard it from my neighbour, she sae got ppl push the old man down.. But dunno is real anot.. den i from my hse here look down i saw a pool of blood man.. yuck..

2 more exam to go.. tml is machine n left 1 more on fri.. And it's HOLIDAY.. woohoo.. Good luck for exam everyone!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

IQ test

go do this iq Test

I got 133.
Make sure u gt time on ur hands to do this test cuz its abt 50 questions. This is a must do test as it is highly accurate. Please post ur results in the blog.

Classification (courtesy of

140 and over
genius or near genius

Very superior Intelligence

Superior intelligence

Normal or average intelligence


Borderline deficiency



Below 20

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Things to do after the Exam

the exam is coming... and now the whole class is now chong-ing their studies...
the war will due to 24 aug... so jus work hard boys and gals... after exam is the great and enjoyin holiday which i tink i will be working again... LOL...
but till there are at least 5 things i was hoping to do in tis holiday...

1) earn money for my upcoming hp and my crumpler bag...
2) i wan to gain more strength and i wan my stamina back....
(cos nowaday i damn no strength and run 2km oso became tired)
3) i wan to master my inside scorin abilities, rebounding and my turn-around
jump shot...
4) i wish to complete 2 games in the holiday...
5) and lastly, i wan to go kbox to sing at least once and sleep more... \

LOL... o ya...
All the best for the exam...
good luck...


Science over Arts

You scored as Biology, You should be a Biology major! You are passionate about the sciences, and you enjoy studying cell growth and evolutionary concepts which enable living organisms to survive. Pursue that!





























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Pradeep has been AFK cuz he is sick. As usual. And now he is recovering and will change the blog skin. And only 2 people balloted, pradeep is going to turn communist and change the skin to what he deems best.

Monday, August 13, 2007


Today meet up wif jiehui n weijie to go to sch to borrow book for the coming cisco exam and i had planned after borrowing go study abit.. But when jh come meet us, he sae he haven eat.. so after we borrow, we go koufu eat.. during our eating jh mention MJ, and we abit hand itchy so we decided to go jh hse played.. wahaha..

During the play, wj is forever putting pao.. keeping letting ppl win.. haha..i rmb got 1 round, its ending le.. den he can still put san tong instead of qi tong.. den jh still ask him u really wanna throw tis? he sae yup.. >.< darn funny lo.. den jh win.. LOL

den we play till 6pm and we did a final count on our chips.. And good news are i won 50 cents and jh won 12 buck.. woohoo.. Bad new is wj lost $12.50.. After tat, we went home le.. hehe

Sunday, August 12, 2007

my point of view of the movie "secret"

OMG... i jus found out the movie "secret" by jay zhou is on i jus watch the whole movie and i save my 9 bucks to watch it in cinema... WAHAHAHA...
well i found the movie hav its meaning for its' storyline... but then i found that the ending is sux and lame man...
ya true there is a couple of chio bu in the movie and there is a sense of sadness in the movie when the guy learn tat the gal is dead and the gal though everyone tinks she is siao...
but then the ending is super lame...
the gal travel though time using a piano!!!! WTH... lol...
but then not onli the gal able to do tat... jay zhou oso able to do so???? quite confusing...
i better stop talking be4 ppl starting shooting me... XD

Friday, August 10, 2007


Go to ur mail and look in the junkbox ASAP. Got a voting system for yall to vote on which skin yall one. Skin1, Skin2 or Skin3.Instrustions are in the mail. MUST vote or else the system will keep spam ur mail... all 2gig of it :P

NDP pics


Another Shot at CBD

Nite soon

Ferry In construction

Towhong :o Wuuuuu

On Da Seat View


first Stop...

4 goodie bags for 3 Ppl.(typical singaporean)



Today went to marnia there to watch ndp, we are the first to watch it.. =]] The whole thing was like abit boring at the start but when come to the middle n back it was so exciting.. can see their aircraft all tis.. den after tat listen to kit chen sing song.. when she starting tat song, it make me rmb the yes 9.33 de song..den after tat song other songs n finally come the fireworks.. it was so nice man.. when seeing the firework it is so peaceful.. =]]

today gt alot of GOOD things happen.. firstly gt free goodies bag onli 3 of us going nia.. (th, jh n me) n we gt 4 goodies bag instead of 3.. great.. secndly when after ndp we went to KFC at ps for dinner they giv us extra foods too.. 2 more whipped potatos n colesaw.. so lucky.. so next tiem u wanna free things mus ask th come along.. i gonna post a few pic.. cos th n jh have take alot of pic too.. i have to leave it to them to post other interesting n exciting pic..esp FIREWORK!!

