Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Destination Unknown

After returning from work, use computer for a while and i went for my destination unknown cycling. Yes destination unknown. I turn wherever i can turn, i got no route planning and i also unsure where i would like to go. End up, i cycle from one shopping centre to the another.
If i had a lience and a car now (not neccssary to have a car 'coz i can rent) i think i will drive around aimlessly too. I will just turn at any junction.

And just now my colleague teach me this pharse
"No fish, prawn also can" “没鱼虾也好。” then i make it longer, “没鱼虾也好,没虾,虾米都好。” Nice right? No fish, there is prawn then if no prawn we still have shrimp.

Well, I had successfully make myself tired already. I shall shower and sleep. Good Night everyone.

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