Saturday, May 10, 2008

Untitled Post

WARNING: This might be a very long post. Quit if you do not want to read. hahaa..
Well, for the past few weeks i notice alot of "No-Manners" people. Ready alot. Be it on the bus, in supermarket and even on the walkway there are alot of all this sort of people. (Maybe i am too sensitive? IMPOSSIBLE!) This morning while i was alighting the bus, i am being pushed by a bangla. (You dude! Be Careful hor, monday i will give u a nice show if you push me again!) Alot alot of all this no manners people, Singaporeans too have their fair share. I remeber vividly last week, a day before labour day, i was queing in a supermarket cashier. I was pushing a trolley and the person in front of me never notice i start to queue already and reserved back to change to "Shorter" lane queues. In the end her "farking big" butt knock into me. I still so nice say sorry and thinking my fault mahz when she stare at me. Ya, its isnt my fault at all. This farking woman simply had no basic knowledge at all. Before you cut queue (and even before you change lane) please have a look first. She still stare at me from a far distance and i stare back. Ha, see who win! Stupid woman use her butt to knock into the trolley. Must ask the supermarket go use dettol to wash it. Her butt dunno got virus anot.. whahahaa... So be careful, if you are bad to me i will treat u the same.
While, bad de finish le now say good de.. I began to notice that like the whole block of my neighbours all i know one. This morning (dunno i am too early or too late) my upstairs that uncle say "wah very long never met you in the morning liao". I was there hahaha... Actually, i think due to my "friendliess" i find all my neighbours very friendly too.. You say hi to me i will definately hi back to you all.. hahaha... I think i can go be grassroots leader liao hor? LOL.
And this afternoon we went subway for lunch. Everyone regretted but i never regret over the cookies. Its really nice lorx.. You can say i noob or no life but this is the first time i tried subway and i will definately go back again (although you all regretted). A reason i go back again, THE COOKIE. aahahaa..
Ok end. Sleep liao.. Tell you all liao super long post

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