Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Summary of 2008 & 2009 Resolution

WARNING: THIS WILL BE A SUPER LONG POST. I am typing this at 1am on 31-Dec-2008. Another 23 hours to 2009. (This post will be posted at about 11pm on 31-Dec-2008)

Let me start with a summary of year 2008. Year 2008 is indeed a rough year to me. I was hoping for a better 2009.
The first quarter of 2008. I forgotten clean about it at the start. I just wanted to get along with my life. Years passed, and its finally ended. End of year 2 follows by the starting of year 3. Start off first with FYPJ where i met alot of new peoples there from various courses.
The second quarter of 2008. Its a sad thing to start with, the departure of our friend. We will miss you deeply. After which is also the start of a new chapter. Something began. I started to move on.
Third quarter of 2008. Things came crashing down. The whole world dropped. I feel so worse. Its just like how shares plunged. Things doesnt want the way i want it to be. Was in Beijing for a personal trip. Truly enjoyed it.
Fourth quarter of 2008. Things just go very differently from what i wanted. Everythings just go down and down. I began starting to learn my driving.
Ending with 2008 is a very bad year, i was hoping for a better 2009.

Next is the Resolution made in 2008.
1. To have money (Current Assets) in my bank account to grow till a quarter of 5 digits figures...
2. To fall ill less than 6 times in 2008.
3. To start taking my driving lesson in 2008.
Resoultion1: I FAILED to achieve it. I Actually if i didnt spend money on driving, the target can be reached.
Resoultion2: I ACHIEVED. I think the last time i fall ill is in end of Aug. Woo Hoo..

As usual, i intend to have 3 resolutions only
1. To pass by driving test by June 2009.
2. Back to money again, hoping to have at least 3k in my bank account before i enter NS
3. Unfilled resolution (will fill once i thought of it) Hehehe

As usually too, i wont wish for weight related or BGR relationship. BGR is see fate one.

Finally, i end this post with the 3 most meaningful phrase heard in 2008.

Author: JX & RM

Author: Unknown

“机会只是给人们一次,同样的机会不可能再发生” or similar (cant really remember)
Author: Local Radio

Another few moments we will bid good bye to 2008. Lets us welcome 2009 with our both hands. If you think your 2008 is as bad as me, lets wish for a better 2009. If you are contented with your 2008 then let wish for a even better 2009.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Untitled Post

First day of the final of the final lap. No more holidays in future (unless i go into uni) First day of school. Like this lor nothing big happen. Only something big is that i nearly fall down the steps when i am going home. Coz rush to the bus stop to catch bus then miss steps. If roll down the stairs then i be hohohoho liao.
2 DAYS MORE TO 2009.

Driving lesson this morning. Was shock that there isnt any instructor arranged for me when the instructor told me this. He say he stand in only. Hahaha.. So learn U-turn today. Yea, its not as bad as i expected. And this instructor shared the same thing as me, 2008 is a bad year. We are hoping for a better 2009. Hahaha.. And i joked with him, tomrrow my lesson will be the last of the year and so coincidence that is the last time slot for the year too. Last of last. Hahaha..
So from yesterday until now, Evelyn was keep saying about buying handphone. And she too want to jump opreator. So coincidence that we are jumping into the same opreator. So i helped her to called to ask about some handphone thingy and i got to know this promotion offered - If you jump from another handphone service provider to this, you get 6 MONTHS of FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS. Woo Hoo.. That why no matter how, tomrrow she is getting herself a brand new phone and me too. A new phone in a new year. Old phone memories will then be erased. But now got headache dunno want to buy what phone. But one good thing is tomrrow that handphone service provider will be happy to have at least 2 new customers being snatched from competitors. Hahaha..
And stay tune for the next post. It will be a summary of my 2008 and resolution for 2009.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Untitled Post

Last Friday of 2008. Yesterday is last Thursday 0f 2008. So fast 2008 is going to end. One week more. Well, Friday also mean holiday going to end soon. Time really flies. Serious, its been flying one.

Its saturday. The last weekend of the year. Woo hoo.. I am so happy tonight. Because the magazine says de thing is so true. Small luck nia but i am happy over it.