Peaceful night
the new ndp stadium!

Thursday, August 9, 2007







or go find any skins u like, and inform me.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Eve of National Day

Today is the eve of National Day. Today might be a happy day for those studying in Primary and Secondary schools and even JCs because they can leave school early. They have celebration for today and can leave school early today. However, it might be sad too for them as they might had to wear RED to school. RED is proven to be a "unpopular" colour to youngster like us so they might feel unhappy to wear red to school.

Whatever it is, to many of us we had leave that kind of "celebration" long ago. To me, i prefer all this celebration because can go home early! Yay! (I think should be go hung around ba.. hee) But all this early dismissal also caused headaches. Today morning at around 10am, i was travelling on MRT going to meet my dad. Usual morning, MRT is not so packed but today it is. Then driving along Orchard Road, usually at about 11 am it is smooth too but today is difference. I asked my dad, do he think today is like eve of Chinese New Year, he say he got the feeling too. He say its even like eve of Christmas or Eve of new year. hahaa... Well, traffic jams + crowded make me really feel like its eve of CNY!

Well, count on me Singapore! hahaa... Tomrrow is National Day, let me wish Singapore a Happy Birthday here and wishes everyone enjoy your day tomrrow! AND DO NOT FORGET! IT 2764-D1 FRIENDS, STUDY FOR FRI TEST AND STUDY ON TUTIORAL 7, ITS AN IMPORTANT TOPIC.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

There's no place i rather be!

This song lyrics was taken from Yes933 Website ( Its the this year national day Theme song There's no place i rather be.
Edited by Yes 933 Deejay, Zhou Chong Qing & Xiao Jia Hui.
Listen to the youthtube and see the lyrics. It is super duper funny!

原词/曲: 叶良俊

长城有魅力 也很吃力
其实SENTOSA 会更便宜
这是美丽的天地 我的家就在这里
去到外地 我才发现
这里也有PULAU UBIN 要骑脚车也可以
你要很小心 别像周崇庆
这是美丽的天地 我的家就在这里
这是美食的天地 有很多好吃东西

and thanks to Youtube and yes933.. hahaa

Just for Laughs

i see one pretty girl
Jie hui and Junjie dunno..

ahhh...Jie hui found it...
But Junjie still dunno....
What sia Hakim
Gangster Jie Hui



Hey Peeporl

Today i bought 2 new t shirts for only 20 bucks..

and its very nice...

can u dig that suckaaa


watched ALONE...

the main actress very pretty...

but the movie not as scary as SHutter or Ju oN 2 la...

kla..thats all folks...


Sunday, August 5, 2007

What is in WOW ( world of warcraft )

Yeah some shot taken out with my character. ;) its girl becoz if male wear those dress will look like shit!

Bu neng suo de mi mi

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Whats cooler than being cool?

Hie everyone....

i bought a new handphone la seiii...

how cool is that...


please sumthing with pictures..

words only.......effing boring sia...

thats all folks....

The good thing of blog

Now i am going to write the good thing of blog (what jie hui) says in his previous blog.

MY BIRTHDAY WISH! Yea! I abit bu yao nian to write my wish here... hahahaa..... Fine just write for the sake of writting.!

Wish 01: Buy a new Carmera SPONSORED BY SOMEONE LIAOZ! (Advertised in Today, 03AUG)
Wish 02: Buy a new anti-virus software for my laptop. (I never say the old AND FREE anti-virus software isnt nice. But its my heart thinking FREE thing might not be as good as pay money things. haha...) So Jie Hui, dun always say FREE de take lah! LOL
Wish 03: Learn driving. Hopefully someone will SPONSOR my whole driving course. (Someone also want to sponsor me this already. Talk in progress! haaha..)
Wish 04: Friends to be happily together..

