Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fuel Surcharge in Taxi?

It was reported in today Sunday Times (29 June 2008), taxi companies may come up with a flat fuel surcharge of 30cts-40cts per trip. Sounds cool? Fuel Surcharge? Sit aeroplane is it? Wahahah..

Well, here is my little suggestion on the above. Flat rate of 30cts (or rather 40cts doesnt work well). Take a look at aeroplane fuel surcharge system and you all will know. Long distance should cost more than short distance. My little suggestion is that to charge according to the millage run. Take it as 9km will consume 1 litre of fuel. (I think should be already there ba, a 3littre Toyota and a 2litre Hydunai car shouldnt use too much fuel ba). 9km = 1 litre. Thus the fuel surcharge can be in like for every 9km an amount. In this way it shall work even fairer. Am i right? If not those taking 3km cab had to pay 30cts those taking from Paris Ris to Tuas also 30cts that why this way fairer right?

And make it even transperancy tell the public how much they tag at when the fuel surcharge kick in. Let say they tag it at $1.933 per litre (the current diesal price), ok when the diesal rise another 5cts, every 9km of ride (or part therof) additional 5cts surcharge. Wouldnt that be more fair to consumer?

Well, after saying so much let me tell everyone why i say it hear. Generally, this does concern about us. How many times in a month do we take cab? So see it, latest and hottest news now. Hahhahaa.. And another suggestion if possible PLEASE DO NOT HAVE FUEL SURCHARGE. and not to raise fares again too. Alot people are already cannot cope with the rising cost. If everything rise and pay doesnt rise, what is it for. In the end everyone dies only!

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