Thursday, July 31, 2008

Untitled Entry

I truly believe there are up and down of a person. Yea, this is right. Up and down do regularly happen in me too.

And today lunch time, i rush go Larvender to collect my passport by my dad "Sports Car". Wahahaa.. His car is counted as "Sports Car" because he always whiz in and out like no body business. Hahaha.. And so coincidence my passport number ending with 1880. See, again got 8. I do not know why i am so coincidence with the number 8 this few days. Maybe a sign arx, 080808 there might be something good that happen to me. Changed mindset? Or 8 million toto winner? I prefer the former than the latter. But if both happen together = double happiness then. Then i will scream, Huat ah! And say until Huat arx, i want talk about my colleague sia. He this pro, one night can win 5k+ on soccer. And today two match win another 1k again. Wah piang, pro of the pro. Whahaha..

And i thinking of going to do the below events, anyone wanna form a group to do together
: Watch Money no Enough 2
: 9-Aug go watch Fireworks (Although i rejected 2 National Day Tickets from my friend for some reason but i still wish to go watch fireworks)

Anyone wanna gather to do watch movie and watch fireworks? Please tag me..

Untitled Entry

Today is another productive day for me. Left with a single digit of work days already and i suddenly become so productive. Hahaha. So during lunch today, we decided to go to Parris to eat (next week) to celebrate the end of our attachment period. Woo.. Shiok, i always planning to go there eat. But i also plan my birthday to go there eat with you guys lea. Anyone from 0606, what do you think of dinning at Parris (to celebrate my birthday). Wahahahaa.. Dont scold me crazy please.. I just plan only... (Website:

Well, after work, i go collect my taka voucher. I wonder why the voucher isnt in running number? Well, alright, can use will do. Whahaha.. Or who want buy? I selling off.

And, idiot sia, lunch time i go buy 4D 5858 ibet. They dump me with SOLD OUT. Then i was thinking I Huat I Huat cant go in then i buy 5888 I Huat Huat Huat lorx. That one they accepted my bet. End up tonight open 5885. &%$#$^&*. Stupid, $15 also dun wan give me.

And yea, tomrrow collect passport already. Then after that submit our details for our ticket and hotel vouchers. Woo Hoo.. Its another step nearer to fly again. And my dad was telling me, since now Genting so cheap $107 can go for 2 nights, why dont when we come back from Beijing, i treat him go Genting. Whahahaa.. Fine with him that what i told him. Since he brings me to Beijing, i bring him go Genting, no big deal. Whahaha..

Ok, (Excluding tomrrow 31-Jul-2008) let us count down to the end of our attachment (FYPJ for you girls)..
11.. 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... FINISHED. I am looking forward to the end.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Untitled Post

Wow, i didnt blog yesterday and i think i should blog today

Yesterday, Its just a normal monday. With all the hetic work schudules. But i still manage to squeeze out some break and slack time. I think this is the schudule for my day. 8am start do report until 8.30am. Sent to meeting room, return to desk to email report. 8.45am breakfast till about 9.30am. Slack till about 10am then officially start work. 11.45am prepare for lunch, 12noon zhun zhun leave. 1.15pm return. Slack till about 2pm then work. 5pm stop work to slack again till 6pm. Wow, wonderful work schudules. Hahaha.. And i slept at 3am on this night. I also dono why i am so energetic yesterday night. (Maybe i Huat ah! Too active in Huat liao! LOL)

As compare to last tuesday, today was a productive day for me. Yes, its 10 times better than last tuesday. At least i set a target to finish 4 tools by the day. I know its a high target but i purposely set one so i wont sit on my desk for whole day. Hhahaa.. In the end finish 2 only. Same as normal days. But i run up and down to save data on diskettes. Pathetic place where there are selected place that have diskettes drive. I gotta save and upload. Time consuming!
And i think i gonna fall ill soon, after lunch i suddenly feel giddy. Now suddenly sore thoart.

And some random-ness. I find that couple now aday are so sweet. My cousin just asked me to book for her friend and her boyfriend to overseas. Wah, i think havent 18years old already travel together overseas. So Sweet. What to do, a single man can only xian mu ppl.. Whahahaa.. Maybe is the affluence now that lead couple to travel together ba. Travel is cheap anyway. For $100, we can go genting for 2 Nights (First World Hotel) + Breakfast. For $300, we can sit budget air go Bangkok + 2Night hotels. For $500, we can go Hong Kong. Travel is cheap now.
Well, i was thinking, where can i bring my future girl go next time. Whahahaa.. Well, dont think too much, now single dont make any plans.. Hahahaa..

