Monday, February 11, 2008

MY 20th Birthday

so fast i am 20 yr old tis yr and everyone but a few rmb my birthday... GOSH tis prove i am not popular wit ppl oso... LOL...
well today i meet up wit jj jh and johnny to watch kung fu dunk...
the show basic is funny but all the dunk is super fake sia... Even NBA players oso can not do it... LOL...
i am impress by the line up of cast in that show... from jacky wu to others more, all r very good actor and some are from action movie stars from the past 10yr???

i hav to thanks three of them who treat me to this movie... THANKS A LOT GUYS...
then after watching, we met up wit ben who bring his gf to hao lian in front of us...
LOL... no offend man, i am jus joking...
then i went to taka to meet my bro and my future sis-in-law becos they r treating me dinner...

Don noe wat happen... we all ended up in amk and we went to eat new york new york... my bro make a mistake in the order which ended up a veri heavy dinner for me...
i could say the amt of food is out of my range... after tat, we went to my future sis-in-law house and i am surprise to collect 4 red packets for my birthday... SHIOK...

Well, i would like to thank everyone who wish me and thanks for the gifts too...
i wish everyone tis yr will hav a wonderful yr and to my classmates,pls work hard for the papers which is coming soon...

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