Thursday, October 30, 2008

Untitled Post

So today is the NE trip to National Museum. Obviously everyone was so excited. Whahaha.. So after NE trip we begin to slack around with nothing to do so i just went home. Because i am tired liao. Its black Tuesday yesterday with Inactive Wednesday today and a Long Thursday tomrrow. I named every day with a word.

So my neighbour began to ask me today "20 years old le hor." "24-25 years old can marry liao". Obviosuly i smile to her but have a diao feeling in my heart. No girlfriend marry what shit. Why people keep asking me about marriage and all this thing. I so old liao mahz? I just hit 20 nia lea! Damm!

And lastly a piece of GOOD NEWS! Fuel Surcharge in taxis will go away from 11 November. (And some on 12-Nov). Woo! 30cents gone. Seriously larx i find it very funny, Air planes collected fuel surcharge can keep increase. Once taxi come in to collect the fuel price start to drop and they cant have it liao. Whahaha.. And to me 30cents doesnt make a big difference, if you are in urgent who going to care about 30cents. $3 you also will pay lorx.

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