Its the last Sunday of 2008. Next Sunday its 2009 already. Today stay at home to study for tomorrow test. Wah Sian. 8 chapters.
I am singing as the radio played - 是你变了吗?
Next Song 终于做了这个决定,别人怎么说我也不定。。。爱需要勇气

a short post indeed.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Untitled Post

Firstly, a MERRY CHRISTMAS to every friends and readers.

So this year, i had receive ONE present up to now. I am not showing off (because there is no reason to show off this pathetic number) but i am trying to say ONE is enough. Because this year i keep telling people don't buy any present for me because i am lazy to buy a present in return. And well, the present is a mouse and a special mouse pad.

Christmas is a wonderful event. Meet-up with my extended family. Or shall i say mini-gathering? Its only on some occasion we can meet up. And so the next is Chinese New Year then Valentine's Day. Ooh, i am being blocked on Valentine's Day already. Its alright to me.

And just now i read up on i-Weekly horoscope. So you think is it accurate? Its say virgo will get a surprise on Thursday (which is today) and had a small luck on Saturday. You think can believe? 23 Hours and 15 Minutes had passed, nothing surprise at all lea. Or the last 45 minutes i will have a big surprise? I am thinking what can it be.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Untitled Post

Untitled Day. Yes, i named it as untitled day. I am smiling today again. =)).. yesterday night i was chatting with a friend and she was so cute to tell me to smile with her. Whahahaa... So i smile the whole day today. Woo hoo hoo.. look at the time i can also smile.. =)).

Its was class BBQ today. I think i didnt take any picture yesterday so dont expect me to post any here. Whahahaa.. But a budget BBQ end up so many balance food too. Hahaha..
Then i went home, i open letter box and to my surprise a self-made Christmas card addressed to me. Thank You, Radio 1003 - Ken.

Hoo hoo hoo.. Christmas Eve. Yesterday is Eve eve. Today is Eve. Whahahahaha... So sad that i didnt had any program for the night, so its ok, i change my minded. I decided to eat at home + solo drinking. Hahaha..
Then at about an hour again, JJ called me to go town with them. Sorry everyone larx, i had my own plan liao and i already start drinking so i lazy to go town liao.
6 minutes to Christmas. I go bring out my sparkling juice to open. And yea hor my vodka havent even finish. Hahahaha..

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Untitled Post

Its Dong Zhi today. Have you eaten your Tang Yuan? I heard from Radio 1003 last few weeks, we must eat Tang yuan on Dong Zhi because this means we are growing this year. Unless you want forever remain the same age then dont eat Tang Yuan lorx. Hohoho.. So if you havent eat, there is still time to go eat. Hahaha..

So went to office to pray today then after that go both of my grandma house to deliver bak kwa. Hahaha.. I dont know is christmas gift or CNY gifts. Hohohoho, deliver gifts. Santa comming to town ba. I am the santa for my family. Whahaha..

And wah, i heard CNY song this week. Hahaha.. New Year is comming to my doorstep. I yet to buy any new clothing this year. Hahaha...

Well, that all ba. One week of holiday gone. And comming up next week.
22-Dec-2008: Untitled Day
23-Dec-2008: EI0606 class gathering
24-Dec-2008: Christmas Eve (An empty day still-anyone wanna go out?)
25-Dec-2008: Christmas Day (booked liao)
Wow, eventful week. Hahaha..

Untitled Post

Had my driving lesson in the morning. So the instructor say i am perfecting the wrong. Ok larx, i know i am noob, i am slow can.
In the past, i always say 18th of the month is full of curse but it is no longer now. I am so happy tonight lorx. I create a new history again.
So when i reach home, i check my mailer and saw a letter from a leading magazine company. (Not those entertainment magazine) They inform me that i have won $70k cash, a car and whatever shit. My first impression was ah la, confirm fake one. So good arx cash + car. Then my dad there disturb say my license haven't get, i already have a car. (That explain my MSN Nick too). So the car have a nice car plate number too - 2638. (If anyone want to buy, please dont buy until sold out. I want win too.. =))

Its a normal day at work. And i do a rough calculation for my company profit for the year. Hahaha..
And my dad was saying times flies. Few weeks ago the start of Dec and tomrrow is the 2/3 of the month. Ya lorx. Very fast lea. 12 days more to 2009. As usual i was hoping for a better 2009.

