Sunday, December 21, 2008

Untitled Post

Its Dong Zhi today. Have you eaten your Tang Yuan? I heard from Radio 1003 last few weeks, we must eat Tang yuan on Dong Zhi because this means we are growing this year. Unless you want forever remain the same age then dont eat Tang Yuan lorx. Hohoho.. So if you havent eat, there is still time to go eat. Hahaha..

So went to office to pray today then after that go both of my grandma house to deliver bak kwa. Hahaha.. I dont know is christmas gift or CNY gifts. Hohohoho, deliver gifts. Santa comming to town ba. I am the santa for my family. Whahaha..

And wah, i heard CNY song this week. Hahaha.. New Year is comming to my doorstep. I yet to buy any new clothing this year. Hahaha...

Well, that all ba. One week of holiday gone. And comming up next week.
22-Dec-2008: Untitled Day
23-Dec-2008: EI0606 class gathering
24-Dec-2008: Christmas Eve (An empty day still-anyone wanna go out?)
25-Dec-2008: Christmas Day (booked liao)
Wow, eventful week. Hahaha..

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