Sunday, December 28, 2008

Untitled Post

Last Friday of 2008. Yesterday is last Thursday 0f 2008. So fast 2008 is going to end. One week more. Well, Friday also mean holiday going to end soon. Time really flies. Serious, its been flying one.

Its saturday. The last weekend of the year. Woo hoo.. I am so happy tonight. Because the magazine says de thing is so true. Small luck nia but i am happy over it.

Its the last Sunday of 2008. Next Sunday its 2009 already. Today stay at home to study for tomorrow test. Wah Sian. 8 chapters.
I am singing as the radio played - 是你变了吗?
Next Song 终于做了这个决定,别人怎么说我也不定。。。爱需要勇气

a short post indeed.

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