Friday, May 30, 2008

1 week had passed...

Well, i got to say i survive one week of attachment. Although this few days keep do doucmentation, do report for them but do till quite stress... I gotta generate the data check through it and do all the reports. I am not here to say how bad the attachment is but i think i better say so good stuffs here. hahaa..

This afternoon, we (IA Student) went to nearby NTUC to do shopping. What we brought back. Milo and other brevages. One of the students say maybe we this batch of students are the most creative one. hahaa.. We buy back milo coz we are sick and tired of the tea and coffee there. So innovative abit larx we need some new things.. Hahaha... To me, we are more enjoying the in between breaks (slack) then doing work. Too bad, i am feeling alittle bit of unwell, if not you will see me buy tidbits and cookies back too..

Woo... We gonna receive our first paycheck on 10 of June. Well, actually to me i think the paycheck mean nothing one lorx. I think all the pay will go into my transportation + my meals. Well, dun care larx.. What matters most is i spend it happily. (I will grumble only when the money is spend it unhappily and unwillingly.. Just like....)

Ok let us countdown. 55 more working days.. 11 week.. And remeber ask your supervisor to sign your log book every week ya.. Take care all friends..

** IF you are inside my heart, even i dont see you for a day (or even an hour) i will also miss you..**

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pls don continue!!!

hey guys... i am back on blog but then i don feel so good rite now... this past few days i been hearing A and B fighting cos of some issue... it all started when B started to work... we actually allow B to work in a factory but a yr later B suddenly turn into someone i don really noe anymore... B started to treat her family like someone not important and start treating her friends like god... i at first don really care cos i am not at home most of my time... but days goes by, she treated me as a dog who she call to scold and not respecting me... i actually given up hope tat time however B was someone to me...
A have take notice of the situation and try to change B but then as days goes by, B nvr show any improvement and became worst... C and me was the victims most of the time as we will be scolded for nothing and not treated respactfully... i do understand tat A and B grow up in different surrounding and some time their tinking is different... But B have take extreme by not also showing the proper 'respect' to we all... So A have became veri angry and both side started fighting for the past few days... i personally heard every word they say and my heart really bleed to see both side trying to say 'i am correct u r wrong' and 'i have done so much'...
In my view, both side do have their mistakes but to me, C and me will be the one who hurt the most... all this fighting have make me feel so distracted and down...
so pls stop all the fighting and peace... both u two is important to me...

Friday, May 23, 2008

End of FYPJ

Finally we had come to an end of FYPJ. This morning while returning to school, i still have that kind of "dunno what" de feeling in my mind. I wonder is it really the end of FYPJ make me feels that or otherwise. To me when the FYPJ end it really seems like going to graduate like this..

Today, the first thing i entered into my lab this song was playing out "你那么爱他,为什么不把他留下..." Welcome back! My lab is "full strength" today. Those from BITC is back.. so crowded.. ahahaha..

Well, last day of FYPJ, my team can say is the "most hardworking team". Today eat with your family day suppose to leave at 4.30pm but we did last minute doucmentation till 7pm. and left at 7.15pm. Last day and the last to leave. hahaha...

Well, dediate this post to everyone and my supervisor. Thxs everyone there when i need your help and thanks to every friends whom we talk craps, slack and eat together.. Monday, we will start our next phase. IPP. All the best to everyone.

And not forgetting four of you in Beijing. Take care there too!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Untitled Blog Entry

I dunno why does this happen. After lunch, i had a weird kind of feeling. I myself also dont understand what feeling is that. Is it that FYP comming to an end? or maybe some other feeling? I totally do not understand myself today.

Well, FYP presentation end. A note to everyone who havent go through FYP. If your project is "industrial-based" one beware. Beware the one (i shall not name him here), the big rank one come in to see your presentation. He will say until you bone also dun have. Seriously. Beware!

I think i gonna sing this song again... 这感觉已经不对,我最后才了解。。。

I dont understand what you are thinking. Can you pls AT LEAST let me know what you are thinking?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Untitled Post

I know people are reading. But why cant you all blog? Rather can have a tag anot. This make me feel like talking to the wall.. hahaha...

Ok well. Long weekend ended. All my program ended. From visitng my grandma to praying to movie to family dinner. All ended. Well, this long weekend not bad arx.. If every week got like this de long weekend shiok sia..

Well, next monday start i believe i will be going to be no life again. I thinking of lodging a formal complain of that place where expect people to do OT without any pay. I repeat is WITHOUT. From now onwards, the blog counter is 5183. Till 5193, if there are 5 people out of the 10 who say i shall complain then i will complain. I think i dun wan anyone to suffer this fate too.. Its like make use of us only...

Well, nothing more to add on.. Gd Nite people...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Can Singaporeans be more gracious?

I refer to the news report on the earthquake in China, Sichuan and Singaporean struck there cant come back.

