Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Finally FREE

Finally there is no presentation le.. we had finsih everyone of them.. we jus hope tat our project can help RUS pass wif flying color..

Today de presentation hai dunno wat to sae.. veron is trying to kill us.. haha...But after the presentation, she sae the question is necessary and she tok us that our presentaion is fine. so 0606 dun worri..

we r having fun in LSC lesson.. we keep saying alot of funny things.. wz is the best la.. he keep disturbing teacher.. wahaha.. lsc tis 2 week den noe how to joke.. FOR the first 14 weeks he was like full of emo n teaching veri deadly.. >.<

i end here le.. wish everyone good luck for the coming exam.. =]]

Monday, July 30, 2007


I think most people will share the same angry as me when you kana virus. And you know who is the root for the virus. During the end of my lecture till now, i am super angry. Vuglar words had come out from my mouth.

Attention everyone: Please do not plug in your thumbdrive at Blk S during machinery lesson. There is a virus in the computer. And the root of the virus is from RAYMOND LIM ! He use the anti virus there to "wash" his "VIRUS-ed" hard disk and cause the computer(s) there to have virus. Now my thumb-drive had the virus. And it spread to my precious-laptop. Because i use the thumb drive in my laptop. He caused me need to do so many scan for my thumbdrive + laptop. Now then i know why my laptop had been going crazy for the past few days.
Will hung halfway through
When my firewall is on, i cannot access to ay website including yahoo (In the past i can do it)
And maybe there are still many things that slow my computer.
You, Raymond Lim, why dont you tell us earlier when there is virus there!


I AM SUPER ANGRY! If my laptop + thumbdrive is corrupted until cannot cure, i will report you!

Night Elf :p

yawn...3.30am...back to game...

Untitled Entry

Wah... Dillys, you are right! I think they are having art competition here liaoz.. hahaha...

Well, guys i got no art piece to let everyone see but i wanna upload photo.. LOL...

Was at NDP Preview on Saturday, 28 July 2007. My second time, this year watching NDP. I can say its totally different from the past show (which is known as Combined Rehersal or NE Show) The fireworks are even superb this time round with the best performance ever had. was not the dull one during the Combined Rehersal. And Preview show can make people get "high"! hahaha... Maybe the actual one will make people even "high".. hahaha... Well, what picture i want to show is the 2007 NDP Bag. For everyone information (in case you still do not know), this year bag can interchange colour. This mean they give u the part, you can spilt up to five parts and interchange colour with other people. My bags had been make up of different colours. I have two BAGS! LOL.... hahaha....
Ok, end here.. gonna continue doing my project.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

PIC Number 2... HAHAHA

Tis Drawin was done be4 i enter poly...
To the ppl who don noe what is it, tis pic is found in yu-gi-ho duel monster...
Tis monster is the combine of the three gods cards... Enjoy...
click to comment

Burning anger

If i ever ever ever get the chance, that guy's life wld be taken by me.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Tadaaa ;).

Lets Share drawing :p

Taking a break...

Taking a half an hr break... so i draw a pic for our blog... Hope u like it...

just for laughs 2

Three answers most scared by men.......

Men: What to have for dinner?
Women: Whatever..
Men: Why not we have steamboat?
Women: Don't want la, eat steamboat
later got pimples in my face
Men: Alright, why not we have Si Chuan
Women: Yesterday ate Si Chuan, today
eat again?
Men: Hmm..... I suggest we have seafood
Women: Seafood no good la, later I got
Men: Then what you suggest?
Women : Whatever...

Men: So what should we do now?
Women: Anything
Men: How about watching movie? Long
time we didn't watch movie
Women: Watching movie no good la,
waste time only
Men: How about we play bowling, do
some exercises?
Women: Exercise in such hot day? You
not feel tired meh?
Men: Then find a cafe and have drink
Women: Drink coffee will affect my
Men: Then what you suggest?
Women: Anything...

(You decide)
Men: Then we just go home lo
Women: You decide
Men: Let take bus, I will accompany you
Women: Bus is dirty and crowded. Don't
want la
Men: Ok we will take Taxi
Women: Not worth it la... for such a
short distance
Men: Alright, then we walk lo. Take a
slow walk
Women: What to walk with empty stomach
Men: Then what you suggest?
Women: You decide
Men: Let's have dinner first
Women: Whatever...
Men: Eat what?
Women: Anyting...
(Look around... no one here, gonna
kill her....)

