Friday, November 28, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a long day today. Morning 9am lesson till 5pm. So i got fed up with that kuku teacher in the end. He keep want to say me one. Shit off. He evn mistaken me copying the homework answers when i hand up. Kuku lorx, i so honest spend time do at home say i copy. Somemore i am not those copycat sort. Well, after that is lecture. Then make up lesson. I shouldnt have gone to the lesson lorx waste time nia. He say which tutioral dun understand tell him he explain. Like this nia arx. Waste my time. And after that the NE also waste time one. What security lorx. I think i sit there playing PSP and studying lorx. 5pm liao they still continue talking and one fun part is people starty clapping. Hohoho. So obvious telling them dun talk liao they still talk.

So after that went home sleep and before studying. Study till 2+am.

Shit test lai de lorx. 80marks paper, 26marks caluclation the rest theory. Like this de paper is not for me one. Bao fail one. After which is NE in the afternoon. I think we are the most entertaining groups. Hahaha.. If you see the last two groups present you will know. LOL. Then went home sleep and do report for the project. I cant make it for tomrrow meet-up so i gotta rush the report by tonight.

And yea, driving lesson for tomrrow. I think i can guess liao, left turning is taught by the kuku i think right turning also him again. And can i know how to drivers know when is the right time for them to turn? Dun need check de right? Is by feel right? Whahahahaa...

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