Monday, February 25, 2008

Yo eyeing these guy for quite sometime liao.finally have a chance to play with it :P
really worth the money!
sexy hor muahahahah

1 week holiday,gogo enjoy to the max

Friday, February 22, 2008

One more to go!!

i decided to blog now cos i really nth to do now..

Alot of thing has happen. exam coming up all tis.
and most of us busy studying. we keep studying tips tat teacher giv hope tat everyone come out.
but lucky some of the tip managed to come out.

finally we left 1 last paper to go on mon n it is independent day..
FREEDOM for 6 days den back to sch. =.=
but good thing is there will be chalet.. mus enjoy tis 6 days.
gonna hav fun soon.. but den still nd to mug for my final paper. so sad

ytd after exam went to play mahjong and again wj bottleneck there.
jam jam jam.. haha..

gonna end here le.. studying.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Untitled Post

Ooh Man.. I think i got weeks never post liaoz.. People there seriously chiong exam (and games) i am here, writting blog.. Holy Shit.. I used one week for BPO. and anyone can tell me Software Eng what to study beside the lecture qns? I cannot think of anything to study for Software Engineering man..

Well, was reading at previous posts and was laughing away... Well, a few more days (after the end of exams) we will be going to end our Year 2. How time flies.. We spend 2 meaningful years together already..

Next, whee whee.. Government give money to us on Budget Day! For everyone information, we got at least $300 man.. Inside an account call PEA (not the pea to eat BUT is PostEducationAccount). Well, dun ask me how to get the $300 but for as far as i know we can use the money they give us which is in the account to offset our school fees. Want to know how it works? Call - 1800-CALL-GOV... LOL... Lame man... But seriously we got money take..

Well, i generally feel this chinese new year is a greater year.. Maybe last year really prosper.. My red packets collect until i cant remeber lorx.. A few times greater then last year.. whahahaha... Well, not hao lian but i am trying to say this year is really good year man... And pls hor dun nid ask me for treat because I NEVER TOUCH MY RED PACKET MONEY ONE.. Seriously, i just keep all the red packets in my "safe box".... That is my future marriage fund.. LOL...

End le..

Monday, February 11, 2008

MY 20th Birthday

so fast i am 20 yr old tis yr and everyone but a few rmb my birthday... GOSH tis prove i am not popular wit ppl oso... LOL...
well today i meet up wit jj jh and johnny to watch kung fu dunk...
the show basic is funny but all the dunk is super fake sia... Even NBA players oso can not do it... LOL...
i am impress by the line up of cast in that show... from jacky wu to others more, all r very good actor and some are from action movie stars from the past 10yr???

i hav to thanks three of them who treat me to this movie... THANKS A LOT GUYS...
then after watching, we met up wit ben who bring his gf to hao lian in front of us...
LOL... no offend man, i am jus joking...
then i went to taka to meet my bro and my future sis-in-law becos they r treating me dinner...

Don noe wat happen... we all ended up in amk and we went to eat new york new york... my bro make a mistake in the order which ended up a veri heavy dinner for me...
i could say the amt of food is out of my range... after tat, we went to my future sis-in-law house and i am surprise to collect 4 red packets for my birthday... SHIOK...

Well, i would like to thank everyone who wish me and thanks for the gifts too...
i wish everyone tis yr will hav a wonderful yr and to my classmates,pls work hard for the papers which is coming soon...

Saturday, February 9, 2008


thx those who had sms me or send me msg and wish me happy birthday!

Thx hakim for posting tat pic.
Ytd i meet my sec friends for soccer session in the afternoon after tt during the night meet my poly mate, wj, jh n cs.
we went to yishun swensen after tat we went get our midnight movie ticket, cj7.
and we still hav abt 3hr more. so we decide to go safra to play pool..
ytd is damn suay, i fall down twice in a day and my both leg is injured.
Left side is injure during soccer, rite side is while checking for NR1. haha.

my rite leg de blood is like water tap keep flowing out. used up alot of tissue.
although we manage to take care of my leg but sometime the blood will still flow out. haha. thx guy for helping me wif my leg.

after playing pool went back to yishun gv for movie. cj7 veri nice man n touching too.. mus watch.. haha.
still gt ah long n kung fu dunk haven watch yet.. i wanna go watch tis movie too..
After movie, we went to mac to eat supper den we tok abt movie which wj n someone else. so funny. haha. hope wj dun angry.

after supper all went home le.. den i acc cs wait for NR 1 but it like nv appear.. so we keep waiting n wating so i decide to ask him come to my hse till morning den take bus home. and we sat a my living room n chit chat till 6am. den i send cs to go take bus.