Actually, my wish is not to let people waste money on my birthday. I rather friends be happily come and and celebrate my day, and make my day a wonderful and unforgettable day. Regardless of a meal at hawker centre or a chalet, i wouldnt mind. Its the thought and the happiness we have counted.


Ytd we hav our cisco last online test, n the darn teacher keep standing at the back.. that make us cant copy a thing and i gt a 44.6%.. but lucky overall i gt a 59%.. haha..

After cisco lesson we went to amk to play pool.. it was fun.. haha.. abt 7 of us went to play pool.. Daniel everytime make us laugh.. we keep laughing all the way.. =]]

After pool, i went back yishun to meet up wif my pri sch friends to watch midnight movie.. Jason, disheng, joyce n me.. haha.. they all still as lame as ever.. esp jason full of crap n lame things.. but he is the laughter of everyone.. haha.. ytd night, we stand at the gv tinking of wat show to watch n finally we decide to watch Secret directed by jay chou.. when we went into the cinema, joyce sae she was cold.. although she is wearing a jacket.. i decided to lend her my jacket to her.. see how good i am.. =]] but towards the end i can feel the cold.. i start to shiver.. haha..

Secret was so nice n romantic man.. i giv 4 out of 5 for tt.. haha.. tis time jay acting is better.. haha.. the nu zhu jiao (main female actresses) was so sweet man when she smile.. her smile was so sweet man.. my heart almost melted.. woohoo.. haha.. so guy wat r u waiting for fast go watch.. i love the story man.. but the ending abit weird n can make some of u confusing.. but indeed it is a nice show..

After the show, we went home sweet home.. reach home 2.30am le.. ytd was indeed veri fun.. hope to meet u guys out more often.. =]]

Gonna end le.. i tink tis is the longer post i had ever post.. bye

Friday, August 3, 2007

Gay Rooster

A farmer buys a young rooster to
impregnate his chickens. The young
rooster struts into the barn and yells
to the old rooster, Get out, old man!
This is my barn now!

Tell you what, says the old rooster.
Ill race you around the farm; winner
gets all the chicks.

The old rooster takes off toward the
front of the house with the young
rooster chasing him. The farmer takes
one look at the roosters, pulls out his
shotgun, and blows the young one away.

Dammit, says the farmer. Thats the
third gay rooster Ive bought this



Thursday, August 2, 2007

Whats is wrong with blog.

bad thing abt blogs.

1) public blogs are view easily by other ppl.

2)blog? isnt that a girls stuff LOL

3)got to update everyday to keep it active zzz

4)comments and opinions of others are put in blog ( find death way? in chinese)

good things abt blogs.

1) -.- i cant think of any
2)still dun hv
4) maybe if it happen to make something good .
5) OH YEAH Birthday wish..(only good thing)

Make ur blog private viewing if u dun want any War to go on :)! coz the rich wage war ,is the poor who die.
Using blog to quarrel is duh. come on.
Why no lim some kopi and sit down settle it peacefully.
"Say "NO" to BLOG"!!! "SNB"!

Mcspicy Upsize. MEMBER?

August 1st was a special day for me, went to sch to take my marketing test and thankfully it all turn put pretty darn well. hope so. after the test my friends and i went to Macdonald's to have our breakfast. followed by playing pool at the nearby amk area, and the great thing was, i didn't have to pay.. heh :) thanks.ohh yea i almost forgot.. thanks for the shirt gals, most appreciated :) so after pool i went home.. and was online for a while till i fell asleep. i was woken up by my sis, who asked me to come outside.. haha then all were sitting in the dark with a birthday cake on the table.. and they sang~.. haha what a pleasant surprise right after and the best thing yet was that i got to go SINGFEST! =) fucking awesome! asked mom for money huhua.. thanks mom =)


Cost Accounting Sucks

Helo Everyone...
Account test yest was effing difficult...
i dunno how to do all the bad is that...
but internet is back...i know there's no link to that...
wireless internet la seh...i can go every where in the house to use internet...
how cool is that...
im getting a new handphone sooner or later for sure...
Dan's Hp making me using poor..
but at least can sms and call...
blogging is so kental la...muakakaka..
thats make me kental...
bye bye bye