Monday, December 31, 2007

EI0606 Happy New Year!!

Heloo ppl outa there.. Shocked to see me actually posting!? haha.. yeah its me. . its great to post on the last day of this 2007..
2007 for me is quite a rollercoaster ride, there has been great time and bad times but eventually great times win.. haha..

Ppl if 2007 was a bad year for you, i believe that 2008 is gonna be the best year yet Ya!!
Just wanna thanks everyone of you out there ESPecially EI0606. this gonna be our last semester together as a class, though there were times when crisis hit 0606 but u guys and gals always so funny and cheerful. your laughter always overcame everything. laughter + crisis = victory.. whahahah..

indeed i was really bless to be in a class of soo many different character.. haha.. the funny ones, not soo funny ones, always soo lame one, act cool ones and many many more.. 0606 you truely brought much joy into my life and lighten my life to "Certain Heights" =)

To everyone that had been or is in 0606:

Jie hui - the always busy status gaming one
Junjie - the always busy friendstering meeting "er hem" one
Weijie - the always "my friend" one
Pradeep - the always "stressing what to but for that someone(hope she's getting better)" one
Towhong - the always "so informatic bout everything" one
Dan - the always "girlfriend and forget bout class" one
Hakim - the always "Sia la.." one
Weizhong - the always "lao da (big gangster bro)" one
Yong Jian - the always "ka kia(big gangster bro disciple)" one
Chee Wei - the always "CCA" one
Raymond - the always "shortcut & never mind" one
Fuddin - the always "so quiet and silent" one
Chun Sim - the one "saying you all now" one
Yulin - the always so into "ou xiang (superstar) esp wilber pan" one
Hui Xin - the always "so white (at least from my opinion)" one
Kai Jing - the always "we miss" one
Cat - the always "laugh soo loud" one
Dillys - the always "another crazy bout Jay Chou (superstar)" one
Shi Hui - the always "use microphone (sooo Loud)" one
Devi - the always "randomly i see at kovan" one
Ina - the always "gently and graceful" one
Wawa - the always "smiley and what la!" one

Wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!

OH YA.. before i forget, always WANTED to "THANK" this group of ppl that always link me wif "someone" in class.. supposedly to end by year one sem one (duration 1 sem) but till now, it looks like it had jus started.. haha..

Hope that u guys & gals enjoyed my post and all the best to each respective project and lets enjoy the remaining time together. Dedicating this songs to each and everyone in EI0606 and ppl out there! LOVE YOU ALL!!

Last day of the year!

FInally reaching last day of the year! so i decided to choose tis day to blog. haha
tis few days lazy to blog too.. PROJECT haven finish yet. died died! SLACK too much le. wahaha. C# struck, software de no time to finish and website de haven touch yet.
Hope sch nv start.. haha..

YEA! after today tml is a brand new YEAR! hope everyone will do well in next year! haha.. mayb tml going to watch firework n movie too.. haha. but nd to go sch do project. =[[

Cs ask me n jh to go natatile hse for thx giving day! it was fun.. we had alot of games. so fun, we from 6pm play till 11.35pm. i rmb gt 1 game we played is 007. den i kana lvl 5 liao.. 1 more lvl den i hav to do forfeit. lucky gt 1 guy kana lvl 6. i am SAFE! haha. Leader, rhonda sit beside me kana lvl 5 when she tok to me.. Cos tis game is when u r high lvl den other. other mus not ans u or tok to u.. so i purposely take her cushion den she tok to me.. YES! n she kana.. FUN

After the game is LATE! reaching 12 soon so they decided to take cab home. Leader treat me n jh.. so good of her. haha

24/12 n 25/12
on the xmas eve, we went to town to ton n countdown.
firstly, i was late cos playing soccer den had to let wj wait.
den when we reach we go meet jh's friend at dhoby ghaut. they to play arcade. =.=
abit sian for me n jh cos we dun really go play arcade.

den we had our dinner after tat.. den they went back to acrade again =.=
den we wait for ben to join us den we walk to orchard.
Orchard super crowded.. alot of ppl spraying lucky we hide nv kana. haha.
we decided to walk till cine cos if we continue walk down we sure kana spray!

den after reaching cine we walk back den we headed to pardise center to play pool.. haha. so fun. den play for 1 hr den we head to cathey to watch movie, i am legend.
tis show veri nice, u all can watch it too. for the first few part of the movie i was half slping n half awake.. haha. den when it come to the exciting part i was awake. actually when i start to awake i kana scared by the show, suddenly a loud bang, chua tio. haha.
After movie we head to lido de mac n we sit there n chit chat till morning and eat their breakfast there. but i really cant take it le. wanan slp liao. when i was in mrt really cant take it le.. when i close my eye liek wanna black out liek tat..
ONce reach home bath n slp.

