Wednesday, July 18, 2007

super awesome movie

I was thinking abt wat wld it take to make the most superess awesommess movie ever in history. And I gt this brainwave for a story line.Just imagine, all the super heros of the light VS the forces of darkness. It will be like super cool la.
Ok lets imagine this. All the super heros come together.
X-men, Spider man with green goblin, sandman and venom, hulk, batman,ghost rider, justice league with the doctor dunno who( the guy in gold armour),fantastic 4, together with silver surfer, magneto and all, VS the most powerful evil in the universe... Galacticus and apocalypse.
Then maybe harry potter and gang and lord of the ring ppls and the magician in justic league can like make some powerful holy spells tt can make all the heros function in space like normal. Then after all the begining show part where the heros from all over the world come to know abt the 2 super evils and plan to take them out once and for all. All the heros and their arch enemies put aside their differences and work together. Then after the spells were created, all of them fly to space and come face to face with their enemies in the battle for justice.All of them start fighting, it was a long long battle, and the heros were losing to galacticus and apocalypse. finally, only silver surfer,superman, jean grey and wolverine were stil fighting. The rest were injured or fainted.(Killing them would cause unrest among certain hero fans)Then the 4 of them group up and decided to amass all the power they had. Then they took all their fallen comrades back to earth and had a meeting. Apocalypse and galacticus were aproaching fast to earth. They explained their plan to all the heros...They wld use magic to amass all their souls into the remaining 4 of them, so that they wld have the combined power of all the heros. All of them agreed for the sake of the universe and fall of evil. Once again, harry potter and gang conduted a ritual to amass all the power into jean, silversurfer, superman and wolverine. And again the heros went back to face their enemies. This time the heros were slowly but surely winning.Then apocalypse and galacticus did the unimaginable, they joined forces and in a spectacular display, they merged themselves into one mean looking ultimate evil creature with unimaginable powers.We shall call it Mega Spectral Darkness. In one mega surge of power, radiating from Spectral, the heros were thrown far and away into a distant part of the universe.The evil creature then proceeded to distroy earth and all of the injured heros. Injured and without their powers, the heros were powerless to defend themselves as they helplessly watched Spectral approaching them fast. In a final bid to save the Earth, Professor X who didnt go for the battle as he was wheel chair bound, telepathically cried out to Jean and the other heros. Far far away, barely alive, the heros heard the heartrending plea from the professor. There was only one thing left to do... They all engaged in a final embrace and willingly passed all the power they had to jean grey. The only ine who can stop Spectral as the prophecy said. Jean started to glow a golden hue as the power flowed and filled her completely. When she opened her eyelids, her eyes were on fire, hell fire.Her fallen comrades were blinked away, safely back to earth. Jean could see that the creature had already reached our solar system, and approaching earth soon. Jean flew towards it at unimaginable speeds, twisting and warping the space around her, and as she flew, she started to glow brighter... and more brighter... and more brighter untillshe glowed white hot. She reached Mega Spectral Darkness in a matter of a few seconds. And when Spectral gt ready to shoot his laser beam at earth, Jean stopped time. But of course, Spectral overcame it with ease. In the vortex of space and time, Jean and Spectral engaged in their final face off. Spectral charged up his laser cannon,making it a thousand times stronger... and fired, point blank at jean. A mere blink from jean made the beam turn right back toawrds Spectral. He had to scramble to protect himself.Now its Jean's turn. The bright light shining from her grew intense, and suddenly in her place,came a tiny golden bird. The bird was aflame,only now its nt hellfire... Jean has unleashed the most powerful being ever to exist in the universe. She had awakened the pheonix in her. The tiny bird with gold flames started to grow, and grow it did, grew untill it became vastly huge, with its wings spreading over the span of a million light years. Mega Spectral Darkness knew his end has come, THE PHEONIX is here. With an almighty scream, the pheonix charged towards Spectral, awesome power radiating from within it. And then it engulfed him, destroying the greatest evil in the Universe. Even his adamantium armour was vaporized without a trace. And there was nothing but utter silence.Alas light triumphed triuphed over darkness. As the pheonix subsided, All the heros powers were returned to them. And wolverine came to collect an unconcious Jea from space.And when he returned, jean recovered and all the Earthlings, heros and normal people alike, engaged in one joyous celebration.

whew, that was long. It was supposed to be a movie script but it turned out to be a story. Well if any good directors wld dare to take up this movie, it wld blow the box offices wide open and this movie wld go down in the history books forever. The revenue wld be simply unimaginable. All the cast wld become the richest ppl in the world. And since it is my idea,any director who plan to make a movie out of this story or publish a story book with this idea, pls send me just 0.001% of ur revenue as small token of appreciation.
thank you =D

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