Friday, July 27, 2007

National Day Parade

I just looking forward to 28 July 2007, NDP Final Combined Pratice (which is also know as Preview to the public)

I got the tickets again! Never had a chance to watch twice NDP Performance in a year. "Its because got you this kind of people, then alot people no chance to watch the performance!" Exclaimed Jie Hui. Yes sir! I know i will be watching second time tomrrow but tomrrow i go there to support friend in her performance. The first time was support of my another friend. I just look forward to taking alot of pictures again tomrrow. And i hope i wont be so stupid to forget to video the fireworks.

Well, a very nice friday today! Woke up with headache this morning because i slept at 5am yesterday. With just 3 hours+ sleep i proceed to school. Today, the Mediacorp Channel U come to NYP to flim Hey Geogerous! Well, no comments for the winners. I wont anyhow comment de! What handsome or chio? Ooh, still no comments. hahaha.... Coz if you want comment, look at your ownself then comment on other people ba... So i always wun comment people much de.. LOL... And 2030hrs we left the school.. 1 hour earlier as per normal. And i am damm happy to pass my last week test. Cateogry 2! Yea! But the "muah chee" as described by my class de girls say le mine is zhun zhun pass de.. Zhun zhun 50%! Tiok 4D or rather kana stroke (by mushroom... aiseh) also not so accurate. I surely know my pass isnt a nice one. Because my section B i get 8marks only... My infront is heng heng de... hahaha...

Wah, a super long blog again but i end this blog with a short message for the "intended receipents". I think you had seen my changes. I had seen yours too. Its not a big change but u had slowly turn a little bit better. Hope you go back to your own self soon!

Something To announce

HuiXin Do Not Read These!

Wooo make a killing spree in Puzzle fighter LMAO.

well,won a betting round with hui xin which she deny.the punishment suppose to make her strip and run around the school..!!!

i lost the rematch and she dun hv to strip liao :(...sorry guys my bad...maybe next time.


Currently i gt two blogs.This one and my private one. Then im confused if i shld blog here or blog there lehhz. hmmmm...

Just For Laughs

1. A FOOLish man tells a woman to STOP
talking, but a WISE man tells
her that she looks extremely

2. One GOOD way to REDUCE Alcohol
consumption :
Before Marriage - Drink whenever you
are SAD
After Marriage - Drink whenever you

3. Three FASTEST means of
Communication :
1. Tele-Phone
2. Tele-Vision
3. Tell to Woman
Need still FASTER - Tell her NOT to
tell ANY ONE.

4. Love your friends not their
sisters. Love your sisters not their

5. A man got 2 wishes from GOD. He
asked for the Best wine and Best
Next moment, he had the Best Wine and
Mother Teresa next to him [God bless

6. What is a BEST and WORST news you
can hear at the SAME time ?
It is when your Girl Friend says YOU
are the BEST KISSER among all your

7. Let us be generous like this : Four
Ants are moving through a
They see an ELEPHANT coming towards
them. Ant 1 says : we should KILL
Ant 2 says : No, Let us break his Leg
alone. Ant 3 says : No, we will
just throw him away from our path. Ant
4 says : No, we will LEAVE him
because he is ALONE and we are FOUR.

8. If you do NOT have a Girl Friend -
You are missing SOME thing in
your life. If you HAVE a Girl Friend -
You are missing EVERY thing in
your life.

9. Question : When do you CONGRATULATE
someone for their MISTAKE.
Answer : On their MARRIAGE.

10. When your LIFE is in DARKNESS,
PRAY TO GOD and ask him to free you
from Darkness. Even after you pray, if
U R still in Darkness - Please

11. Why Government do NOT allow a Man
to MARRY 2 Women. Because per
Constitution, you can NOT PUNISH TWICE
for the same Mistake.

12. "A Ship is always safe at the
shore - but that is NOT what it is
built for" - Albert Einstein

Puzzle Fighter, 2 CHHHAAAIINNN~~

I'm super bored right now.. so decided to blog since u guys blog till i can sleep :#.. haha kidding!chill! Just now was awesome since we left sch at 2030 where usually we finish at 2130:S crap.it was "presentation" for our cisco and i think my group did pretty well based on the time we put into it,like less than 2 hours.. right JH? :D. today was fun compared to the other days this week.. pradeep got his "good mood" back,went pool with jh,hakim,cw.. haha cw funny sia! HAHAHA!!!!!!!!! kk enough.. i wanna watch simpsons but dont know when.. hmm why am i telling u all this huh? HAHA. and btw i'm fucking psyched to be 18 MAAAAYYNNNNN!!!!!! :D wish me on wednesday aight guys? :D chao!

I miss my secondary school life...

