Monday, July 16, 2007

What i did yesterday...

Well, spent yesterday morning celebrate my friend birthday... Quite a close friend to me... Powerpuff Girls Birthday cake was what i brought along to celebrate with her! hahaha..... As usual my weekend is finish like a flash of light... Back to monday today! Monday Blues? No longer blues to me because there are 52 weeks of monday in a year. And i think i had gone through more than half liaoz so no longer blues in monday... Although sleepy now but not blue. Remeber what i say when i am serious is the correct thing. Do not want to listen is your own loss.. My another close friend having birthday this sunday. Wondering how to celebrate again... Haix... My birthday is also comming soon... September arx! After our exams arx so remember those who got read this, dun escape! MY PRESENT! LOL.... Now, i will follow everyone type what i wish for my birthday for this year... LOL...


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