Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fuel Surcharge in Taxi?

It was reported in today Sunday Times (29 June 2008), taxi companies may come up with a flat fuel surcharge of 30cts-40cts per trip. Sounds cool? Fuel Surcharge? Sit aeroplane is it? Wahahah..

Well, here is my little suggestion on the above. Flat rate of 30cts (or rather 40cts doesnt work well). Take a look at aeroplane fuel surcharge system and you all will know. Long distance should cost more than short distance. My little suggestion is that to charge according to the millage run. Take it as 9km will consume 1 litre of fuel. (I think should be already there ba, a 3littre Toyota and a 2litre Hydunai car shouldnt use too much fuel ba). 9km = 1 litre. Thus the fuel surcharge can be in like for every 9km an amount. In this way it shall work even fairer. Am i right? If not those taking 3km cab had to pay 30cts those taking from Paris Ris to Tuas also 30cts that why this way fairer right?

And make it even transperancy tell the public how much they tag at when the fuel surcharge kick in. Let say they tag it at $1.933 per litre (the current diesal price), ok when the diesal rise another 5cts, every 9km of ride (or part therof) additional 5cts surcharge. Wouldnt that be more fair to consumer?

Well, after saying so much let me tell everyone why i say it hear. Generally, this does concern about us. How many times in a month do we take cab? So see it, latest and hottest news now. Hahhahaa.. And another suggestion if possible PLEASE DO NOT HAVE FUEL SURCHARGE. and not to raise fares again too. Alot people are already cannot cope with the rising cost. If everything rise and pay doesnt rise, what is it for. In the end everyone dies only!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Untitled Post

Counting down everyday and its left with 35days. This whole week i feel not much stress in work, the only is every morning rushing for reports only. And the alarms when i did auditing. Ooh ya, forget to mention i am the famous person in office now liao. The one who created 14 alarms during his auditing. All because those kuku people who works upstairs didnt tell me they want load their things. This is as if they are loading their things and i am auditing at the same time the machine will come out an alarm and it will cause failure. I am the pro who created 14 alarms on Tuesday! Wahahahaha... Those kuku there are also very funny one, they do not follow work procdures one and are irresponsible. When one alarm rings, they should call down to inform those at their desk but they didnt and keep do do do until 14 alarms. Kuku! But never mind i am the famous now. Who did the 14 errors? "The IA Student lor still got who." Wahahaha.. And yesterday still got 4 errors but this time round lucky, not i created one. Wahaha.. Hopefully i monday go back work, dont let me see got errors again for report on today!

Well, it is fast that 5 weeks had passed. 7 weeks more and is holiday. Anyone wants to plan for chalet this time? So we can early tell Ah Sum and Claim? Any chalet my dear class? Who want to be the planner this time round? Or who want sponsor us? Wahahaha..
Or JJ, do you want to say those who got pay first to sponsor us? LOL...
Luckily i never get a full month pay so i am not the sponsor! LOL...

Ok end here, go shower and sleep!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Untitled Post

Well, i feel like i am a loser. In every aspect of life, i lose. All i did is just lose anot. I am at a total loss situtation. Lose and Lose. I think i comming down one everything.

In a road, i gave way to you, end up after you pass you honked at me to sound your displeasure. I can dont give way to you but i choose to let my kindness to give way to you. I do not react to your honk at that moment because i dont know what can i react. I can speed up with you point a middle finger and sped off. There are various ways i can react but i choose to let go. Let you pass and i am mute towards your honk.

Very tired now.. Feeling to have a long sleep.. Good Nitez friends...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day

A late post. Happy Father's Day to all the fathers in the world. Yesterday, had dinner with my family. Its my treat. Haha.. Ok, this one no fun to talk about, the following then fun. Yesterday i sort of "play" with my father car. Haha.. He teach me how to fill up water for the engine. Then i play with the gear. Haha.. My dad kana tricked by me, the clutch is in the middle one. Wahahaha.. So many years of driving experience he still being tricked by me. All along i was thinking the clutch is in the middle one. BUT i am wrong. The clutch is in the inner left with break in the middle and acceleator is in the outer right. Hahah.. I must remeber this! LOL.. So i play with the 1st gear, 2nd gear.... I try how to switch gear with engine off. So i never break the law at all.. Hahaha..