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Untitled Entry

Its end of Sunday! Tomrrow will be week 10, woo hoo! Its ending soon.. 3 more weeks (15 working days)...

Well, i think for a single person (like me), weekend is the best to have a rest. Agreeable? LOL. If not for meeting up my friend to give her, her birthday present and to go for my investment, i would sleep the whole day. Its so shiok to sleep. I am now hugging my pillow while i type, i think i gonna sleep soon again.. Whahaha.. (Sleep like a pig!)
Every year, July is the month where i had alot of friends birthday. And i am broke. With all the loss investment again, how to top up the funds in my bank. Haiz. 越来越穷...
钱钱钱不够用,钱不够用。。。 7月31日,钱不够用2 anyone wanting to go watch?

And ya, my weekly report, i havent write.. Shall go write liao. Bye everyone.. And guys please tag or/& blog.. Do not let it collet dust please..

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Untitled Entry

I think i shall follow Rachel way of blogging, which is to summarize what had happen everyday. Not a bad way so next time if i turn old senile, i still can read what had happen to me in the past. Or if all my brain memories had been washed, i can refer to here too. Whahaa.

Luckily never bet if not i lost today. She wears Purple. Whahaha.. Generally, today is a great day for me because weekend arrived. Was at PS yesterday with my friend. Now then i understand woman. They want to buy clothes when they had special occasion. No wonder why their money spent so fast. (Siao eh, nxt time you meet-up with me also a special occasion, so remeber buy new clothes too.. Whahaha)... Then after that we walked to Dorby Ghaut for a meal. We was saying how long we didnt meet-up didnt go out together already. Sorry to friends if i neglected you all in the past. I shall slowly contact people back and do meet-up if neccessary. After Meal, back to PS again and i met one of my proj team mate there with his girl.

Morning was woke up at 9am by my dad. Ask me go replace my passport for my trip. So he drove me there and we was so clever to park at the HDB estate opposite so we just tear 1 coupon will do. Reached there then we realized there is this thing call drop your application form and take your passport 4 days later. Then we was like..... We was thinking we sure need to wait very long. Nevermind after that my dad drove me to orchard to do something. I say need pay ERP $2 he told me he know where to siam. End up that place also needed ERP. And its $1. Saturday morning 11+ also need ERP. My god lorx! The traffic flow so smooth.
And my dad says my face look like children when i take photos. Wahahaha..
And (last and) I feel that i had reached the lowest point of my life.

Because of you,
I work harder.
Because of you,
I chiong even harder.
Because of you,
i give in everything
But where is my money sia! All just gone like this. I thinki really reached the bottom liao.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Week 9 of attachment (FYP)

Well, everyone we had reached the end of week 9 for our attachment (and for some, FYP).

16 more working days (excluding any leave or/& holiday, if any) and we are going to end. Can i suggest a meet up on the last day to mark the end of our year 3 semester 1? Anyone wanting a meet-up? Regardless of 0606 meet-ups or friends meet-up or even both, its alright.

Usual meal cum movie or somethings intresting also can. Maybe go Geylang (and please do not like Wan Yee like this think until where.. Hahahaa..) EAT DURIAN. Now durian seasons, durain are cheap so can go eat. LOL.. If not we go K? Or Ice-skating? (Eh, this was my plan last time to do it but... )

And some random-ness
The green jacket girl de wardobe had only black shirt. Every day also see her wear black. OMG! (I shall go bet with people there liao, Odds for Black 1.10, Odds for other color $15.00. Wan Yee, want come gamble? LOL) And please do not anyhow match-make me and her. Its our coincidence to meet many times a day. Its just like this simple and not as complicated as what you people think.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Destination Unknown

After returning from work, use computer for a while and i went for my destination unknown cycling. Yes destination unknown. I turn wherever i can turn, i got no route planning and i also unsure where i would like to go. End up, i cycle from one shopping centre to the another.
If i had a lience and a car now (not neccssary to have a car 'coz i can rent) i think i will drive around aimlessly too. I will just turn at any junction.

And just now my colleague teach me this pharse
"No fish, prawn also can" “没鱼虾也好。” then i make it longer, “没鱼虾也好,没虾,虾米都好。” Nice right? No fish, there is prawn then if no prawn we still have shrimp.

Well, I had successfully make myself tired already. I shall shower and sleep. Good Night everyone.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Untitled Entry

I will have to cancel everything that i plan to do.
Its back to normal mode right now.