Everytime when something happens or when i look back to the past, the kind of "missing" will come back to me. I miss my secondary school life again. Its been years since we seperated as a class. If i am not wrong 23Nov2005 was the last time we were together as a class. I miss the days, i really miss the days we were together.

We were not united in class. Seriously, its was a united class. We have GRC and even SMC in our class. If you do not understand what i was talking about, we are just like the political party in Singapore. GRC - Group Respresentation Consituency (or dunno what larx), my old class simply have alot different small small group. SMC - Single Membner Constiuency , my class also have this kind of independent people. we are make up of groups and single and we quarllel often.

Missing missing... I just miss the days we had together. The days where we mock at our Physics teacher. The day that we have fun together as a class. The days which we laugh together. WILL NEVER RETURN. Now i am here missing everything. If time were to be rewind, i make sure i will not be here today. Suffering all in silence.. I will make sure i have the accompany-ment of you guys. I love you all!

PS: I know some of my ex-classmate still have not know this but i will ask them to visit this blog in the next few weeks. In this case, would our readership increase? wahahaha....

Then the following is for our class: Tired, tired! I am tired over it. Yes, super tired! Hope i can drink my sorrow...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Hello everyone....
first time hakim blog la sia...
k bye

Changes in Human

Firstly, i would like to appologize to you guys. You all are not the intended reader for this entry but i would like to say there are an intended reader for my below message. I know you been reading this blog (my entry) since the start of it. There are words i wish to say to you here!

You have always said and do thing which anger me this few weeks. I had been too angry to say anything to you! You had gone too far for me. I had always remain clam as not to have directly collision with you. I do not want our relationship to turn sour just because of the speech. You had said i change already, i am not the old me. Well, if you had notice the change then that is the brillant side of you. But when noticing the changes, you yourself should also know why i change. Actually, i didnt change for everyone but just for you. You and you only! I believe in my own philsphory (dunno how to spell) "Love people the way they love you, treat them the way they treat you." The way i treat you is the way you treat me! That is fair right?

Well, all i just had to say to you is, if you can change back to your ownself, i can change back to my ownself too.. I can treat it as nothing did happen before. I will not mention anything of this again. I just cant stand the way you communicate even on yesterday morning while we are on the phone. I remain silent just to see if you ever notice your attitude. When the world changes and everyone changes, you just had to reflect yuourself, is your attitude scaring away people. REFLECT ON YOURSELF AND YOU WILL KNOW THE ANSWERS!

All is just what i want to say to my friend who is reading this... Next for the guys of 06.

Do anyone know in World War 2, when the japanese INVADE Singapore where does they come in from? I want to learn their way of INVADING to INVADE! hahaha...

PS: Its not that i want to write this "long" story but i just want the intended person to read this.

Monday, July 23, 2007

monday again and battle royale

today i damn unlucky again... i wake up 2 hrs late for my lesson but i am lucky enough tat i am able to make it for my COS test... the weather is so good and cold... SO nice to sleep but i hav to waste 13 bucks to rush to NYP for my COS test... i was surprise tat mr lam is so nice to open and close a eye... well i hav to say bye bye and thanks to mr lam for his lesson since tis is the last week of COS...
For the past two nites, i was watching a japanese movie call "Battle Royale"... it is a nice movie but a bit of violence and blood rushing here and there... the movie goes like tat... It is basic on a gov law(BR law) to let a class of students tat boycott sch to be capture and allowing them to kill each others till last man standing... Well the survivor will not be so lucky to go home jus like tat... the survivor or winner of the past game hav to play on the game and keep winning till the winner have a new representive... It is bloody anyway... if u choose to esc of the isolated island... the necklace ,tat everyone wears, will expolde...
If this happen to me, i rather choose to kill myself then murder my friends... But if i hav the chance of selecting who is in the game, i will choose these who let me felt disgusting and those who disrespect me or my friends and families... And i will be the one who will carry a AK-47 to hunt them down and letting they have nothing to protect themselves...Wahahha...
Sound so evil sia... Not like the real me... hahaha...
ok signing off... Bye bye...

35th post from guys since the day we started

This is the 35th post. Since the day we had started this blog! When will we reach 100th post? I shall wait for the day! hahaha...

Start a monday morning with two piece of cake. a chocolate as well as mango cake from Prima Deli. Wah, the chocolate cake i do not like it but till the Mango cake, 1 word to describe SUPERB! It is really tasty! The mango cake is nice. Unlike other cake shop, who will not put mango bits in between the sponge of the cake BUT Prima Deli did it. Mango bits is in between the cake! Mango cake, mango cake! I shall go to Prima Deli (Compass Point) later to buy the slice Mango Cake again!

