Monday, July 9, 2007



Finally, I am here! One of the "governer"? Well, first thank pradeep for creating this blog. This blog is suggested by TWO of the "current governor" and created by pradeep. Yea! Thank you sir! Hahaha...

I think i introduce myself better. I am a person who wont hate (or even love) people UNNECESSARY! This is as i believe in this, "I will love people the way they love me, i will treat people the way they love me!" Powerful slogan right? Hahaha... This is also the way i treat almost everyone!

But now, i want to say now, I hate people who "put words into my mouth"! As what my dearest friend say, "Go sue that person larx!" He is right to say this is call "slandering"!(I wonder i like this spell right or wrong) Well, now dun care so much lar walk one step see one step.

To end this entry, i wonder how i get C6 for My English O Level de! All my spellings i forgot! LOL... Lao Da, i C6 de hor not D7! haha

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