Friday, February 27, 2009

Untitled Post

Its weekend again. Two weeks since the holiday break. OMG! Thinking of NS comming up, it make me feels like..... I had a mixed feelings, really.
Well, enjoy to the fullest when i can. Anyone want to meet me up? Just advance let me know will do. Hahahahaa...
So i just came up from my JB trip (One night Only) on wednesday. Too bad this time round i never buy anything for anyone. Hahahaha... And seriously to say JB KFC is better than Singapore one. Serious. The chicken meat is more tender. But a consolation for Singapore, the whipped potato here still taste better. Hahaha.. But Pizza Hut there is really no better than Singapore one. Hahaha..
I am feeling sick. Whole body is so tired.
Before i end off, i am inspired by my last post. See what i had written.

Dear, you are just like the Cashcard in my vehicle IU Unit.
Without you, i cant drive freely.
Without you, i might be fined by the xxx.
Without you, i cant go shopping.
Without you, i cannot enter most of the carpark in shopping centres.
In short, Dear, i cant do without you in my car.
I love you.

Cute boh? Hahahaa...

Valentine's Day Message

Happy Valentine's Day. To me, you are like the charger to my Samsung Omnia mobile phone. We were made for each other. Other chargers i have tried, but none was compatible with me.

Nokia, even other chargers for other Samsung phones, just didn't fit. They didn't have the thin flat material bit with the four holes. Only you do, without you, i feel powerless.

This Valentine's Day message is superb right? Hahaha... Is it from me? Well, i think everyone know my english isnt that powerful. Its an extract of an article i read from Straits Times - 21 Feb 2009. I wanted to post but keep having no time. Well, the author use the same mobile phone with me - Samsung Omnia. Hahahaa...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Untitled Post

I want to scream out like. A stupid system is a stupid one. Even they upgrade also a stupid one. But the money that i earned is really great. $100 for two tasks. I completed the first one successfully within 20minutes. BUT I mixed up with wrong papers on my desk thus i type wrongly. To correct 3 alphabets i need to pay $30. What a shitty it is. Next task i took 1hour+ still havent send in. Kanasai. I am going to bath after ranting and back to work again. And not forgetting i gotta wake up at 830am and leave home by 930am to work. WAH PIANG. I am tired liao.

So past few days was a great day for me. Only yesterday the rain caused me no chance to go cycling. And i have a free pair of movie tickets for tomrrow movie. Who wanna have it? Hahahaa..

And i leaving to JB for my shopping trip on wednesday night again. I think after this is about one month again before i go again.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Untitled Post

i suddenly had the urge to blog now. Ok just a random thought. I feel its really good to have a car. You can do whatever you want. Midnight want to go where also can. I promise myself to do my best for my driving test, then save up for my holiday trip (this one maybe can abolish) and then save up to buy my own car! I promised, if i buy my car, i will......... (the .... is in my mind) Hehehe... Not to be shared.

I am really tired this few nights. If you are close to me then you would know what happen. But trust me, i going to relax myself on weekend.

And my mum just make me laugh. Its the kind of laugh that i cant stop to burst out laughing. She was saying of a product, Then say the variety of product. Then she say of course everywhere will have the same variety, if not you expect people who want Variety A to go to a specific store to get? Ok, some laughter, you would understand much if you hear it.

Next, i think i shall forget about the daily updates of my life in the blog. This few days i am really tired. But few words to describe this few days.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Untitled Post

I am back to blogging at a very tired state. Well this few days had been a very tired day. I woke up early this two days and went to bed late. Coz i having my driving lesson this two days. Well, its the end of my lesson and booked TP. My test date 15-Apr-2009 11.00am. If you had no business in AMK, please do not drive your vehicle there to block the road. hahahaa... I hope i can pass one time. My instructor says that my parllel and vertical parking are not bad (not as bad as i think i am).. Hopefully during the test time i can be as firm as what i am doing this few days.

Next next, my precious number prepaid SIM card had been LOST by my sister. I really hate irresponsible people. Firstly she is the one whom take the card out from my spare handphone then now is lost already she just insisted she put back at the usual place. Inside the prepaid card i somemore just topped up. KANASAI!

Tired + Broke now. Its true that driving drain up alot of my money. I just now counted already if i pass this time, i spent about $2.2k (and that include only ONE revision lesson before test)
My god, all my savings are drained up. When i pass, the next thing i wanted to do is save up to buy my own car. Hahahaa... That is when i passed at first attempt then say.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Untitled Post

2 weeks i didnt post. And well, i think i use summary better. WARNING: This is a long summary.

Well, the past two weeks had been a tiring one. Its a real tired, presentation and follow by study week and exams. Honestly to say only i cant memorize things if not i think i have alot of As liao. This is not kua zhang but its very true. I see the paper the questions so familiar but but but... Well, this final exam also make me so stress up. First time so stress. While exams are over and we are TENTATIVELY GRADUATED. Woo Hoo..