Mango Cake to start my dull tuesday!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

I'm back blogging... lol...

ytd was fun, rushing and sad day... Firstly i fell down in the morning thanks to the wet floor and cause my leg to get hurt... then in sch, the cisco test i studied equal to nvr study lo... i forget much of the thing and i can not make the thing work... so angry at myself... i tink i repeatin that module next sem...
after class, i rush down to marina south for my sec sch bubbies gathering and my friend's birthday... be4 reach, the bus 400 stop at the streamboat shop there and i was waitin to alight on the next stop... i tink there is a AH BENG fighting there... policeman is checking the bus and i been called down cos i'm carrying a bag... i tink weapon is used and is hidden in a bag... Although i look like ah beng, according to my good friends view, i was clear soon after checkin. then from there i deicide to run to long beach resturant... after eating, my good friend get a wonderful birthday bash from 9 of us and get 'special' treatment form me and another friend. HAHAHAHA... then the whole nite we r outside... firstly we go play lan and i seriously damn suck at CS... i mean i nvr play for abt 1 yr and i forget wat is wat... sian... then at last i reach home abt 8 in the morning... so tired... lol...
then tat nite i oso found out my grp of buddies now is facin a problem wit one of my friend...
the problem is MONEY AGAIN.... tis sucks man.... we went out drinking and this guy keeping asking money from us to pay him... ya true we need to pay him back... but all get con by him... i paid him $100 but actually i jus need to pay him $50 onli... WTH
well i actually nvr care abt money issue and he still a friend of mine... i hoping we can settle tis quick and sweet... who want a grp of friends to go their own way after being tgt for 6 yrs...
Well, i tink i going to hav my hands full tis few weeks... project ,test and this problem is damn sian man... need HELP...

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Sony Ericsson W660i



hi everyone.. firstly i wanna sae sry to pradeep.. cos i told him ytd tat i going to post a blog but i was busying playing mahjong game, it was so fun =]]..

secondly i wanna sae tis to towhorny(tow hong), tat is nth happen to 06, is we jus lazy tat all.. see th is a pro on mahjong so next time can jio him out go play mahjong le.. CAT u gt 1 more leg(ka) to play wif.. wahaha..

As for me, ytd we had our cisco test n it was so hard lo.. i was doing n doing like half of the life is gone.. =[[
cs was like so stress ytd.. cos he din noe wat to study for cisco and he came to sch so sian.. haha.. he was quite a nice friend to be wif la.. Everytime we will be disturbing each other.. RMB the white shirt gal ma.. CS? dun liu kou shui..

As for today i jus come back from TPY nia.. xD Look at the weather today keep raining.. look like i cant go jogging today.. =[[ BYE..

emma watson is fucking hot

sup yaw! went to watch harry potter that day and i think its full of shit.. kidding. it was kinda slow.. and the magic part is only around 30 mins and the remaining part belongs to harry's dream.. and more harry's dream.. haha.. u guys should watch it eh! so u can waste your 7-9 bucks! i recommend u watching it on a sat night.. so u waste about 10 bucks..MUST WATCH!HEEHEE.. so friday got home at 2330 from night class which i got 8 marks for it!huahua.. pradeep how much u got eh? i forgot.. HEHE.. speaking of which.. pradeep was loaded eh today.. he bought one meal and didnt like it.. then he bought another one.. whoa!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Long time no see!

Long time never blog too.. What's happening 06? Guys, blog lea. Please lea, dun open already then blog a few times then stop blogging already! Blog Blog Blog! hahaha...

JJ, dun play that mahjong too long, blog! That mahjong so easy win, no fun! I play 30-odd times i can get 3 times "da san yuan"! NO FUN! hahaha.. JJ! Blog

Wei Jiat, dun think of girls too often! Blog Blog lea! Write something! hahaa...

Chun Sim! Can currently rest one to two days before we chiong-ing on another project. Come blog lea! Dun leave this blog! LOL

Everyone! Blog lea.. hahaha.. I can see pradeep writting only.. Contribute Contribute!

