Saturday, June 28, 2008

Untitled Post

Counting down everyday and its left with 35days. This whole week i feel not much stress in work, the only is every morning rushing for reports only. And the alarms when i did auditing. Ooh ya, forget to mention i am the famous person in office now liao. The one who created 14 alarms during his auditing. All because those kuku people who works upstairs didnt tell me they want load their things. This is as if they are loading their things and i am auditing at the same time the machine will come out an alarm and it will cause failure. I am the pro who created 14 alarms on Tuesday! Wahahahaha... Those kuku there are also very funny one, they do not follow work procdures one and are irresponsible. When one alarm rings, they should call down to inform those at their desk but they didnt and keep do do do until 14 alarms. Kuku! But never mind i am the famous now. Who did the 14 errors? "The IA Student lor still got who." Wahahaha.. And yesterday still got 4 errors but this time round lucky, not i created one. Wahaha.. Hopefully i monday go back work, dont let me see got errors again for report on today!

Well, it is fast that 5 weeks had passed. 7 weeks more and is holiday. Anyone wants to plan for chalet this time? So we can early tell Ah Sum and Claim? Any chalet my dear class? Who want to be the planner this time round? Or who want sponsor us? Wahahaha..
Or JJ, do you want to say those who got pay first to sponsor us? LOL...
Luckily i never get a full month pay so i am not the sponsor! LOL...

Ok end here, go shower and sleep!

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