Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day

A late post. Happy Father's Day to all the fathers in the world. Yesterday, had dinner with my family. Its my treat. Haha.. Ok, this one no fun to talk about, the following then fun. Yesterday i sort of "play" with my father car. Haha.. He teach me how to fill up water for the engine. Then i play with the gear. Haha.. My dad kana tricked by me, the clutch is in the middle one. Wahahaha.. So many years of driving experience he still being tricked by me. All along i was thinking the clutch is in the middle one. BUT i am wrong. The clutch is in the inner left with break in the middle and acceleator is in the outer right. Hahah.. I must remeber this! LOL.. So i play with the 1st gear, 2nd gear.... I try how to switch gear with engine off. So i never break the law at all.. Hahaha..

Well, so fun.. 1 more months to BTT. Hope can pass then i can faster learn driving liao.. Whahhaa..

Today Monday. A tiring day again. Well, this week end is week 4 already. We covered 1/3 of our IPP by this week. Wahahahaa... Looking forward to the 12th week and bye! LOL..

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