Please email me (Do not send thru MSN) your IT 2761 database project so i can put ecverything into the disc and give Leung SC tomrrow. Please co-operate and send me. Please email me.. You may wondering why i do not want to ask u all use MSN transfer. This is as if halfway connection fails, who will be blame? What if, you send and i didnt receive or something goes wrong, who will be blame? So for the safety of everyone's project email me...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

super awesome movie

I was thinking abt wat wld it take to make the most superess awesommess movie ever in history. And I gt this brainwave for a story line.Just imagine, all the super heros of the light VS the forces of darkness. It will be like super cool la.
Ok lets imagine this. All the super heros come together.
X-men, Spider man with green goblin, sandman and venom, hulk, batman,ghost rider, justice league with the doctor dunno who( the guy in gold armour),fantastic 4, together with silver surfer, magneto and all, VS the most powerful evil in the universe... Galacticus and apocalypse.
Then maybe harry potter and gang and lord of the ring ppls and the magician in justic league can like make some powerful holy spells tt can make all the heros function in space like normal. Then after all the begining show part where the heros from all over the world come to know abt the 2 super evils and plan to take them out once and for all. All the heros and their arch enemies put aside their differences and work together. Then after the spells were created, all of them fly to space and come face to face with their enemies in the battle for justice.All of them start fighting, it was a long long battle, and the heros were losing to galacticus and apocalypse. finally, only silver surfer,superman, jean grey and wolverine were stil fighting. The rest were injured or fainted.(Killing them would cause unrest among certain hero fans)Then the 4 of them group up and decided to amass all the power they had. Then they took all their fallen comrades back to earth and had a meeting. Apocalypse and galacticus were aproaching fast to earth. They explained their plan to all the heros...They wld use magic to amass all their souls into the remaining 4 of them, so that they wld have the combined power of all the heros. All of them agreed for the sake of the universe and fall of evil. Once again, harry potter and gang conduted a ritual to amass all the power into jean, silversurfer, superman and wolverine. And again the heros went back to face their enemies. This time the heros were slowly but surely winning.Then apocalypse and galacticus did the unimaginable, they joined forces and in a spectacular display, they merged themselves into one mean looking ultimate evil creature with unimaginable powers.We shall call it Mega Spectral Darkness. In one mega surge of power, radiating from Spectral, the heros were thrown far and away into a distant part of the universe.The evil creature then proceeded to distroy earth and all of the injured heros. Injured and without their powers, the heros were powerless to defend themselves as they helplessly watched Spectral approaching them fast. In a final bid to save the Earth, Professor X who didnt go for the battle as he was wheel chair bound, telepathically cried out to Jean and the other heros. Far far away, barely alive, the heros heard the heartrending plea from the professor. There was only one thing left to do... They all engaged in a final embrace and willingly passed all the power they had to jean grey. The only ine who can stop Spectral as the prophecy said. Jean started to glow a golden hue as the power flowed and filled her completely. When she opened her eyelids, her eyes were on fire, hell fire.Her fallen comrades were blinked away, safely back to earth. Jean could see that the creature had already reached our solar system, and approaching earth soon. Jean flew towards it at unimaginable speeds, twisting and warping the space around her, and as she flew, she started to glow brighter... and more brighter... and more brighter untillshe glowed white hot. She reached Mega Spectral Darkness in a matter of a few seconds. And when Spectral gt ready to shoot his laser beam at earth, Jean stopped time. But of course, Spectral overcame it with ease. In the vortex of space and time, Jean and Spectral engaged in their final face off. Spectral charged up his laser cannon,making it a thousand times stronger... and fired, point blank at jean. A mere blink from jean made the beam turn right back toawrds Spectral. He had to scramble to protect himself.Now its Jean's turn. The bright light shining from her grew intense, and suddenly in her place,came a tiny golden bird. The bird was aflame,only now its nt hellfire... Jean has unleashed the most powerful being ever to exist in the universe. She had awakened the pheonix in her. The tiny bird with gold flames started to grow, and grow it did, grew untill it became vastly huge, with its wings spreading over the span of a million light years. Mega Spectral Darkness knew his end has come, THE PHEONIX is here. With an almighty scream, the pheonix charged towards Spectral, awesome power radiating from within it. And then it engulfed him, destroying the greatest evil in the Universe. Even his adamantium armour was vaporized without a trace. And there was nothing but utter silence.Alas light triumphed triuphed over darkness. As the pheonix subsided, All the heros powers were returned to them. And wolverine came to collect an unconcious Jea from space.And when he returned, jean recovered and all the Earthlings, heros and normal people alike, engaged in one joyous celebration.

whew, that was long. It was supposed to be a movie script but it turned out to be a story. Well if any good directors wld dare to take up this movie, it wld blow the box offices wide open and this movie wld go down in the history books forever. The revenue wld be simply unimaginable. All the cast wld become the richest ppl in the world. And since it is my idea,any director who plan to make a movie out of this story or publish a story book with this idea, pls send me just 0.001% of ur revenue as small token of appreciation.
thank you =D

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

*Two moon on 27
*27th Aug the Whole
World is waiting for
Planet Mars will be
the brightest in the night sky starting
It will look as large
as the full moon to the naked eye. This
will cultivate on Aug. 27 when Mars
comes within 34.65M miles of earth. Be
sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27 12:30
am. It will look like the earth has 2
moons. The next time Mars may come this
close is in 2287.
but with all the HDB flats, it wld be a wonder if u can even see the clouds.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Help Help!