Slept for 4 hr den auto wake up agian. den nvm, prepare to go rhonda hse for steamboat session and i meet cs again. =]]

having fun at her hse. Suddenly they surprise me wif cake and present and i was shock.
And btw they ask me to make a bd wish, i was in a shock tat i din make any wish.
So they ask me wat wish tat i made? i jus told them i wish everyone of them happy.
after tat we play cards till 6+ and decided to leave..
too tired to go to esther hse so i told them tat i went hse for some slp. haha.

Conclusion really veri happy to spend my birhtday wif all my friends.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Happy 20th Birthday Junjie!

Happy Birthday to this Handsome Guy!
May all your wish come true!
K bye!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Happy new year

hey everyone... firstly i hope everyone will hav a good and happy new yr....
well, days in poly with EI0606 soon will be ended as all going their own ways...
actually i personally will miss u all XD... don say i emo...
PLS stop these crap oso... lol...

i would like to say thanks to everyone who help no matter is studies, project or in life...
thanks specailly to
JJ - who helped me in projects and studies...
JH - who bring all kinds of jokes to our class...
Pradeep - who is emo everyday and the creator of tis blog... lol...
hakim - who bring lots of break to the class...
dan - who bring a lot of craps to the class(although we all like these craps) XD...
tow hong - who bring lots of information to the class...
chun sim - who bring lots of laughter in the class...
cat - who drive me home sometime(thanks a lot)...
yulin - who talk everytime like rap...
and to all my others classmates...

stay cool and happy guys... lol...

Haidiyo DEY!

Its emo time !
Its some time since i posted .Well we all had been busy with sch wrk. Next its exams T-T
remeber guys its study week not "holiday"

""if u treat the "thumb" giffen to you to study to chit chat and play a fool then there is no "porn" in giving yall study week already."" << LSC

Well guys poly has been the best part of my life, pri and sec sch sucked, totally. Im happy to have left my prev sch and come to poly.
I met many nice ppl like all of u in poly, I can say that my life changed alot since i met u ppl,
The gerls, the guy, everybody, i am gona miss all of you. I will leave this blog up and running, everyone can still come and post after we go to our own specializations. Well i hope we can get together and hang around next time.

Once again, i thank all of u ppl who have made alot of difference in my life.
Thankz JJ, JH and WJ for sticking by me and helping me with stuff outside sch and also with school work. Really do appreciate it fellas. :D
And for the rest of u, yall rulez.

p.s: JH pls look around for potential victims b4 u make jokes ;P
: JJ hope u get lady luck soon :D
: WJ i think u shld talk more, maybe u can lose weight that way =X
giv u all early wish first if not later like singtel, m1 or starhub like tat got bottleneck(jam). okok. LAME!

chinese new year coming soon.. and had to do spring cleaning n other stuff too..
had to clean my desk n change my bedsheet. haha. tml is new year's eve will be having a reunion dinner at home eating steamboat.

Cant wait for new year to come, can gamble. Hope god of gamble is wif me.

ok let me tok abt wat happen ard me for the past few days.

went out wif vanessa n my bro to go shopping for clothes but end up din buy anything. it was so fun to disturb vanessa, i keep POKING her, mus see her reaction so funny.. haha. beside poking her still bully-ed her. oop.
after a long walk in town we decided to go bishan den walk ard and find seat for us to sit cos our legs is dying. after chit chat home sweet home.

i was stay at home the whole day help my mum do spring cleaning. see how good i am. haha

went to sch for last morning lesson. we din really listen to wat teacher toking cos he is tell us wat to study which we already noe le.
After tat went bugis wif hakim n wj for lunch n CNY's clothes. den i finally gt it from fresh box.
After tat, hakim wanna meet his bro n wj wanna go home so no choice but to go home.

