Monday, July 14, 2008

Basic Theory Test

Oooh Yea! I just came back not long ago from my Basic Theory Test (BTT). (Of course i blog when i had settle my dinner)

And the result is ......


Although this is my second taking and i am glad that i had passed. Maybe there isnt much things that affected my mind today. Luckily there isnt any bomb. I told myself in the morning, i must have a "high" mood today and not let anything around to affect me. In the mid morning, there is something but i am lucky to let it cover by the "rush" work schudule in the late afternoon.

Now, i had passed, and the next step is to apply for PDL and i can start to learn driving. Its a small step towards my dream.

Next, go sleep already. I am too tired. And ya, please everyone. I post and let you all see the Password. If you all want to go bet on it, do bet on it but please do not bet until sold out arx.. I want to buy one.. Whahaha.. So if i win.... I got fully sponsored.. Whahahahaa..

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