Is this what we should do in our 2761 Database Report?

System overview, Table descriptions, ER diagrams
Normalization examples, User documentation
Operation instructions, Test records
System development log, Updated Project Plan, System limitations
Future enhancements, Conclusions

Please enlight me.. And tell me how to do... hahaha....

Lunch now!

What i did yesterday...

Well, spent yesterday morning celebrate my friend birthday... Quite a close friend to me... Powerpuff Girls Birthday cake was what i brought along to celebrate with her! hahaha..... As usual my weekend is finish like a flash of light... Back to monday today! Monday Blues? No longer blues to me because there are 52 weeks of monday in a year. And i think i had gone through more than half liaoz so no longer blues in monday... Although sleepy now but not blue. Remeber what i say when i am serious is the correct thing. Do not want to listen is your own loss.. My another close friend having birthday this sunday. Wondering how to celebrate again... Haix... My birthday is also comming soon... September arx! After our exams arx so remember those who got read this, dun escape! MY PRESENT! LOL.... Now, i will follow everyone type what i wish for my birthday for this year... LOL...


Sunday, July 15, 2007


hello!=) im just posting for the sake of posting.. zoz. hmm.. so tmrw presenting COS, and i have to handle 23 fucking slides on my own. DUDE,WEAK! and spent my sunday doing the marketing report.. tee hee.. so cya guys tmrw at sch ay! i dont know wanna watch harry potter or not eh ;) bye.. CAN WE GO ALREADY?!


tahw htiw lla eht gnol sdrow. turn around and read ;)

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Again talk about money.... Money - hai ren jin.. I hate you Money! hahahaxxxx.....
What caused us to me happy? Money
What caused us to be unhappy? Again Money.
Money ah! Money ah! Why must you cause a stress to us? Money ah! Money ah!

Well, blogging on a saturday afternoon... Going off for a lunch... Bye!

Haiz... Who to blame??? Answer up to u...

Don noe how and when???
my class have seperate ourselves among the guys and the gals...
is not tat i have veri big problem wit them... Ya true that sometime, the gals will treat money as a small matters... but the fact is tat, we the guys are not that rich and we cannot afford to go some-where to eat tat cost abt $10++ and we can not jus get money jus like tat...
Put the money aside...
Sometime i oso don noe how they see things in their view and how they treat things around them... Like for today, shu fei, tat siao one, trying to be friendly but get the cold blanket...
i not trying to protect anyone here but come on... there r seriously friendly ppl around...
And the reasult of talking and joking around a female friend is i get point for flirting... WTH...
i agree that boys will be boys, gals will be gals but Sometime i was seriously hoping everyone can jus happily eat a simple dinner ,in hawker oso can, together and treating nothing happen... COME ON!!!! Wat is friends for????
haiz... now our class like tat i oso don noe how to say... Hoping tis can faster settle...

Friday, July 13, 2007


Nw at cisco lab. and i dun feel like doing any shit.

Staff Toilet vs Non-Staff Toilet

I wonder anyone can enlight me with the news wjat are the different between staff and non-staff toilets? I know, students shouldnt use staff toilets but why is there a need to have staff and normal toilet? Isnt it the same called "toilet"? Or staff got pay additional money so that they can use staff toilet? Personally, I DO NOT THINK SO!

On 13July at about 1510 hours, i used the staff toilet at Block S Level 5. I still Remeber The Toilet put S531. And maybe it is a black friday today so i am so unlucky to be caught by a lecturer by the name of "WU xxxxx xxx" He asked me i believe that you are not a staff here. And still say I believe i do not need to write down your name and send it to your PEM. Whatever hell he say but i still do not understand why students cannot use staff toilets? What qwrong of building a toilet and for staff use only? Another white elephant project, waste of resources!

I think i going to spot staff using normal toilet next time. I shall write down the staff name and send it to the princpal or directors since they can write down my name and send to my PEM. I can also do the same thing now. DO NOT LET ME CAUGHT ANY STAFF USING NORMAL TOILETS IN OUR SCHOOL. Coz we cant use their toilets so they cant use ours too! We have our rights for them too!