COnclusion tonning is tiring n wasting energy n my beauty slp.. wahaha

Monday, December 24, 2007

Ho Ho Ho... Its christmas

Counting down... About 10hrs more to christmas.. Ho Ho Ho.. Santa is comming to my house tonight so i am not going to go out.. Hahaha... Ho Ho Ho... I wish i wish... I wonder can i wish for cash instead of presents.. Ho Ho Ho... hahahaha... (I daydreaming now..)

Actually since a few weeks ago, i had already been planning for my christmas.. Intially was saying no money dun plan but end up i still plan.. hehehe... I plan tonight going out with HER. But end up due to some medical reasons she cant come out tonight.. Ooh my! That why i was thinking she told me on saturday how am i going to fill up my christmas eve in such a short time. BUT my final resolution is, STAY AT HOME TONIGHT... Coz Santa is comming to my house.. I expect my uncle to come deliver our christmas present tonight.. I wonder what will he buy for me this year... Then tomrrow will be celebrating with my family members.. Ooh Shit.... I havent brought present to exchange for the party... Help me think lea, now everything so expensive where am i be able to get something nice (which suit both young and old, male and female) that is under $10.. Intially the rule is $5 but i changed the rule into $10.. What can i buy sia... ahahhaa... Give me Idea(s)...

And JJ, you win le lorx, go church see chio bu... U win! U win! I think next time go temple must eye open big big see got chio bu anot.. ahaha...

Ho Ho Ho... Santa is comming...
Look! the sun. its appearing more these days. Sun supposed to = to happiness, but yet again, its singapore. we see the sun everyday. still, there's smth else, the fruit is outta the bag, and with the sun shining = good for trees = good for fruits.ok, i know this doesnt make any sense to any of u. cuz duh, its supposed to be a hidden message.
anyways I've learnt quite a few things these days.
some of em are.
MP3 is evil.
I became terrible
And rain is soo fun!
My hand shaking and out of tune voice is cause of a movement disorder.
Nails are very sharp.
Do not take other ppl's medicine.
and erm.. ya. that all for now folks!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

JJ's holiday


today stay at home SLP!! tired! tis is wat jh ask me to draw n i am done wif it.
but lazy to post so i post it now. Sian wanna go jogging de but rain. =.=

Ytd went to cs de church wif jh.. haha
And we gonna noe more friends n a few chio bu.
we had alot of fun there. the drama is so funny..
after tat, we went to airport to eat BK as dinner.. we stay there til 10.30 like tat and we went home..

Went to kbox wif my sec friends candy, weikiong n his gf, zifu, edwin n me..
we went to marina square de kbox. sing onli 3 hr nia.. like kana cheated like tat.. from 2 to 5pm.. n it cost $24 each. if like tat i rather take night de cos it is from 7pm to 10 at least can eat buffer n is $30 each.
After kbox we walk ard marnia square n suntec den we go home le.. haha.
jus in time to watch 9pm show. xD

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

JH presents...

xD...was bored so i ask JJ and WJ to draw the same their post soon!

Monday, December 17, 2007

A big mistake i made

I admit, i had made this big mistake BUT i dun understand, why people always like to say "You should know..." Ya, i know and i had learn in school that for every payment a company had gone through, a payment voucher is required to support it..

It simply just went out of my sight to forget issuing those payment voucher from the year start till now. I know now i had landed in a very big trouble.. How the accountant is going to credit out all the amount from the beginning of the year for all this amount.. If the accountant unable to do it, the figures for my company profit will rise very high this year.. Simply because this few payment voucher i never issued amount to 50k...

If the profit go up to so high then the taxes payable to garhmen will be higher.. Maybe will even cause loss already... Ya, i admit this is my fault but no one tells me i need to do this when i start doing all this work.. People expect me to know automatically..