I am now lost after everything abolished.

And appologize to everyone if i scolded you all for nothing today. I am having a low mood today. Moody? Or Emo? Not too sure.

And some foolish things i did today. I was upstairs working and whenever i stare into the mirrors, i will smile at myself. Hahaha.. I didnt had my lunch at all for today (Not for losing weight) becuase i have no appetite. And when i throw "money" out, i didnt think much either.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Untitled Entry

When i am working very hard at "upstairs" without my mobile phone, my mind was always fully contain of.
I was always wishing for a "surprise" at my mobile phone when i "came down" from work to check on my mobile.
Well, if anyone do contact me during office hours, and i do not reply to your SMS/Call/Email, you will know where am i already. Even if its urgent, i also cannot attend to you all.. (Who ask "upstairs" do not allow mobile phones) Hahaha..

Hmm.. I am really tired. When my money is used finish, i am tired. But when its raining money, i am happy again. I believe money do play a little part in my life. Money is a minor part so what is a major part? Answer: "The sweetner" in my daily cup of coffee or tea larx..

If you all do not understand what am i blogging, its alright. Coz i also dunno what i am blogging. I am just typing what is in my brain.. Whahahaa..

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Untitled Post

I suddenly realize i had to do a lot of pre-preparation for our trip sia.
Firstly, my passport had less than 6 month validty. Had to go make a new one. OMG and i had no time other than sunday.
Secondly, We still havent send in our photo for the security passes for our trip. (That is needed to identify ourselves)
Thirdly, We still havent send in our acceptance form.
Forthly, what should i wear to there.
OMG! I had alot of things to settle for the trip. Although 3 days trip and yet its like tonnes of pre-trips things to do.
And i told, my dad just now, that at night we go take MRT and chiong. He ask me i know anot. I told him, eh, our place not near train station, maybe we can take cab to train station and change train. He ask me i know the cab price anot. LOL.. I doubt he will want go chiong with me liao.. Diao.. Maybe we really stay at hotel de lounge at night. Hahaha.. We will see when we are there. Meanwhile, people, if i never go shopping equal to no gifts for you all when i am back. LOL..
And people, if possible, give me some place that i can shop during night one and is after 9pm those sort one.

Ok some random-ness.
Its so shiok when your stead have a car and drives you around for shopping. Its really great sia. Ok, i think i shall add this into my wish-list. Faster can lience and have a car (probably rent) so in my next relationship, i will let her sit comfortably and we will go for shopping. Wahhaa.. Its shiok being driven around. Yes, i believe that. (Because i always let my dad drive me around. My dad is like my driver. LOL..)

And my dad hurts me just now. He say something that is very hurting to someone. Daddy, how can you be like this. I shall let you see next time to prove that what you say isnt right. Not as xxx as you think! Humph!

End end... And is week 9 tomorrow. And by friday, Yea! We walked 3/4 of the journey. Meaning we earn 3/4 of our pay? Wahahaha..

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Untitled Entry

Hmm.. Most prob, i will be going to Beijing already. Hahaha.. Today, i went for the tour briefing then i realize that the sponsor are really so great. Everything bao gao liao (even the airticket de air taxes which stands at $300+) also bao. One thing bo bao, China Visa and Dinner. Well, nevermind, my dad says eat there de bread. LOL.. Its a really great trip after i saw the itinerary. Only thing not good, no shopping time. Maybe i go there 闯 myself in the night.. Wahahaha.. See how ba..

Wah, really if i go, i be very happy liao.. So long never go relax liao. Somemore relax until so song. The hotel also quite grand somemore inside the hotel got its own facilties like shopping centre, amusement park. Sounds great? And not forgetting my dad says he want go there swimming and i suggest to go there gym.. Wahahaha... (Hotel Web:

Well, i am just happy tonight. Will you make me even happier tonight? Whahahaa...

And someone ask me to make 20 wishes for my 20th birthday. Well, i will plan what wishes i have then i post here.. whahahaa

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Untitled Post

Sometimes i just do not know how to express my feeling.
Perhaps, me myself, also dunno.
Alot of events in my life that make me feel tired.
I am tired already.
I wanted to go to relax but my dad doesnt want to go.
Just do not understand, afterall we just bring ourselves go to enjoy.
Why my dad doesnt wants.
Tired, i am really tired of thinking.
Tonight, raining of money suppose to be very happy to me, but i am not.
I really do not know why and what is my feeling now.
Tired, really tired. Perhaps, i need to rest now.