Damn IT

Today we all went to sch for our project....
i oso don noe y... a crazy gal called and make me take train from yck back to yishun...
wth... i reach liao then hav to go back 2 stops.... OMG
Then the story go till 4++... We r waitin for Veron for help for project...
thanks pradeep too for installing NFS carbon....
i shd say NICE for the game... the boss i beat today look like harry from the spiderman...
to those don noe who is harry... he is peter parker's best friend...
after finish i ran home together wit jj and daniel.. in the mrt, i then noe one of my junior...
AND TO DANIEL, I NOT THE ONLI ONE KEEP ASKING QNS... OK? i jus try to be friendly...
DAMN IT... Y every time tis happen to me???? P.S i not jioing her...
when i reach home, i ran for a 4ki jog then went for basketball...
Damn it cos of my last mistake... MY TEAM LOST... i was tis close... haiz...
Now doing VBA... don noe y, i suddenly felt so STRESS... Haiz...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Magic VS Machine

Who wins?
Well i dunno. It wld be nice if the producers of this movies cld create a sequence of movies like this. Combining two movie and pitting them against each other, this wld blow the box offices wide open as fans from both sides wld come to watch. Well if i gt half a billion dollars and steven speilberg to wrk for me, then i'll at least triple the amount in just 1 movie. Who willing to loan me half a billion dollars?:P

went to watch harry potter tdy.Actually wanted to watch transfomers. The contradicting part is tt harry potter was released tdy but i cld get tix, but transformers was released quite long ago and it is fully booked. sumore only 2 shows. Is it tt tranformers is soo sooo good or tt people gt the thinking tt since its the 1st day, many ppl will go and watch harry potter and decide nt to go? Well i wldnt noe, but this is the 1st time i saw a movie in theatre on its day of release and sat on the 1st row. -.- the ticketing guy said it was second row . Worst still, it was to the side. Show overall unsatisfactory. I read the book u see, they skipped alot of parts. Well movie only gt limited time mah. It also conflicted with my imagination of the scenes when reading the book. U noe, even minute details in the book play a major part in the subsequent books. Well it falls to time constraints again. the movie was 2h15 mins. Quite long infact. And the climax was DREADFUL. It wasnt as dramatic as i and maybe even other harry potter fans imagined. There was no flair, no urgency, no power in the climax. Just plain and bland stuff. Well i rate it average.
U dun lose anything by nt watching this movie, but if u are a potter fan like me or gt alot of money to spend or really love the big screen or just dun believe me the by all means, go ahead. I wann watch transfomers LARH!!!

D is so sweet. :P Even in the dark


hello! its been a while since i wrote something in here..zz
went to sch just now, then saw pradeep and he said he just installed NFS carbon in his laptop.. i was so psyched! haha.. i played most of the time.. haha(do project).. then WJ also wanna play, he beat the boss but sadly to no avail.WEAK DUDE! need to be restarted cuz veron wants to close the lab. come ah WJ vs me.. im not scared :P then i went home with JJ and WJ, plus this girl whom idk. haha once JJ left the train WJ was on a free flow non stop babbling to the girl.. i was listening to my mp3 and i swear he didnt paused for one bit! haha..then they alight together..;) ;) ;) ;).. kay =)

Class erm "sayings"

wonder why blogger keep error.
well, this is our class "sayings" :P

Dan:nice, TH: Sure anot?, cw: Sia La!, wj=ERS, jh+cs+jj:ai seh

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Happy belated birthday to YULIN

ytd forget to blog it.. so today bu hui lai..
yulin today told me a veri funny thing, she sae jh wish her happy birthday by sending her his own record voice..
From his record he sae her happy birthday ANUTIE..
so funny.. i bust out immediately after listening to tat..
today is a tiring day lo.. from 9am to 6pm..
cos i hav to go for the WSS thing on 3pm.. so sian lo..
felt abit bored.. haha..
ok.. ganna end here le..

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tuesday = Tired! = End of the week!

I am back blogging here again. For the class, tuesday marks the tiring day because we had lesson from 8am to 6pm. For me tuesday also marks the end of the week! Why? Why? Why? Because Wednesday lesson from 9am to 12noon. We had no lesson on thursday. Thus Tuesday = End of the week. You may wonder so how is Friday? Friday means comming to weekend thus lesson from 11am to 9.30pm also wont feel as tired as tuesday!

Well, now waiting for LSC's computer to "Pile Up!"... JJ, are we ready? Hahahaxxx.... Haiz... He starts talking liaoz... Bye everyone!

