Thursday, October 30, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a long Thursday. I am tired. After lesson today, i feel so tired. Was thinking, i should cab home. Its 7.40pm. I was thinking deeply, in the past with Shi hui, Hui Xin and Dillys cabbed home was totally not a big problem if all is ok, coz after we spilt up the cost, its still worth it. Now when i want to cab home, i need consideration. I wont spent alot on cab just like what i had spent previously. End up, i took bus home.

So yes i am tired. And i going to school tomrrow. Whole day lesson i be going. But i only done part of my homework. Pray tomrrow will be a lucky day that i wont be called to answer question.

So a romance Friday? Or Lucky Friday? I shall name it tomrrow.

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