Zzzz... I am sleeping soon. Sweet dreams, please enter tonight to make this day a even meaningful day. And i slowly had forgotten the event that happen on 53months ago. All because of something, i forgotten what had happen..

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Untitled Entry

Well, today is "the last day of the week". I worked till 7.15pm. The first time i worked past 6pm ever since i started my attachment. Now i must listen to what people do before de saying. My colleague(cum fellow IA Student) say, do not ever enter there to work after 5pm. You sure cant finish one. Then i was so clever to enter at 5.15pm thinking the people will help me there and i shall complete my task by 6pm or latest by 6.10pm. I was totally wrong! People there are too busy to help. They wait until nearly 6pm then help me. By the time i was ooh my god. What people say are correct and i will remind myself in future, do not enter afetr 5pm. Luckily i do not have any meet-up tonight if not i will go crazy. Well, today work until so late then let's be it since its "Friday".. Whahaha

Wow, my weekend starts earlier this week. So happy..

Week 8 finished. Left with 9... 10... 11... 12... Wow. 4 Weeks with 2o working days.. Whaahhaa.
And holiday go where? Might be going to Beijing.. Woo hoo to watch olympics. And its a fully sponsored trip. Include stay, include eat, include fun.. Wooo... Can i go?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Basic Theory Test

Oooh Yea! I just came back not long ago from my Basic Theory Test (BTT). (Of course i blog when i had settle my dinner)

And the result is ......


Although this is my second taking and i am glad that i had passed. Maybe there isnt much things that affected my mind today. Luckily there isnt any bomb. I told myself in the morning, i must have a "high" mood today and not let anything around to affect me. In the mid morning, there is something but i am lucky to let it cover by the "rush" work schudule in the late afternoon.

Now, i had passed, and the next step is to apply for PDL and i can start to learn driving. Its a small step towards my dream.

Next, go sleep already. I am too tired. And ya, please everyone. I post and let you all see the Password. If you all want to go bet on it, do bet on it but please do not bet until sold out arx.. I want to buy one.. Whahaha.. So if i win.... I got fully sponsored.. Whahahahaa..

Friday, July 11, 2008

Untitled Post

Suddenly feel like blogging. We come to an end of Week 7 IPP. Another 5 weeks more. I so happy that its ending soon. Next week shall be a short week for me ba. Woo Hoo i am so happy because of the "short" week.. Whahahaa. And better remember 14-July-2008 2000Hrs.

And this week, with two continous day of outing until so late then return home, i beginning to feel tired now. Yesterday, Yulin Happy birthday.

Today go celebrate my friend birthday. Then i knew something from my friend. Her birthday falls on the same day as her BGR annivesary. Now then i understand why we cant have this two days together. Good luck my friend, i wonder how she's going to celebrate tomorrow.

Next next, I had a friend who name is JJ. He is the most evil person in this world! Wahahahaa.. The way he always tell us go die. Whahahaaa... Ya lorx, without her le ma, can die liao lorx.. Jump MRT? LOL..

And ending with, people when you online and i never see you, please pm me to get the photos. Thank You!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Untitled Post

Some random-ness first.
I need "U" to come and sing this song can?
Song title "Ai Ren Gen Ren Pao"...
Or who got the song, send me and i will forward to the revelant person or maybe post here also can arx.. Wahahahhaa..

Ok, next try this. I wonder if it is really so accurate. But i CHOOSE NOT to believe. Just try it for fun. Gotten it from Khim's blog.

fun quizzes for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Blog Quiz

Next, weekend is always so fast. But i am happy for this week and next week. This two weeks (except Monday), i believe shall be a very free week for me.

Ok, look forward and take care everyone..

"Ai Ren Gen Ren Pao" liao.. I not refering to myself here...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


The magazine says 01-July-2008 suppose to my lucky big day. I was wishing the magazine was true but end up cannot believe the zoadic sign too much.. Chey! 01-July-2008 end already where got big lucky thing happen. Nothing at all. Check through everything, nothing happen lorx.

Next, wah 01-July-2008 meaning half year had passed. Wah fast. What had i acheived? Hmmm.. If that is successful can i count that as achievement too? Maybe can, maybe cant..

Today i listen to radio, they say according to a survey, a man waste 3 months of his lifetime in waiting for a women. Well, is that true? Who can really go calculate that. Waiting time, include wait for the women to make up, wait them from toilet.... But i wonder does that include waiting for female to accept them. Whahahaa.. If anyone have the report can send to me? I curious on how they count.

Hahaha.. End of blog. Sisesta! LOL...