Friday, November 28, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a long day today. Morning 9am lesson till 5pm. So i got fed up with that kuku teacher in the end. He keep want to say me one. Shit off. He evn mistaken me copying the homework answers when i hand up. Kuku lorx, i so honest spend time do at home say i copy. Somemore i am not those copycat sort. Well, after that is lecture. Then make up lesson. I shouldnt have gone to the lesson lorx waste time nia. He say which tutioral dun understand tell him he explain. Like this nia arx. Waste my time. And after that the NE also waste time one. What security lorx. I think i sit there playing PSP and studying lorx. 5pm liao they still continue talking and one fun part is people starty clapping. Hohoho. So obvious telling them dun talk liao they still talk.

So after that went home sleep and before studying. Study till 2+am.

Shit test lai de lorx. 80marks paper, 26marks caluclation the rest theory. Like this de paper is not for me one. Bao fail one. After which is NE in the afternoon. I think we are the most entertaining groups. Hahaha.. If you see the last two groups present you will know. LOL. Then went home sleep and do report for the project. I cant make it for tomrrow meet-up so i gotta rush the report by tonight.

And yea, driving lesson for tomrrow. I think i can guess liao, left turning is taught by the kuku i think right turning also him again. And can i know how to drivers know when is the right time for them to turn? Dun need check de right? Is by feel right? Whahahahaa...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a tuesday again. Have driving lesson in the morning. The first time i use honk. Wahahaha.. I told my dad i honked at a cab just now. Then he ask me you want die earlier is it, a learner honked at a cab. Of course larx, then what you expect me to do. The lights turn green and the cab doesnt want to move off so i honked larx, let the driver wake up from its lala land. Whahaha..
Was alright for driving until the final where i dunno this stage got tested on some BTT knowledge. Alot of things in BTT i cant rember lorx. Whahaha..

So during class i was telling people my plan. Christmas celebration. Coz i was thinking to utilize the school funds and balance on hand. So beside HuiXin anyone cant make it during christmas time? If alot cannot then i dun want waste time planning. Coz its like you put in time to plan then cancelled, very disappointment one. Like planning for a birthday celebration, if you know no people come, then why plan. Hahaha..

And now i realize i gotta do homework on this two days. Tuesday and Thursday. For nights on Tuesday and Thursday its homework time! Hahaha.. I completed my homework (with the help of Evelyn answers).. Thanks ya!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Untitled Post

Its week 7 already. Time flies. Another 7 weeks here we are preparing for our final examination and we will leave each other very soon. Why i get so emo now arx? Hahaha..

Was very tired now. Basically i go jogging just now. And i force myself to go a longer distance + do situps. Obviously i cant do pull up so i try to do incline pull up to help my arm but sad to say i realize my arms are weak now. Last time i can do 20+ now do 5. DIE LIAO.

I am tired now but i had alot of things yet to do. Homeworks, test, comm skills presentation. But tomrrow had driving at 10.30am lea. If not enough rest how to drive. Hehe i gave myself an excuse.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Virgo Guy's horoscope

Yulin introduce me a website which is so zhun about horoscope. I read up on two horoscope and both is super zhun.

Lets read mine. What i highlighted (in red and bold) its true or that what i will do in future.




(This part i had no comments on it)

(For this part in red and bold means that is what i got think to do in future)

Untitled Post

Its sunday today. Blogged at 1pm. Wake up brekfast then face com. Not studying but read about the horoscope. Hahaha.. Yulin, thanks arx its really zhun sia the horoscope. From the head to the bottom all zhun. Never seen before so zhun de things. Hahahaa... (But teach me how to navigate lea, i dunno.. LOL)
Change change change. 要变变变。Jolin 的看我72变! Hahahaa...

And the class photo for that day NE

Sorry JJ for blocking you. And who want the photo take from me.

Thank Xin Xin for the photo too.. =)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Untitled Post

Happy Birthday Ming Ye.
Happy Birthday Michelle (my friend in secondary)
Its a thursday. As usual boring lesson the whole day. Really hor i hate comm skill lea. The teacher talk and talk, 1 hour 10+ slides. Wasting time.
And i want object. Next week maybe not we present why must wear formal. Then we present wear again. Wear 2 weeks of formal! Can die one lorx.
So go home, sleep awhile wake up do homework. and my homework refer to TUTORIAL. not the one piece calucation 10mins thing de homework! I do tutioral almost every week one lor. And thanks Evelyn for your lab answers arx.. Hehehe...

