Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Summary of 2008 & 2009 Resolution

WARNING: THIS WILL BE A SUPER LONG POST. I am typing this at 1am on 31-Dec-2008. Another 23 hours to 2009. (This post will be posted at about 11pm on 31-Dec-2008)

Let me start with a summary of year 2008. Year 2008 is indeed a rough year to me. I was hoping for a better 2009.
The first quarter of 2008. I forgotten clean about it at the start. I just wanted to get along with my life. Years passed, and its finally ended. End of year 2 follows by the starting of year 3. Start off first with FYPJ where i met alot of new peoples there from various courses.
The second quarter of 2008. Its a sad thing to start with, the departure of our friend. We will miss you deeply. After which is also the start of a new chapter. Something began. I started to move on.
Third quarter of 2008. Things came crashing down. The whole world dropped. I feel so worse. Its just like how shares plunged. Things doesnt want the way i want it to be. Was in Beijing for a personal trip. Truly enjoyed it.
Fourth quarter of 2008. Things just go very differently from what i wanted. Everythings just go down and down. I began starting to learn my driving.
Ending with 2008 is a very bad year, i was hoping for a better 2009.

Next is the Resolution made in 2008.
1. To have money (Current Assets) in my bank account to grow till a quarter of 5 digits figures...
2. To fall ill less than 6 times in 2008.
3. To start taking my driving lesson in 2008.
Resoultion1: I FAILED to achieve it. I Actually if i didnt spend money on driving, the target can be reached.
Resoultion2: I ACHIEVED. I think the last time i fall ill is in end of Aug. Woo Hoo..

As usual, i intend to have 3 resolutions only
1. To pass by driving test by June 2009.
2. Back to money again, hoping to have at least 3k in my bank account before i enter NS
3. Unfilled resolution (will fill once i thought of it) Hehehe

As usually too, i wont wish for weight related or BGR relationship. BGR is see fate one.

Finally, i end this post with the 3 most meaningful phrase heard in 2008.

Author: JX & RM

Author: Unknown

“机会只是给人们一次,同样的机会不可能再发生” or similar (cant really remember)
Author: Local Radio

Another few moments we will bid good bye to 2008. Lets us welcome 2009 with our both hands. If you think your 2008 is as bad as me, lets wish for a better 2009. If you are contented with your 2008 then let wish for a even better 2009.

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