Friday, July 11, 2008

Untitled Post

Suddenly feel like blogging. We come to an end of Week 7 IPP. Another 5 weeks more. I so happy that its ending soon. Next week shall be a short week for me ba. Woo Hoo i am so happy because of the "short" week.. Whahahaa. And better remember 14-July-2008 2000Hrs.

And this week, with two continous day of outing until so late then return home, i beginning to feel tired now. Yesterday, Yulin Happy birthday.

Today go celebrate my friend birthday. Then i knew something from my friend. Her birthday falls on the same day as her BGR annivesary. Now then i understand why we cant have this two days together. Good luck my friend, i wonder how she's going to celebrate tomorrow.

Next next, I had a friend who name is JJ. He is the most evil person in this world! Wahahahaa.. The way he always tell us go die. Whahahaaa... Ya lorx, without her le ma, can die liao lorx.. Jump MRT? LOL..

And ending with, people when you online and i never see you, please pm me to get the photos. Thank You!

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