I sleep at 2.30am last night, totally dun feel like waking up this morning. Insufficient sleep. Its week 6 already and so heng teacher havent call me present. I think i super heng one. Whahahaa..
Went home, do some stuffs and sleep. I really tired liao. I sleep till about 8pm. That'sm when my dad called and ask want to go out eat anot.
Eat le come home, do some work stuffs and do till 3am. My god! I am really tired.
I plan to have a celebration tomrrow (for some happiness caluse) but then i decided to call off late at night.

3am sleep 9am+ wake up. I really had insufficient sleep. Another reason why i get heart ache liao coz i sleep not enough. Sian lorx. 9am+ wake up then go work liao. Until 8pm+ before i decided to call it a day. Went dinner with my family. Cant really decide what to eat. Then i order my dad to drive where go by where. He tell me arbo you come take over my seat lorx. Hahaha.. Yesterday also tell me this today also tell me this. Everyday ask me take over. He say he tired liao. Hahaha..
Then after eating, my sister see my dad car got dunno what she say she wants. Then i tell my dad when you go scrap car give me the sticker that paste on windscreen. Then my father say you want take what also can 'coz go to scrap everything useless liao. I say then i want car plate number also. My sister say can have the ERP too. Hahahaha.. We are too funny..
Today is the day. 3months ago i am at Beijing (my dad reminded me) 4months ago, i am doing unknown destination cycling.
Yea, enough of blogging liao, back to see soccer and i will sleep early tonight. hahaa..

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Latest COE Bidding Results

Hot News!
COE bidding results for November.

For Cars below 1600cc its starting at $2 only.
Above 1600cc its $4889.

Ooh my god! So low? From $10k+ in the high peak time to now $2. Is it our economy going bad no people want buy cars then the COE drop? Is it a sign? OMG.

If i have money now, i definately go buy a car. Lets hope tomrrow toto, i strike. Then here come a new car. With a personal car i belive i will hurry learn my driving. Whahahaa..

Who want me to bid a COE for you? LOL

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a short day today. A 2 hr lesson. So after that went to AMK Hub. Intially was wanting to buy present but end up never buy. So when to food court ate the wanton mee set meal. That my meal for the day. Power?
So my friend called me. Then i very peck chek. My fren was asking why i am so impatient now. I was like dunno lea. Alot things went into my brain. So my friend went on saying, i also very vuglar now. Its like a totally new person. Ok larx, that one i can admit. I am really impatient now. Maybe its due to one after another series event. But last week i made my decision. I know what i want now and i will aim for it. So end of the day i sms my friend, Bo chap, Bo Hue Lan, Dont Give a Damm! That the keyword to my new success.

Last NE lesson of the semester. Truly enjoyed myself today. =) (Dillys, i want the class photo. Thanks) Out of the 3 NE trip, i like NEWater the most. Seriously. Maybe due to that its shorter (less than an hour). Well, before NE trip, we caught one lecture scolding Sxxx. Hahaha.. We was laughing all the wy. And after NE, i really feel this lecture dunno how to do planning one. Since so many people not going back to school, why arrange both bus to drop at different MRT station.
After NE, celebrating Ming Ye birthday at Seoul Garden TM. Really love Seoul Garden sia. Student meal means include Free Flow Drinks. Personally i feel that $15 its alright to pay for a meal.
I learn to step on break slowly and instead of stepping immediately (which will cuase the vehicle to jerk).

Monday, November 17, 2008

Untitled Post

Its just work today and at night went to AMK to eat the westrn food again BUT this time round its different, its with my family. So my saturday life is very easy one. Its work! ahahaha..
Well, this week i dunno eat how many time of westrn food, not fat also will fat larx. OMG!
And at night start doing the report. Sian la sian la.!
And its even further down today. I just cant imagine why its so difficult to guess for this season.

Report report and report. Being specailize in logisitcs really like a business student. Elaine say one no wrong one. Beside having to read report we still must write report. Tired of doing report where the company have nothing for me to refer. So sian..

Its a monday today! So a lab test tongiht. Dunno how i fare also. Coz i see alot of different answers also.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Untitled Post

Wah i blog once every few days now. Basically i am busy. Keep rushing for test + homework. No time blog. At least i know i am hardworking (?)

Its a wednesday. A short wednesday without NE lesson. Its shiok. And i am so lucky today. On my way back, i decided since i miss 86 i took 72 go Hougang to do some banking transcation. Then i heard on radio during the trip, Ah bian go jail then got number 2630. Then i hurry run go buy iBet 2630 $1. Wah end up really huat. I brought at 12.35pm and i heard some people brought at 12.50pm already Sold out liao. Huat right? Smart lea! Huat ah!
Went home, do my Cover Letter + Resume for submission next day. My CV + Resume from head to toe all fake one. Whahaha.. But i never so kua zhang larx, write i am president. (Right JJ?)