My life

Wake up > school > home > game > sleep >.

need to make some changes to my life.

Sleep>wake up >school> home >game >

Monday, July 9, 2007

Mr js wat system.IO?
Is shihui.IO.. wahaha
aiseh.. haha.. joking onli ar.. dun angry ok..
thx th ar for ur congrat.. wahaha..
ok. tat all i hav to sae.. BB everyone..

mR J.S is herE...



whahahaha... nth much to say... bye Dudes!!

~Mr J.S~

Blogged twice in a day

Nothing to do so contribute! Hahaha...

Let's us together "congrats" JJ for the xxxxxxx.... Wahaahaha......

I think we finally found a dui shou for our classmate! Ah la, dun wan say much here just a "congrats" for JJ will do... Wahahahaa......

Next, i am very giddy now! Feeling out of breath! I think will die earlier sia.. Dunno what so stupid illness strike me now! Haiz... Giddy? Vomit? Maybe i think i kana degnue fever! But friends, rest assured if i really kana degnue fever, it wont spread to you guys de! So dun worry!



Finally, I am here! One of the "governer"? Well, first thank pradeep for creating this blog. This blog is suggested by TWO of the "current governor" and created by pradeep. Yea! Thank you sir! Hahaha...

I think i introduce myself better. I am a person who wont hate (or even love) people UNNECESSARY! This is as i believe in this, "I will love people the way they love me, i will treat people the way they love me!" Powerful slogan right? Hahaha... This is also the way i treat almost everyone!

But now, i want to say now, I hate people who "put words into my mouth"! As what my dearest friend say, "Go sue that person larx!" He is right to say this is call "slandering"!(I wonder i like this spell right or wrong) Well, now dun care so much lar walk one step see one step.

To end this entry, i wonder how i get C6 for My English O Level de! All my spellings i forgot! LOL... Lao Da, i C6 de hor not D7! haha

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Projects due

Projects are due soon people, so better stop playing the farts. Most immediate is CoS assignment, followed by database in week 14 then gt 2766 test i think. I haven even started database GOSH!. Then i gt marketing, gona talk crap for tt. next ish vb project. That one the paper work is more mind boggling than the coding. Everybdy must pass k? dun slack slack then fail. Tt goes to me too. Anyways all the best people. Keep posting =D.

testing crap

u can pick ur nose. u can pick ur friend. but u cannot pick ur friend's nose :p
haha this is a great idea but i dont know why.lol. just posting to show my commitment to this blog, proud to be the official thingy.. HAHA :S.. kk cya


So good to have a blog for uss......
lol... My first time sia postin...
ermmmm currently jus came back from basketball wit my friends so nothing to say....
so kiss my ass and i signing off...
ZzZZZZzzzzzZZzZZ lol
hahahahah nanananananana

Wei Jie
wow tis is the first time i blog..Mus thx pradeep for making tis blog.. he really put alot of hardwork in it.. make it look nice.. NOW i have to sae something protective for myself.. TAT dillys angry me for pulling her bag, but she is the ONE who took my thing.. shouldnt i be the one ANGRY? wat a B***H.. still dare to blog abt me.. sae hate me.. she hate me.. i oso hate her lo. not onli i hate her most of the guy oso dun like her.. now still sae 07/07/07 mus blog.. LAME.. somemore still sae other ppl childish DUN u tink she more childish.. hate ppl oso blog.. SUPER childish.. wahaha.. ok la.. stop toking abt her le.. today din go out.. so is stay at home the whole day to do project.. so sian lo.. 4 project.. teacher ki siao liao.. haha.. den do till 6pm go jogging.. =]]
tat all i wanan blog for today..

Saturday, July 7, 2007

cw: SIA LAH!

Haha some of the guys came up with this idea of creating a blog so tt people from the class can come and post whatever "constuctive" crap they want. Took some time to do this. and well, i can say that it turned out quite well. I will be the admin for this blog cuz i dun wan ppl or any saboteurs (i cant think of any though) to anyhow change the codes and mess up the blog. Someone said tt its gona be a only guys blog, but we'll see about it 1st. Please tag if u wanna be part of the "provincial governors". Then i'll send u an invitation and then u can use ur email to create a google accout and then u can start posting. Just some basic ground rules...
Please write ur name at the end of every post.
(Cuz there must not be annonymous critisism of others via this blog)
Every postee must talk at least 1 sentence of crap.
No serious defamation of any of our class ppl in any way.
(play play can ah)

well... untill i think there is a need for any more, this is about it. AiSEH! happy posting =D