As for today i tot i will be staying at home but last min jh ask me to watch rambo 4.
den we decided to go watch. we jio those impossible to go watch like th n wj. LOL
so next time we noe wat to do le which mean can no nd ask them out le.. wahaha. kidding.
meet jh n went to ps to watch movie. LONG TIME nv see him le. like 4 days.
miss him. okok.. better stop if not ppl tink i gay. haha
and we tok alot of crap. haha.
Rambo 4 is a veri nice show mus watch. but abit bloody. RATE 8/10
after tat we went to eat den go play pool.
fun sia long time din play le.. the form is back. haha.

Time to end here. long post. ENJOY UR NEW YEAR GUYS!!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

06 oi 06 oi oi!

damn hakim said need a pic to post :P...cant find any...

well how to start off these post.

ok we have a good starting, wow time really fly past.soon no more teens in our class .Reaching 3rd year soon.guy and girls walking in different directions.Couples have collided in this class :D. dun care if its true or false(LSC).Price have went up in singapore but friendship stay the same.
wei jie no more 6/6.hakim shouting break break.
i am rapping,if u cant figure out.

if u guys need a coolen or a smile, feel free to msn me!!
we still can chat in nax when 3rd year dun need sad.

and finally,
:) ty pradeep and junjie in helping in my project.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Untitled Post

Woo! Chinese new year is comming... I do not understand why i can feel so happy about chinese new year hor.. Old liao still so happy for Chinese New Year... Chinese new year waste money also. Had to buy gifts had to do this and that... but still its a happy moment.. Because family members are going to reunion and laugh together again.. lalalala....

Next, tonight is the last night to use the car liaoz, abit sad sia.. Next time every night cannot go anywhere i like.. Hahaha... My Dad say tonight go Loyang Tua Pek Gong to pray... I was thinking is it a 24 hour temple and he ask me "you dunno mahz".. And ya ya i wanted to scold one idiotic van driver.. GY 332 C... Along the way near Seragoon Shopping Centre and extactly at the spot where the Hotel 81 is, he wanted to cut into our lane (because he in the narrow lane where there is another vehicle illegal parking there and block him) but my dad never let him so he horn and hurl abuse at us.. Damm idiot van driver.. Dare come challenge larx, no xxxx, turn into Lor Liew Lian enterance.. If he dare he come challenge larx.. Damm bloody Van Driver...
My dad says dunno why this few times keep meeting all this idiotic people and all sort of unlucky things.. Maybe he should go da xiao ren liaoz..

Forget about that.. CNY CNY... Counting down.. Yes, i am counting down... And also counting down to people birthday.. hahahaha... I suddenly realize alot of people born in Feb.. You see arx, our class got JJ liaoz.. Then Ah Yong also... N my friends and even SHE also feb one.. OMG! So coincidence....

I wonder how do people define the world "Forever" and “永远”... Last time i heard from radio they say there is nothing call forever one and i really agree with that DJ... She was saying you see ya, If a person die liaoz, how to go forever.. Forever until next life? So that why i was saying there is no friendship which call forver one, we bound to end our friendship when we die.. We cant really be friends again in next life?

Friday, February 1, 2008

Beloved Mates "EI0606"

Thanks for the 2 years is All I Wanna Say.

Be it Secondary Graduation or Primary Sch, the feeling of parting is always unbearable. Im thankful that throughout my 2 years of Poly life, get to meet this bunch of great characteristic funny looking ppl. Everyone of you are indeed special!!

"it all begins from this day on"

Thanks for those who had help me in these 2 years, without you all, i wont be happily laughing throughout my Tests and Exams. Am grateful for your every single effort that you put in. Without you all, my poly life wouldn't be as exciting, colourful and interesting.

"its where we build up"

Though we are going separate ways, this EI0606 will always be in my memories and all the best for whatever course that you are in and for those 4 gals going overseas, do our class proud over there yeah!