Well, so fun.. 1 more months to BTT. Hope can pass then i can faster learn driving liao.. Whahhaa..

Today Monday. A tiring day again. Well, this week end is week 4 already. We covered 1/3 of our IPP by this week. Wahahahaa... Looking forward to the 12th week and bye! LOL..

Friday, June 13, 2008

Love is so sweet..

Well, work work work and everyday those kind of work is just like routine work. Please and i repeat again is ROUTINE WORK.. Hahaha... Its just like every morning we wake up and go wash our face. Well, 3 weeks had gone. Stress and uneasily do appear frequently. Well, i guess this is work ba. Today one of my colleagues say i finally laugh out in office already (unlike my first week no smile at all one).. I laughed out because someone keep lame-ing there. Now people know me already ba, if you know me long i will laugh along and talk to you but if you just get to know me i can be as quiet as living in my own world.

Next part of today post is to dedicate to YOU
I admit the full responsibility for the error. To me, it didnt seems anything wrong because i assume it will reach but i am wrong there are times where it will not reach and there is no error message to me. So now i learn something, i shall not assume on that once again.

I in a dillemma too. I thinking what choice should i make. Because i still do not understand what you really want. I afraid when i make the choice and a failure occurred, how should i walk. You know all this thing cant be risked. Its concern our future. But once again if you rethink if this is a success, the future path is easier to walk. So how? Can i know how?

And add on something very random. Rachel, you are so cute... Whahahahaa...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Untitled Post

I am tired. Just came back from "Nothing" shopping. Hahaha... Went Vivo to buy a birthday present for my friend, YOU, end up out of stock, leave.

Weekend weekend. Two days of weekend to "compenstate" for the loss for weekdays. Why cant we have 4 day work week with 3 days off. Wow! That is so intresting if we have that. And i suggest we will have Wed, Sat and Sun as weekend. I am dreaming again.. Hahaha..

Well, Nothing more to blog. So off liao.. Have a great weekend everyone!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Untitled Post

A calculative method or rather self consolation method i hereby announce we had completed 10% of the race. We are left with 54 working days. I admit this is a tiring race. Its just like we are running a marthon without any preparation. Well, i am tired, really tired already. This morning during breakfast we was saying why weekend so fast one. Not enough rest sia. To me, weekend its just like a water break in between of marthon. We will stop, take a sip of water and continue on with our race.

And while working today, i come out with another path that i might want to walk next time. If i am single (i did mention IF) i will not work for others. I will venture out my own and try for any success. If there is no success, bankrupty is also alright for me. You may ask why i tink of doing this when i am single. Its a very simple logic, when you are married, you wouldnt venture out so much already because you are going to bear alot responsibilites. If you failed that means that your family MAY suffer too.. That why IF i am single, i will choose this path. Ok, now move on to why i wouldnt work for others. I really hate to see people colors of face. Really tir-ing and sickening one. We were joking around that day during lunch (coz my other friends at attchment there also dun like to work for people) while queing for fish ball noodles. We were saying next time we will open fish ball noodle stall. I will take order, Wan Yee will wash bowls one, one will be cooker, one will be cashier.. Hahahaa.... Damm Funny idea..

54 workings days = 540 Working Hours (I worked from 8am to 6pm daily)
Less: 54 Lunch Hours (1hr per day) Balance: 486 Hours
Less: 27 Breakfast Hours (30mins breakfast everyday) Balance: 461 Hours
Less: 54 Dilly Dally Hours / Day Dream (Maximum one hour of Dilly Dally , eg late for breakfast/lunch break, day dream in front computer) Balance: 407 Hours
Less: 108 Slacking Hours (Maximum 2 hours of coffee break and toilet break daily)
Balance: 299 Hours.
Wow, self consolation. Actually i only need to work for 299 hours in fact... whahahaa... I self consolate myself one.. I am CRAZY... After all, who doesnt want this to end fast right? 299 working hours = about 12 and a half full day only.. woo woo.. hahahaa...