Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Untitled Post

We left with the last month to go. 31 days more and we be counting down to 2009. I think everyone is thinking the achievements they have for 2008 and resolution for 2009 le ba. Hahaha..
And today is WORLD'S AIDS DAY. Pratise Safe Sex and Be responsible.
Generally today is a nice day because i am so happy and satisifed at my lab test result. A lea. Very seldom see lorx. And Chun Sim also got A. Hahahaa... Then i look at my result for written test, just pass only. So i think its difficult to maintain this A. Hahahaha.. Well, after i flunk my SI so badly (as what is told by my teacher) i got an A. Hehehe...
Sometimes i find that "people" are crazy one. When they are wrong, they wont blame themselves but push the blame to other people or event. I am digusted by the attitude of irresponsible people. This kind of people doesnt even should exists in this world.

I woke up early today. Just to go buy KFC Breakfast. Hahaha.. First time eating it, its not bad. KFC Breakfast. H O N EY BISCUIT. Hahahaha...
And today no school. Yea, i love it.. Hahaha.. And tomrrow half day again. Woo Hoo.. Hahahaa... And i was so lucky to grab a driving lesson slot for tomrrow. LOL.
So gonna to start studying for SI test. Teacher say i must get full marks. Hahahaha...

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