Its so tired on Thursday. After lesson, went to celebrate Ivan birthday at Pizza Hut. Too bad student meal, my OCBC card de privillage cant be used. Sad. Then celebrate liao go walk around and its nearly 8pm before we went home. So i check on my mobile, i saw a missed call. Yea! Its my dad! So i very smart i call him and say you want come pick me up right. Whahahaa.. Its so shiok having people to pick you up after a tired day.
Went home, do Elaine de homework, if not next day she sure xxxx one.

Wah so fast end of week 6 liao arx. This morning, i would like to say i am so lucky once again. Never call me to present. But i dun understand why she so weird one lorx, within 1 hour she come my side spot check 3 times. Then gei gei ask us things. Its not as if i am not listening, i am so attentive there and she keep comming spot check. See liao also sian.
So went home after lesson to sleep. And as usual, i am the sleeping pro. I slept until 8pm. And i woke up le use computer awhile and went to eat dinner with my family. Its only when we have a car then we can say lets go somewhere far to eat. Hahahah... And how can i eat prata when there isnt any sugar? LOL. My childhood favorite lea. Prata with Sugar!
So end of the week and this weekend confirm very busy one. Coz i have to write a report again. And worse still its due on Monday! Sian!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Untitled Post

The "dead" man is back to blogger.

Its a hetic saturday again. I spend my whole day working until 10.30pm. Maybe this is the life of a single person (and also a person whom seldom game).
And yes today is an unlucky day. $80 fly again. $20 more i will on my way to a PSP. I think i have reached the lowest point of my life once again.
As usual i have the old hopes again when i took train.

Its a sunday! And god damm it. Its just because i think until too late and there gone my money again. So i just spend my sunday afternoon sleeping and slacking. I waited until about 11pm then i start studying and i slept late in the end

Woke up late! 12noon lesson i woke up at 11am and the weather is so shiok. So no choice take cab to school.
Its week 5 already. And today there is another new case studies. Wa sian. So at night during break, we went to AMK there to eat westrn food again. I tried the grilled chicken today.

Nice date today right? 11-11. But let me tell you i hate tuesdyy. Its really a cursed day almost every tuesday. In the past, i thought of 18 of the month is the most cursed one but now, its every tuesday. I think i must wear black on every tuesday already. Because its BLACK TUESDAY! I just dont understand why and what. Sometimes i regretted. I promised myself, in future if this will to be happen again i shall not be the foolish one. I shall hung up high and see. I dont afraid of losing one.
Enough of ranting and to driving. I hate this instructor the most. Really one lea, i hate him to the core. What the point when to the end then you appologize. Useless right? Same for you also, i also dont understand why you appologize in the end. Its like if he thinks he is wrong intially then.... Very fed up. So this is how my tuesday.
I find it very stress today. I am tired, tired of this and tired of that. Maybe i shall say this one i am wrong, that one i am wrong and everything i am wrong too. I am wrong for being a slow learner. I am wrong because i am afraid of this and that. I am wrong because i make the first step. See, how many wrong i am. So my fault larx? Everything my fault.
I end it by saying, i feel like crying now. Never been so "like this" before.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

What my name means

I found this in a ex-schoolmate blog.

What Gohtowhong Means
You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.
You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.
Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.
You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.
At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.
You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.

You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts.
You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it.
You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator!

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

Well, I dont think very zhun lea. Some of the sentence are true while some arent.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Meaningful Quote

Well, i heard this quote over from the radio which i find it quite meaningful.
(An advance appology for my English as it is a chinese quote and i translate it myself)

CHNACES are given to people once only. If you miss this chance, the probability of getting another chance again is next to zero.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a tired day. Which include lesson till afternoon and then shopping (?) with CS, Wan Yee and xue ling. Well, was tired after that already. And i have to wait a freakking 15minutes bus home. Peak hour lea, 15mins. WTF! Increase bus fare with the usual service. And now fuel drop le hor, why never heard got people want to decrease fare liao. When increase the reason giving is rising fuel cost. So now the fuel is traded at US$64, so how come no decrease.

