Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Untitled Post

Alright, end of public holiday. So what did i do today? SLEEP + Dinner with mum. Wah i think my life too plain liao, every weekend or public holiday i just sleep. Or maybe shall i say 休息是为了走更长远的路。But this afternoon i cant sleep much too. Dunno is it too cold.

Well, my FTT 20-January 2009 11.45am. Wait until January 2009 i then start studying. Hahaha.. Now study also will forget one. LOL. Actually the wait also quite long lorx, 6weeks. Hahaha..

Lastly, i suddenly thought of this pharse again. (The keypoint is something like this)
"Chances are given once. The probability that you happen to have this same chance again is next to 0."
Author Unknown
Chances are given, so grab it before regret. Hmm..
Ok, sleeping time. tomrrow 10.30am lesson. Sleep more important now. GOOD NIGHT!

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