Business was like shit today. Never seen before such a quiet saturday. So decided to went home early. And to cycle at night. So i do a new distance again. I cycled to Hougang street 91 today. If you know where i stay and where is Houganag Street 91, u will know the distance. And after that went to eat vegetrain at the Hougang there. Such a long time never went there already. And its Dong Zhi tomrrow!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Untitled Post

Its Wednesday 17-Dec-2008. I remembered what happen 58 months ago. Hahaha..

Well, a great thanks to Sarah for the great help. A sliver lining appeared in the dark sky. Just when everything cant help, i received her call. Thanks alot.

Well, major newspaper had appeared that Internet Explorer had a loophole where hijacker can entered and they are expected to patch it by today. So i had changed. I downloaded Firefox and Safari in my office PC as well as my laptop already. And i taught my dad how to use Safari and Firefox. Then he was so funny when he see me using my own laptop. He told me cannot use the internet explorer, must use others.. Wahahahaa.. He cautioned me.. LOL..

17 of the month, as always is my lucky day of the month. December 17th was saved by Sarah. LOL...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a sunday! Well, went to work in the morning because of do something wrong in work yesterday. A damage cost or rather loss of $200+ ba. Siao liao lorx. Sway! After which went home and decided to go cycling. I hate rain! I wanted to go as far as i can but the rain disturbs me. I only cycle to Sengkang.

The last holiday.. Woo hoo... Went to work in the morning. And the loss is finalized, its not $200+ but is $500+.. Wah piang eh! I think i need to bear part of the cost ba.. Haiz, what is happening lorx. 2008 is really a unlucky year. Alot of losses. Beside money, i even loss friendS. 2008 indeed an unlucky year. So tired of it already. Hopefully 2009 is a better year.

Maybe because i am thinking of it, i had nightmare and sweet dreams of the same thing. Hahaha.. Its abit funny lorx. Well, all i know the sweet part its wont happen, the nightmare one is too true to happen..
And dunno whats wrong with myself also. Today i keep smilling. Whahahaa... =))

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Untitled Post

Well forget to add on this yesterday. We got back our SI Result. Its a little sad for me to get F for Lab Test and C for written test. But well, that is a honest result. Just like what Chun Sim told JJ score with integrity. Yea, Although no A but its alright, i did our paper with honestly and intergity. Just like how i get A for our Logistics & Distribution lab Test, that is also a honest result with integrity.

So today is saturday. Just a normal working day. Was alittle busy today.

I think enough of slacking for the past few days liao. Soon i going to start project. I will do comm skill first. I think i have decided to choose on DBS. Same class people, please do not be a copycat. Thank You. Hahaha..

Friday, December 12, 2008

Untitled Post

My pace is slow and i came to a complete stop today. Its holiday! Hahahaa... The last holiday in my life. (I do believe it) 2 weeks of holidays but things are lining up to do. Put aside, let me slack awhile more before i get started.

Generally, a high mood day today. Whatever teacher say is left in right out. Hahahaa.. After that driving lesson. Well, this few lesson had been very smoothly. And was taught of the pre-car check today. Wah piang lorx, ask me park at those deserted place (with lots of mosquito) to do pre-drive check.

Nothing much today. 121208. A special date to remeber today. I hope the time can move as slowly as possible now.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

2008 to 2009

Never been so free before for the past few weeks. Well, at least i have one slacking day and in holiday there is alot of things to do. After holiday, 2008 is comming to an end.

This morning we was talking about towards 2009. I said i was hoping for a better 2009. Then that came when someone mention about the econmic crisis. We can feel it by seeing the retrenchment number but that cant help it one. Generally, i was thinking i everyday was saying hoping for a better year next year. From 2004 i said, 2005 will be better till last year i said 2008 will be better. So is it better for me this year? I doubt so. If you were to ask me to use a sentence to describe my 2008 i would say, "Up and Down just like a see-saw." Yes, 2008, i had a lot of up and down. My feeling have been up and down too. Just another half month of 2008, can i have the remaining days of the month to be "up"?

Generally, if i look back, 2008 i accomplish two of the three resolution i did for the year. First, my driving. Yes, i start learning. Secondly, fall ill. I think this year i fall ill lesser time too. Maybe not more than 5 times.

Good Bye 2008, welcome 2009. Lets hope 2009 will be a better year for everyone if you feel that 2008 is a lousy year. With half a month more, let me think of resolution for 2009 soon.

