Monday, December 24, 2007

Ho Ho Ho... Its christmas

Counting down... About 10hrs more to christmas.. Ho Ho Ho.. Santa is comming to my house tonight so i am not going to go out.. Hahaha... Ho Ho Ho... I wish i wish... I wonder can i wish for cash instead of presents.. Ho Ho Ho... hahahaha... (I daydreaming now..)

Actually since a few weeks ago, i had already been planning for my christmas.. Intially was saying no money dun plan but end up i still plan.. hehehe... I plan tonight going out with HER. But end up due to some medical reasons she cant come out tonight.. Ooh my! That why i was thinking she told me on saturday how am i going to fill up my christmas eve in such a short time. BUT my final resolution is, STAY AT HOME TONIGHT... Coz Santa is comming to my house.. I expect my uncle to come deliver our christmas present tonight.. I wonder what will he buy for me this year... Then tomrrow will be celebrating with my family members.. Ooh Shit.... I havent brought present to exchange for the party... Help me think lea, now everything so expensive where am i be able to get something nice (which suit both young and old, male and female) that is under $10.. Intially the rule is $5 but i changed the rule into $10.. What can i buy sia... ahahhaa... Give me Idea(s)...

And JJ, you win le lorx, go church see chio bu... U win! U win! I think next time go temple must eye open big big see got chio bu anot.. ahaha...

Ho Ho Ho... Santa is comming...

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