Well, the news reported that day and i think it strike more than one person (refer to TODAY dated 15May by someone who "scolded") who will want to scold that fellow call "陈先生". When news interviewed him he reply, the airport there (which is closed due to earthquake) did not give them further instruction and ask them to wait wait wait. And he add on his daughter says she dont care what want her father to come home immediately.

Well, i think this irked me as well. When the news reported this i thought of one people among my friend whom might have this kind of same reply as well. Now the airport is closed, totally no airplanes can come in and go out. The airport staff ask those people there to wait isnt that right? He added on his daughter want him to come back immediately. Even he is those billionaire wanting to charter a plane from there to Singapore, there wouldnt be a chance AT ALL. According to the 前线追踪 just now he add on, he immediately sit an avaliable plane to HongKong and charter want to charter a flight to Singapore. I wonder any official news to say this person in the end really got charter a flight to Singapore?

I was thinking why Singaporeans cannot be more gracious. In the earthquake there are thousands of people die already. You just struck in the airport for not more than 24hours and you are there complaining. You count yourself lucky to not caught in the earthquake already and you are the complaining and complaining. Cant people be abit gracious. In this point of time what we need is more understanding. You say you want charter flight, you see you can do it anot when airport is closed. Now the problem is not only you (one person) struck in the airport, its so many people having the same fate. Haiz, i totally dunno how to say this kind of people lar.. Really..

I wanting to say this from yesterday but i am too lazy to blog. hahaha..

Will you work overtime with NO overtime pay.

Ok, first of all i will seperae my blog into two different post because i believe both should be very wrong.

Everyone should know (me) where i went this afternoon. I shall not name the place because i do not want to have a lawsuit with the opposite party. And should i go there, i shall delete this post immediately. I just want to let the world know something, till know then i know there is something in this world calls overtime without pay. And its not those an hour or less de overtime. Now i know this "realistic" world.

They read through my application form and inside there got a question ask. "If you were to work overtime, will you and how long" I written Yes i agree with the most once or twice a week and they laugh at it. So meaning i should work overtime everyday? And they told me in a way that my brain register as, "in this line you had to work overtime. And there is someone who work before till 11pm." Ok, dun say it in a sad way. If you say every day OT till 10pm. That mean 5hours per day. Meaning i will need to have 25hours "Free Labour" day per week. Although my life not like someone who say he got life but is on gamming.. (haha... Yes i talking about you!) I still need those time to do my personal thing de ma.. If you ask me work 25hours free, i must well contribute this time to do charity work right? Who will want to work OT without overtime pay. Or i tink i go do Grassroot volunteer more happy (i believe).

Secondly, they told me this job should be able to work "independently" and it had "no or rather little thing to what you learn". Wah, power sia.. If i know can like this i apply to my own company to work. Totally no relations to what i learn ma. I still need go there mahz? Even if my company ask me to overtime till 11pm everyday i can report late to work the following day. This one can?

This kind of place can go to de mahz? After i came out i complain to almost every friend. You may say i am fussy over the "job" or whatever you want to say. But i can honesly say even if you give me high pay, i wont go into this job. Basically is i had to stress everyday. Like this mean after 3 months all my hair should turn white le hor. IF (i pray not and i will be going to pray for sure) i really go into there, i will use all sort of matter to change. and Yes i mean it, i will not be going to "drag my feets" there everyday. ("Drag my feet" is quoted from them)

Well, end with i pray. And seriously pray. This kind of "inhuman" place isnt suitable for anyone of us.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Untitled Post

Well, i done my part! So i blog now while waiting for lunch. And the WJ is doing nothing beside me.. Still say friday presentation... DOTX him... whahahahaaa

Was listening to Yes933 now.. Then got the song.. "Beijing welcome you".. Well, i tink the song abit craps lorx.. If really Beijing welcome people to go their country, they wont make it so difficult to let people enter Beijing. First they announce, from July Singapore passport (I think now is all the passport in the world) need Visa to enter China (not only Beijing hor, if you plan to go southern part you also need) regardless of how long you need to go. Then apply Visa, ok lorx apply. You go apply you bum to get trouble again. You need to show them your Air Ticket + Accomdation proof. So is that really beijing welcome people? If they welcome will there need to be so many troublesome thing to do?

Another thing you must do when you go buy airtickets to China now. In the past you give them your Pssport Name will do, now they need your full passport details, like how people going US.

I wonder all this is create more jobs for people to do or to add trouble to go to China.. Ok criticized finish one song liaoz..

Next next.. We had 9 working days left.. 3Hours had passed le so left 63hours.. ahahaha...

Next Next again... Dunno what to add in liao.. Go Lunch le.. Have a wonderful monday everyone..

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Wishes my mum as well as all mummy under the world, a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY ( or Happy Moth Day? refer to )..

Well waiting for my mum to return and my pizza to arrive i shall wait. I ordered pizzas for Mother's Day celebration. My mum doesnt want anything and so i just order pizzas.