And yes, Dillys this is for you (and everyone who keen to know the address)
Blk 728 Ang Mo Kio Ave 6.
Another Branch Blk 246 Hougang Ave 3 (And Hougang Avenue 3 got 246 mahz? 24 or 246?)
The westrn food not bad. Hotplate Chicken Chop $6. Got corn and veggies but if you doesnt want can ask to change to mashed potato + fries. The Fish & Chips not bad too.

Woke up early morning and in a blurrish stage, my leg knock onto myt bed frame. Having the pain still. So i had difficulties kneeling down now.
Lesson was as usual up to 3pm. And the xxxx always come our side spot check us. As if we are bad students like this. Please lorx, i still take the intiative to go print out the case studies to read lorx. Diao!

So after school, i was feeling tired already. Decided to go develop the "photo" and proceed to sleep. The lady even know what i am trying to do with the "photo". Hahaha.. She first asked me "What is that?" then she continue "ooh.. do..." Hahaha.. Smart sia. Then after that proceed home to sleep.

Reach home, very tired already. So just lie on bed and sleep. I slept for 3hours and after waking up, i still feel so tired and body ache. I think i gonna fall ill soon.

I still yet have my dinner. Ke lian gui. LOL.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Untitled Post

Yea! Its a free tuesday! I did my Comms Skills work + some private affairs at home. At night, i cycled to Hougang to develop the "photo". Second time to Hougang again and this time round i realize a short cut path to there. Wahahaha..

However the photo is unclear, plan to make a trip down to develop again tomrrow.

Second NE trip. Today was really moody day for me. All along was alright but up to after lunch time, i began to feel some "heaviness" in my heart. If one day i might suffer heart attack, i cant find any reason for not having. So was moody for the whole trip. You may see i laugh i smile when talking to people, on the phone, SMS but in my heart its otherwise.

I think i owed myself an appology. I appologized to myself for causing such a stress to myself. This is not the first time i ever had such stress. Maybe i advanced too far ahead.

Ok, dont talk about those unhappiness. Just now in NE trip, my friend show me her driving booklet. Wah lan, she start later then me but she advanced so fast. I think i really slow learner liao. She gone into stage 2 (and its ending of stage 2) but i still in stage 1. OMG! I am SLOW.

And i am so tired today that i fall alseep in the bus journey home. Well, i overshot too. Whahaha... So tired. Tired tired and tired. Tomrrow will be a brand new day so let us put some unhappiness away and brought forward the happiness.

After returning to school from NE, we headed over to AMK to try the westrn food as recommended by the magazine. Well, very nice! The portion not too little also. The price not to ex too. Guranteed to go for a second time. Recommended for everyone to go!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Untitled Post

How long since i last blog? Let me go have a look.

Friday 31-Oct-2008
I shall name today (friday) for both name. As explained in my tag, Romance&Lucky Friday. Romance as i be attending my relative's daughter wedding dinner today. And lucky is heng arx Elaine never ask me answer question today.
So at the wedding dinner tonight, my aunt was there talking about the open door redpacket given by the guy. The guy give $100 sia and they just accepted. They say must return $1 change to the guy coz $99. But i say 1 cents will do, coz $99.99 will do. I am wondering next time if i marry how much open door red packet i must give sia? Hahhaa... I prepare one blank cheque go better. LOL.

Woah last two piece of calender already sia. So what achievement i had made in 2008. Yesterday whilst breakfast with my FYPJ Friends they were discussing. Hmm, i wonder what achievement can i said. I think maybe start of learning driving? And i finally found some ...... (well, this one dun nid mention much). Or maybe can also say i fall ill lesser this year? My last date of falling ill 22-Aug-2008 (in my Beijing trip). Until now, 2months+.
So at night another dinner. Wah continously two day eat Yam Paste. That's my favorite. Whahahaa.. So next time round if any friends want to buy me desert, dun nid ask, Yam Paste will do. Whahaha

My days of the week.
Holiday Monday - Its a public holiday
Black Tuesday - I always wear black on tuesday. This symbolize something
Inactive Wednesday - Not as active as the week before
Long Thursday - Today is a long day, 9 to 8
Romance+Lucky Friday - I explained already
Hetic Saturday - Its a busy day today
Project Sunday - I am busy doing project the whole day.

See, i listed all my names of the week.
And something bad happen to me at night. I told my friend what happen and he told me i need a rest. What he say its true, i think i need a rest. So i take a week rest and be back next week. I told myself - 休息是为了走根长远的路。

Its a monday again. Week 4. What have we done sia? Its so fast four weeks already. Presentation this morning with lecture and lab at night. At night the lab is damm funny de lorx, teacher dun care one do finish can bye liao. Whahaha..