Friday, February 1, 2008

From Secondary 4 Normal to Secondary 5 Normal

Everyone who walked before this path might understand this story better.

In Singapore, everyone knows to go from N Level to O Level (also known as from Sec 4N to Sec5N), u had score below 10 points for any 3 of your subjects. Beside that you must score at least Grade 5 or beter in English. And If you had walked this path before, you will know the gap is very big and it takes alot of hard work to acheive excellent O Level results in the end.

However, weeks ago, there is this princpal from a certain school in Singapore advise 20+ girls to leave the school (although they meet the creita to go Sec 5N) and go to ITE. Media doesnt cover which school it is but it is a girls school in Singapore. Well, there are various reasons given by the princpal but one of the reason i remebered mostly vividly is that the princpal says the girls might not do well in the O Level and will end up going to ITE also.. This had strucked a debate in newspaper forum over the past few months and a minister had replied to this as well as this issue had caused disappointed within the girls' parent.

Some people had said because the tone of the princpal isnt right so people assume as asking them to leave while some people had said princpal pay or rather bonuses (or whatever - in money terms) is linked according to the student performance. Meaning if the student under perform....

Well, when i read this story all i thought was i had the same feeling in the past. When i was taking my Sec4N, after release of results, there is rumours saying the school will take in the top 80 ppl and below total agreatte of 6 points. (By the way, i am 7 pointer in N Level) .. Well, in the end it is not true..

And another incident is in my O Level time when i wanted to retake my mother tonuge. I got B4 intially and my chinese teacher as well as the head of chinese department says i should give it a try to see whether can get better grade. However, my princpal as well as a head of teacher from SCIENCE DEPARTMENT (I Emphaised again science department) disapproved me and a group of student from taking. Their tone of saying was like "their parents not teacher they dun understand how we think." Well, i admit my father isnt a teacher but the choice is between ours and our parents why must the school interfer and a person who doesnt get related to this to interfer.. Well, in the end i retake my O Level mother tonuge. Well, all i wanted to say was that all this is the tone of the teachers and princpal which is wrong. If they can have a more passion tone or rather a right tone, student will listen to them. You cant straight away say the bad thing of an item when you see it. To me, if my princpal and my teacher tone was right at the time i might not retake my mother tonuge.

I think the ministry or any department should have a course for teacher and princpal. "HOW TO SPEAK IN THE RIGHT TONE". Remeber, they are the one who is needed to educate our young generation, if everyone speak in the wrong tone, i can imagine the disaster caused.. I just want to share with everyone this news and let u all think what if that time when your princpal ask u dun do secondary 5 and go ITE straight away.

Dun forget everyone if you do not go to sec 5 and go ITE directly and drop out in ITE, then all you have is a N Level certificate.
If you go to Sec5 but unable to go into poly or JC education, at least we can fall back on our O Level certificate.

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