Another week gone again. And we have 2 weeks left for our FYPJ. Or in strict we had 9 working days left or in strict 66hours left (after detucting 2 hours of lunch break everyday).. Wow! I found myself in counting down again liaoz.. Hahaha.. And left 2 weeks also our class de girls will be going to beijing.. 一路顺风.. I think there are definately someone would miss someone or rather someone will miss everyone right? hahahaa....

Ok, ended! Wishes my mum and your mum and every friend mum a HAPPY MOTHER DAY...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Introducing a new "Game"

A new game by Singapore pools. Haha.. To win 10k? Dream on. Where got so easy sia. And where got free lunch in Singapore (except Hougang and Potong Pasir.. haha..) Ok, how to play the game. You buy the card(s) and you scratch. Once your scratch all and found 3 identicial amount, that what you win.
Well, on tuesday night i dream of i brought 5 of such cards and win $300. So i believe it might be real i go buy 2 and tried. In the end i wont a dollar. Then Yesterday (Friday) i use the winning one dollar + $2 to buy 3 cards. And the 3 cards are show in the pix. I won $10.. Wahaha... Today i go claim the $10 and buy another 3 cards, end up what did i win? I win by taking the cards to throw into the recycle bin to save environment.. hahaha... From start till now i brought a total of 10cards. How much i win? $11. Ok total i win $1. whahahaa.. What can the $1 do? $1 can let me take a bus from school to AMK Central. $1 can buy me a can of drinks at supermarket. $1 can dontate to charity too. What cant this $1 do? Cant buy 1litre of petrol (Diesel also cant). Cant buy 2 pcs of cookies at Subway. Cant even buy an ait-ticket to KL (although there is free airfare to KL). haha... WTF? i am planning how to use the $1? I am crazy now.. hahahaa...
anyway to all the mothers under the world, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY

Untitled Post

WARNING: This might be a very long post. Quit if you do not want to read. hahaa..
Well, for the past few weeks i notice alot of "No-Manners" people. Ready alot. Be it on the bus, in supermarket and even on the walkway there are alot of all this sort of people. (Maybe i am too sensitive? IMPOSSIBLE!) This morning while i was alighting the bus, i am being pushed by a bangla. (You dude! Be Careful hor, monday i will give u a nice show if you push me again!) Alot alot of all this no manners people, Singaporeans too have their fair share. I remeber vividly last week, a day before labour day, i was queing in a supermarket cashier. I was pushing a trolley and the person in front of me never notice i start to queue already and reserved back to change to "Shorter" lane queues. In the end her "farking big" butt knock into me. I still so nice say sorry and thinking my fault mahz when she stare at me. Ya, its isnt my fault at all. This farking woman simply had no basic knowledge at all. Before you cut queue (and even before you change lane) please have a look first. She still stare at me from a far distance and i stare back. Ha, see who win! Stupid woman use her butt to knock into the trolley. Must ask the supermarket go use dettol to wash it. Her butt dunno got virus anot.. whahahaa... So be careful, if you are bad to me i will treat u the same.
While, bad de finish le now say good de.. I began to notice that like the whole block of my neighbours all i know one. This morning (dunno i am too early or too late) my upstairs that uncle say "wah very long never met you in the morning liao". I was there hahaha... Actually, i think due to my "friendliess" i find all my neighbours very friendly too.. You say hi to me i will definately hi back to you all.. hahaha... I think i can go be grassroots leader liao hor? LOL.
And this afternoon we went subway for lunch. Everyone regretted but i never regret over the cookies. Its really nice lorx.. You can say i noob or no life but this is the first time i tried subway and i will definately go back again (although you all regretted). A reason i go back again, THE COOKIE. aahahaa..
Ok end. Sleep liao.. Tell you all liao super long post

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Untitled Post


I really dunno what i had done.. This kind of life is really suxs.. Is there a way that i can sleep for weeks (or go into coma) also can..

Monday, May 5, 2008

Untitled Post

I am posting again. I think this is my personal space liaoz.. whahaha.. Well, i start of the post recomending food first.

1st May (Public Holiday - Labour Day) My family went Maxwell Market for our late breakfast (or rather lunch). I found something nice there to eat liao.. I been there numerous times but this is the first time i found out that the porridge there is nice. The stall is at the 3rd row (counting from the carpark). Not cheap but not too expensive either $3 for a bowl of porridge with many indigridents. Fish, Chicken and Egg.. Guess how long i queue for it? 45Mins just for the porridge (and that cause us to kana summon for Parking after the expiry of the parking coupon to meet the prescribed park charges - 30mins to an hour FINE $10.. ahaha..) But then the porridge is really delicious. Totally too nice. Before i eat i was saying if the porridge is not nice i sure curse and swear. But after eating i was saying i must share with people this nice place.

The 45minutes of queueing and even the summon is worth it. The porridge is damm nice not forgeting the indigridents. And ya almost forget we order a plate of raw fish. The raw fish is also alot ok. A wonderful meal with my family on Labour Day. Shall go there next time in future when i have craving for porridge + Raw Fish. And ya forget to mention the stall is open from 530am to 2.30pm. (I wonder who 530am go there had breakfast.. whahaha)