Next is driving. I am happy that i have the last two lesson and i can book my tp lesson le. Well, i seriously afraid of directional change, vertical and parllel parking. Hahaha... On road not so adfraid, i afraid of the circuit course. And plkease hor traffic light, listen to me in tp. Dun suddenly turn red when i am near the traffic light.

Well yesterday is V-Day. A late wishes from me to everyone. Wishes everyone a Happy V-Day.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Untitled Post

I going to post what i did today (01-Feb-2009) An advance apology to everyone. This few weeks, i am very busy thus no time to blog.

Well, wake up today and was waiting for my mummy to cook my favorite food - Spaghetti. The first time i ate until i drop my tears. My lips ulcer cause that. Then after which went to Supermarket to get the fruits my mum ordered. And then went to temple to pray. I was so freaking tired when i came home. So i decided to bed before going out tonight.

At night went Ikea with my parents. Cabbed to Ikea and the driving was damm funny. He gave me two mandarin oranges. Hahahaa... He put a bag of oranges below his seats and i persumed he gave to every customers. Brought my parents there to try the food. Seriously, i love the Chicken Wings.
After that walked Ikea and Giant. Then went home.

So today is such an enjoyable day.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Untitled Post


Wishes everyone a Happy Chinese New Year. May success, luck and good health filled up your Year of Ox. If anyone wants love also can. Whahahahaa ...
So just went to both side grandmother house today. Collected red packets. And i at home doing data entry for my red packet at night. LOL. I entered those red packets amount into a spreadsheet. I not ,money faced its like this i can keep track how much people give so i can give back my mum. Actually, i also very funny one. My red packets money are never use. I keep in my drawers for years. And i pay back my mum using my cold hard cash. I was always saving up my red packets for rainy days.

2nd day of CNY. So went another round of visiting today with POKER! LOL. Ok larx, this year average luck. Won $16. Imagine played those $2-$4 every round de win $16 its very little lorx. LOL. SO my relatives went over to my house. And i had to rush like hell to buy finger foods to fry for people. And the most angry thing is when we want rush one kuku motorbike block us. How can a motorbike travelled at extreme right lane of an expressway?
So went to brought lo hei and finger food at supermarket. and rush home.

Wen to school for 1 hour lesson then driving lesson. A compulsory auto lesson. Woo hoo! Auto car is the best, seriously the best. I enjoyed it. And i can speed sia. Dun nid clutch in and out. Just step! LOL. So tried doing the crank course, directional change. All very easy sia. After which went back to school to do project. Rush and rush. Fri got two presentation.

Why i go MIA for days? Because of project. Been writing report for few hours tonight. I do until 4am then i went to bed. So before i slept i was thinking, aiya so tired le sleep more tonight then take cab to school. End up i feel that i am foolish. I slept another 30mins more only. $12 to exchange for 30mins of sleep. Worth? Hmmm...

Presentation today follow by NAPFA Test. Hahahaa... Guess how many points i get for NAPFA test? The best ever result sia. Also try guessing my 2.4km de timming. Best ever result too. LOL. First round was alright until the second round where i feel heart pain follow by stomach pain. OMG!

Its a normal Saturday today. Go work today and was reminded to go home early today to go pray at temple. End up? 5.30pm go home still too late.

Untitled Post

Its Ong Chun Sim nirthday today. Oooh well, i went for my driving lesson before i went to class today. 45mins late for lesson. Hahaha.. Heng, my teacher is dun care one. Learn how to overtake in heavy traffic. LOL. My overtaking power is "skillful" de lorx. LOL. So after that print tonnes of past year paper but do you think i can do finish?

Its a saturday. A day before CNY eve. Went to Bugis today with JJ, JH and Yulin. I heard is Yulin kana called down by them one. Hahaha.. I also not sure. LOL. So brought my shoe. Ok CNY all done! Woo hoo.. I got those CNY Mood!

Chinese New Year EVE! Yea, i slack till afternoon and i went to purchase Salmon Lo Hei. I dunno why i like to eat Lo Hei so much. LOL. I purchased 2 sets. 1 set was to "lo" tonight the other will see. So came back, go buy 4D, see any luck on last day of Rat year. After which reunion dinner. Woo hoo... So many things to eat.
And Indeed, i strike 4D on last day of Rat Year. $10. LOL.
After which i went chinatown to walk. Hahaha.. And watch Bian Piao. At the countdown, i sent an sms at the last 2 sec. So i persumed the SMS will reach the recipent at 12am SHARP. LOLs. Smart hor? Hahahaa... And after which i began to send greetings to first batch of people in my phone book. I send by names stored with number then alphabethical. So 0606, u all will receive it first hand. And i appologize to those name got Y or Z de. LOL.