Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Haidiyo DEY!

Its emo time !
Its some time since i posted .Well we all had been busy with sch wrk. Next its exams T-T
remeber guys its study week not "holiday"

""if u treat the "thumb" giffen to you to study to chit chat and play a fool then there is no "porn" in giving yall study week already."" << LSC

Well guys poly has been the best part of my life, pri and sec sch sucked, totally. Im happy to have left my prev sch and come to poly.
I met many nice ppl like all of u in poly, I can say that my life changed alot since i met u ppl,
The gerls, the guy, everybody, i am gona miss all of you. I will leave this blog up and running, everyone can still come and post after we go to our own specializations. Well i hope we can get together and hang around next time.

Once again, i thank all of u ppl who have made alot of difference in my life.
Thankz JJ, JH and WJ for sticking by me and helping me with stuff outside sch and also with school work. Really do appreciate it fellas. :D
And for the rest of u, yall rulez.

p.s: JH pls look around for potential victims b4 u make jokes ;P
: JJ hope u get lady luck soon :D
: WJ i think u shld talk more, maybe u can lose weight that way =X

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