Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Untitled Post

Wow, i didnt blog yesterday and i think i should blog today

Yesterday, Its just a normal monday. With all the hetic work schudules. But i still manage to squeeze out some break and slack time. I think this is the schudule for my day. 8am start do report until 8.30am. Sent to meeting room, return to desk to email report. 8.45am breakfast till about 9.30am. Slack till about 10am then officially start work. 11.45am prepare for lunch, 12noon zhun zhun leave. 1.15pm return. Slack till about 2pm then work. 5pm stop work to slack again till 6pm. Wow, wonderful work schudules. Hahaha.. And i slept at 3am on this night. I also dono why i am so energetic yesterday night. (Maybe i Huat ah! Too active in Huat liao! LOL)

As compare to last tuesday, today was a productive day for me. Yes, its 10 times better than last tuesday. At least i set a target to finish 4 tools by the day. I know its a high target but i purposely set one so i wont sit on my desk for whole day. Hhahaa.. In the end finish 2 only. Same as normal days. But i run up and down to save data on diskettes. Pathetic place where there are selected place that have diskettes drive. I gotta save and upload. Time consuming!
And i think i gonna fall ill soon, after lunch i suddenly feel giddy. Now suddenly sore thoart.

And some random-ness. I find that couple now aday are so sweet. My cousin just asked me to book for her friend and her boyfriend to overseas. Wah, i think havent 18years old already travel together overseas. So Sweet. What to do, a single man can only xian mu ppl.. Whahahaa.. Maybe is the affluence now that lead couple to travel together ba. Travel is cheap anyway. For $100, we can go genting for 2 Nights (First World Hotel) + Breakfast. For $300, we can sit budget air go Bangkok + 2Night hotels. For $500, we can go Hong Kong. Travel is cheap now.
Well, i was thinking, where can i bring my future girl go next time. Whahahaa.. Well, dont think too much, now single dont make any plans.. Hahahaa..

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