Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a sunday! Well, went to work in the morning because of do something wrong in work yesterday. A damage cost or rather loss of $200+ ba. Siao liao lorx. Sway! After which went home and decided to go cycling. I hate rain! I wanted to go as far as i can but the rain disturbs me. I only cycle to Sengkang.

The last holiday.. Woo hoo... Went to work in the morning. And the loss is finalized, its not $200+ but is $500+.. Wah piang eh! I think i need to bear part of the cost ba.. Haiz, what is happening lorx. 2008 is really a unlucky year. Alot of losses. Beside money, i even loss friendS. 2008 indeed an unlucky year. So tired of it already. Hopefully 2009 is a better year.

Maybe because i am thinking of it, i had nightmare and sweet dreams of the same thing. Hahaha.. Its abit funny lorx. Well, all i know the sweet part its wont happen, the nightmare one is too true to happen..
And dunno whats wrong with myself also. Today i keep smilling. Whahahaa... =))

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