Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a tuesday again. Have driving lesson in the morning. The first time i use honk. Wahahaha.. I told my dad i honked at a cab just now. Then he ask me you want die earlier is it, a learner honked at a cab. Of course larx, then what you expect me to do. The lights turn green and the cab doesnt want to move off so i honked larx, let the driver wake up from its lala land. Whahaha..
Was alright for driving until the final where i dunno this stage got tested on some BTT knowledge. Alot of things in BTT i cant rember lorx. Whahaha..

So during class i was telling people my plan. Christmas celebration. Coz i was thinking to utilize the school funds and balance on hand. So beside HuiXin anyone cant make it during christmas time? If alot cannot then i dun want waste time planning. Coz its like you put in time to plan then cancelled, very disappointment one. Like planning for a birthday celebration, if you know no people come, then why plan. Hahaha..

And now i realize i gotta do homework on this two days. Tuesday and Thursday. For nights on Tuesday and Thursday its homework time! Hahaha.. I completed my homework (with the help of Evelyn answers).. Thanks ya!

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