Untitled Post

Its a short week this week. 4 schooling days. So have my driving lesson this morning. Everything just went smoothly except a time where the traffic light suddenly turn red. Dear traffic light in future can dont be so suddenly, at least let my the front wheels of the car pass the stop line then you turn red ma so i dun nid to stop. hehehe... And i find that driving is very tired one. Turn into fliter lane check left blind spot. Then heard turn to right to see the oncomming cars then turn out check another blind spot. My head is like turn from left to right to left. LOL. Somemore check mirror as and always. See right see left see rear mirror. At least rear mirror can have something nice to see. Hahaha.. See behind is it got chio bu. Whahaaha... But on the road seldom have, inside circuit can have. Wahahahaa... And i also realize something, instructor are damm happy when they teach females. You can see their facial expression is different one. Wah if the female is chio bu i cant imagine how happy will those instructors be. Waahahaa

Its a wednesday. Yea! Mid-week. I think in this world only two people who know what mid-week symbolize lorx. One is me another one is my friend. So had extended lesson till 5+ this afternoon. Went home check email, sleep. At night still have to study for tomrrow test. Its a killer test. Really killer one.
I slowed down, awaiting thursday to arrive.

Its test today. Well, i cant memorize anything. So those question i dunno how to do i just crap it out. Wah sian lorx. Then after that went home. Hehe... Today no comm skills. Well, i am just a mini-planner. I love to plan for people's event. LOL... Want me to plan for you? Hahahaa...
And i suddenly miss my "online friend" sia. I wonder where is she. I got 2 months + never seen her online. Wonder how is she now. Where are you my friend? Today thursday lea, you should be at home online-ing right?
I make my pace even slower. Holiday is comming and lets enjoy the last holiday in my life.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Untitled Post

Alright, end of public holiday. So what did i do today? SLEEP + Dinner with mum. Wah i think my life too plain liao, every weekend or public holiday i just sleep. Or maybe shall i say 休息是为了走更长远的路。But this afternoon i cant sleep much too. Dunno is it too cold.

Well, my FTT 20-January 2009 11.45am. Wait until January 2009 i then start studying. Hahaha.. Now study also will forget one. LOL. Actually the wait also quite long lorx, 6weeks. Hahaha..

Lastly, i suddenly thought of this pharse again. (The keypoint is something like this)
"Chances are given once. The probability that you happen to have this same chance again is next to 0."
Author Unknown
Chances are given, so grab it before regret. Hmm..
Ok, sleeping time. tomrrow 10.30am lesson. Sleep more important now. GOOD NIGHT!

Monday, December 8, 2008


I suddenly in love with this "old" song. Dont ask me why, its a sudden one.

为你写诗 作词:吴克群 作曲:吴克群


为你写诗 为你静止
为你写诗 为你静止
我忘了说 最美的是你的名字


为你写诗 为你静止
为你写诗 为你静止
我忘了说 最美的是你的名字

为你写诗 为你静止
为你 我学会弹琴写词
为你写诗 为你静止
我忘了说 最美的是你的名字

我什都能忘记 但唯一不忘是你的名字
我什都能忘记 但唯一不忘是你的样子
我什都能忘记 但唯一不忘是你的名字
我什都能忘记 但唯一不忘是你的样子

Untitled Post

I missed out something on friday mode. Wow, my driving lesson now is stage 2 liao, so i must book a compulsory automatic car lesson. The system prompt me. And to my horror, wah auto car de waiting time so long one. I book till 20+ January. Hahahaa..

Its a work day again. But dunno why today not so busy liao. I am so free today. Hahaha.. Then at night when to NTUC to help my mum buy some air purifier thingy. So expensive one lorx, 5 bottles $30+ gone. Worst is i dunno what i buy in the end i go cashier $60+. Whahaha.. Tidbits + Soft Drinks. That what i always grab at the supermarket.

Its sunday! Well, its sleeping day. Hahaha.. Every sunday, if i didnt go out, i just have a nice sleep. And yesterday my fren told me this - If you sleep late every night, you are affecting your eye degree too. This is as if we sleep late our eyes are tired then we cannot see thing properly and we go strain our eyes so that cause shortsightness even worse. Well, i dunno how true is that but i somewhat believe.
Was watching soccer now. And i was reading the commenter's comment. EPL - Everton vs Aston Viilla, unbeliveable, the match just started 32seconds and they have a goal. Whahahaa...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Untitled Post

Wah so many days i didnt blog arx. Hahaha.. Lets start with Wednesday.

