Friday, May 16, 2008

Will you work overtime with NO overtime pay.

Ok, first of all i will seperae my blog into two different post because i believe both should be very wrong.

Everyone should know (me) where i went this afternoon. I shall not name the place because i do not want to have a lawsuit with the opposite party. And should i go there, i shall delete this post immediately. I just want to let the world know something, till know then i know there is something in this world calls overtime without pay. And its not those an hour or less de overtime. Now i know this "realistic" world.

They read through my application form and inside there got a question ask. "If you were to work overtime, will you and how long" I written Yes i agree with the most once or twice a week and they laugh at it. So meaning i should work overtime everyday? And they told me in a way that my brain register as, "in this line you had to work overtime. And there is someone who work before till 11pm." Ok, dun say it in a sad way. If you say every day OT till 10pm. That mean 5hours per day. Meaning i will need to have 25hours "Free Labour" day per week. Although my life not like someone who say he got life but is on gamming.. (haha... Yes i talking about you!) I still need those time to do my personal thing de ma.. If you ask me work 25hours free, i must well contribute this time to do charity work right? Who will want to work OT without overtime pay. Or i tink i go do Grassroot volunteer more happy (i believe).

Secondly, they told me this job should be able to work "independently" and it had "no or rather little thing to what you learn". Wah, power sia.. If i know can like this i apply to my own company to work. Totally no relations to what i learn ma. I still need go there mahz? Even if my company ask me to overtime till 11pm everyday i can report late to work the following day. This one can?

This kind of place can go to de mahz? After i came out i complain to almost every friend. You may say i am fussy over the "job" or whatever you want to say. But i can honesly say even if you give me high pay, i wont go into this job. Basically is i had to stress everyday. Like this mean after 3 months all my hair should turn white le hor. IF (i pray not and i will be going to pray for sure) i really go into there, i will use all sort of matter to change. and Yes i mean it, i will not be going to "drag my feets" there everyday. ("Drag my feet" is quoted from them)

Well, end with i pray. And seriously pray. This kind of "inhuman" place isnt suitable for anyone of us.

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