Friday, October 3, 2008

Untitled Post

Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY 1003. Whahahahaa....

Was generally a bad day today. My head is spinning today. Too many things that went into my brain that required alot of thinking. What day is it seh. Its not one lorx, its a number of events that went into my brain. Haiz. What can i say. Maybe i should take what my instructor saifd that day. Things are very simple, its only we human think too much and make it complicated. Maybe, 是你想太多 “我总这样说”。I am getting better now because i relax my brain by lettintg it think of money. Whahaha..

And yea its another weekend tomrrow. And another weekend more, we will be back to school. So fast school reopen. I havent relax finish lorx. I was thinking now if i never go into university (most probably not) this will be my last holiday in my life already. Mo more school holiday! Our last lap, though we seperated, jia you everyone! And keen for a meet-up everyone?

And And "someone" scolded me with this just now “你屁股杨yang啦,已经两年多没有事了,你现在又去找事来!” Argh!! Stupid stupid! I am Stupid


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