Had OM lab test in the morning. Well, i think i screwed up my last page. Really dunno how to do. After lab test lecture and then driving lesson. Well, generally was alright. That "xAxSx" keep scolding me here and there but end up also let me through. Its unlike him lea. Last time he keep scold me here and there means die liao, today wont lea. Then after that go AMK Hub to meet JJ they all. Walk around then go home. And after 1 year plus, i strike big sweep again. The $30 nia. Hahaha..

A tired morning. I wake up every wednesday, thursday and friday morning feeling so tired. So today is just a normal day with comm skills. My comm skills teacher arx, teach things really slow one. So many story to talk about.

SI test in the afternoon. Honestly speaking, i heard people saying so easy but dono why ours one so difficult. Totally never cheat is cannot make it one. Hahaha... Then after that is driving lesson. I met that "xAxSx" again. Seriously hor that "xAxSx"dunno is it change name or i so lucky lea. He let me go through again although he scold me many times in lesson. Wah lan, dunno is he like to keep scold and scold over small matter or?
Ok end of the week. Long weekend! Anyone wanna meet-up?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Untitled Post


i wanted to type it out when i heard from radio. But i cant type as far as the DJ speaks. Hahaha..
But its about like this larx. If that's a true love, it doesnt require any returns.

Untitled Post

We left with the last month to go. 31 days more and we be counting down to 2009. I think everyone is thinking the achievements they have for 2008 and resolution for 2009 le ba. Hahaha..
And today is WORLD'S AIDS DAY. Pratise Safe Sex and Be responsible.
Generally today is a nice day because i am so happy and satisifed at my lab test result. A lea. Very seldom see lorx. And Chun Sim also got A. Hahahaa... Then i look at my result for written test, just pass only. So i think its difficult to maintain this A. Hahahaha.. Well, after i flunk my SI so badly (as what is told by my teacher) i got an A. Hehehe...
Sometimes i find that "people" are crazy one. When they are wrong, they wont blame themselves but push the blame to other people or event. I am digusted by the attitude of irresponsible people. This kind of people doesnt even should exists in this world.

I woke up early today. Just to go buy KFC Breakfast. Hahaha.. First time eating it, its not bad. KFC Breakfast. H O N EY BISCUIT. Hahahaha...
And today no school. Yea, i love it.. Hahaha.. And tomrrow half day again. Woo Hoo.. Hahahaa... And i was so lucky to grab a driving lesson slot for tomrrow. LOL.
So gonna to start studying for SI test. Teacher say i must get full marks. Hahahaha...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Untitled Post

Its friday today, and yea end of the week! Hahahaa.. Well, i am happy for the whole morning till aftrenoon. Was keep on laughing. Hahaha, Wahahaha.. That my life =). I keep laughing one. LOL... And some bad news fall on me, i flunk my SI Lab test, i think is very worst that kind altough teacher never say. But well, its alright. Those who want to laugh at it then let them laugh because god will make them even worse then me. LOL.
So after which is driving lesson. Right turn. Well kuku, i didnt manage to pass this stage again. think i am really de slow ba. Up to now i wasted $1k+ on driving liao but yet to clear stage 1. Wah lan eh, i think i am really slow ba. (I dun wan to blame people so i say myself)

And yea its a saturday. I spend myself at work the whole day and afternoon till the night. From 7am at airport till 10.30pm knock off from office. How pathetic is my day. Sian 1/2. Wah if my salary counted as per hour, lets say 1hr $5 will do, i huat liao lor! Too bad i am not hourly paid.

Had been chionging on project and even up to the time i am typing here. I had to complie the powerpoint slides and reports. While thanks to my team mates who helped along the way.
So in the (late) afternoon i went to the SITEX Fair. I think i learnt some tricks liao. Next time want buy big items like LCD TV, Computer wait until last hour then go. You will see alot of slashing. 42 inch "S" brand de LCD TV $2499 with a free refrigator. "N" brand laptop at $999 with 11 items of free gift. Wah see le will feel like buying. Hahaha.. After SITEX fair went to Fengshan Market to eat dinner with CS and his "gf". Whahahaaha... Chicken Wing, Bak Chor Mee, Fried Oyster... Wah, we ate alot.. LOL.