"in the midst of battle, we stayed together"

Im not gonna list out everyones name again simply becos im too blank to think of names again. haha. Anyway this song "Thats what friends are for" are delicated to you all. Lets do meet up once in awhile and reminise the wonderful times worth keeping forever!

"With Love EI0606"

"this is how we always will be!!!"

Your Friend Forever,

Untitled post

I written a long story post in #186 post to share with everyone..

Well, Yipee, everything had come to an end. And left with our examinations. and 1 week after exam is attachment and also known as start of year 3. Ooh no! I am older again. How i wish i can remain in primary school days where there is no stress but more fun.. Well, i was really hoping i can clear all my module... Up to last week, i counted i have 4 F now. Namely IT 2751, IT 2754, IT 2755 and IT 2756.. In my mind, i think IT 2756 sure can clear one with Mr Cheong. IT 2755 if examination i can clear then shouldnt be a problem too.. 2751 and 2754 are the one which i fear the most.. I think i really is a king of F this semester.. I think my GPA will drop to the lowest point again after one semester of raising.. Haiz..

Well, monday lesson. Tuesday rest and wed, hohoho... New year is comming.. hahaha... Hope this year new year i play cards or whatever gambling all got luck.. I hope can win at least $200 so my bank got more money.,. ahhahaa... Well, gonna sleep.. 2.30am...

From Secondary 4 Normal to Secondary 5 Normal

Everyone who walked before this path might understand this story better.

In Singapore, everyone knows to go from N Level to O Level (also known as from Sec 4N to Sec5N), u had score below 10 points for any 3 of your subjects. Beside that you must score at least Grade 5 or beter in English. And If you had walked this path before, you will know the gap is very big and it takes alot of hard work to acheive excellent O Level results in the end.

However, weeks ago, there is this princpal from a certain school in Singapore advise 20+ girls to leave the school (although they meet the creita to go Sec 5N) and go to ITE. Media doesnt cover which school it is but it is a girls school in Singapore. Well, there are various reasons given by the princpal but one of the reason i remebered mostly vividly is that the princpal says the girls might not do well in the O Level and will end up going to ITE also.. This had strucked a debate in newspaper forum over the past few months and a minister had replied to this as well as this issue had caused disappointed within the girls' parent.

Some people had said because the tone of the princpal isnt right so people assume as asking them to leave while some people had said princpal pay or rather bonuses (or whatever - in money terms) is linked according to the student performance. Meaning if the student under perform....

Well, when i read this story all i thought was i had the same feeling in the past. When i was taking my Sec4N, after release of results, there is rumours saying the school will take in the top 80 ppl and below total agreatte of 6 points. (By the way, i am 7 pointer in N Level) .. Well, in the end it is not true..

And another incident is in my O Level time when i wanted to retake my mother tonuge. I got B4 intially and my chinese teacher as well as the head of chinese department says i should give it a try to see whether can get better grade. However, my princpal as well as a head of teacher from SCIENCE DEPARTMENT (I Emphaised again science department) disapproved me and a group of student from taking. Their tone of saying was like "their parents not teacher they dun understand how we think." Well, i admit my father isnt a teacher but the choice is between ours and our parents why must the school interfer and a person who doesnt get related to this to interfer.. Well, in the end i retake my O Level mother tonuge. Well, all i wanted to say was that all this is the tone of the teachers and princpal which is wrong. If they can have a more passion tone or rather a right tone, student will listen to them. You cant straight away say the bad thing of an item when you see it. To me, if my princpal and my teacher tone was right at the time i might not retake my mother tonuge.

I think the ministry or any department should have a course for teacher and princpal. "HOW TO SPEAK IN THE RIGHT TONE". Remeber, they are the one who is needed to educate our young generation, if everyone speak in the wrong tone, i can imagine the disaster caused.. I just want to share with everyone this news and let u all think what if that time when your princpal ask u dun do secondary 5 and go ITE straight away.

Dun forget everyone if you do not go to sec 5 and go ITE directly and drop out in ITE, then all you have is a N Level certificate.
If you go to Sec5 but unable to go into poly or JC education, at least we can fall back on our O Level certificate.