I need relax... Afternoon, people u will find me in Raffles Place.. I will be sitting there to 发呆 (DayDream).... I admit is my mistake but what to do.. Mistake also made liaoz what to do...

Sunday, December 16, 2007

New shoe!

wow shiok for now.. hav 2 week holiday..
see everyone next yr, mus plan for the coming holiday..
mus make full use of it, mus meet up wif candy they all to sing kbox and joyce they for tonning or slacking.. haha.
long time din meet up wif them le.. so mus use the holiday to do it.
DO IT DO IT.. =.=

ytd we to town wif jh n benned to buy my new shoe.. everlast de white in color de..
quite nice,, if gt time i post teh pic of my new shoe..
wahaha.. ytd everyone brought something.

jh brought a shirt, shoe n pant, full set.. wahaha.

benned brought 2 shirts and 1 pant.

as for me 1 shirt n a pair of shoe.

den after tat we went to play pool.. wah shiok.. the feeling is back.. win 4 round.
after playing we ps.. jh n ben brought a pant from samuel n kelvin.. haha..

den we went home le..
finally gt see a few post, post by other.. mus post more guys! cya

Life is wonderful

Yeah 2 weeks of holidays


Very sick.Dont know wat happen.Nobody's telling. And im nt talking abt myself.

Im so grateful this happened during hols.
U'll nvr noe how i feel.
My wrld is crashing at the moment
I aint going dwn.
Though i fear i might.
No im not.
If nothing bad happens.
I wish this was a sick game.
Oh how i wish it really was.

Dun die there babe...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Untitled Entry

In my last entry i talk purely on"Taxi fare Icrease", now i wat to talk about persoal life liaoz...

Finally over... I survived the hetic and tired life after week 6 till now.. Its over! Its holiday... Haha... I planned my holiday already... although wanting to go overseas but cannot go so i going to make my life fullest in Singapore and maybe JB... wahahaha...

Yes... One last day before holiday... I am elated .....

Taxi Fare Increase!

Omg! Its officially annonce that ComfortDelgro will increase their cab fare from Monday, 17th Dec 2007. Follow next will be Trans-Cab on 24th Dec with similar increase. Ooh my.. The increase is totally making cab too expesive to take. I woder is the "garhmen" ecouraging Car-Owership or ask we people to take public transport...

The increase is totally too much especially in Peak Hour. curretly we are paying a FLAT $2 for takig cab between 7am to 9.30am and 5pm to 8pm Monday to Friday. But after the increase, it is 35% of meter fare (similar to what we are having for midight surcharge). This mean that the longer we go, the more expensive the cab fare is. Imagine we take $20 cab, we are paying $7 peak hour surcharge now.. Isnt it too much?

In my past blog, i say i going to boycott taxi and now i think that seriously i need to cosidner boycottig ESPECIALLY IN PEAK HOUR. Currently the $2 peak hour, i already think its too much liaoz... Now 35% du nid say!

But this week till now, i taken 3times of cab already.. How to boycott sia? hahaha...

Sunday, December 9, 2007


well tis few days or shd i say tis week we are busy and thanks to the 'perfect' weather,i stay at home the last 2 days and doing the IT2756 project and assigment... rmb guys, 56 assigment going to show tis thur...

well, i been working on the project and slacking... i draw a pic through the face i tink sucks... well i jus draw without any reference... so don say ugly... lol...

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Untitled Blog

Well, do a quick blog before i go shower and do my project...

Today was just simply a relaxing day for me.. And i did one craziest thing too.. Sms with one hand while riding on another hand. Its simple too crazy. I had to press the keypad with one hand and control the bike and break with another hand. And i did this for about 15mins. I wonder what if traffic police were to pass by. Because under the law, you cant sms while driving SO can we sms while "driving" a bicycle? hahaha... 2 person, 9 sms-es sent during the 15mins..

And Jie Hui, i not marketing one so dun nid ask me study hor.. U go study yourself.. ahhaha...

And i wanted to say, i like thousand years never go CDs shop liaoz or maybe i cocked-eye i never notice.. Jay Zhou de new album name is "ON THE RUN"... (No wonder Dillys de msn nick put on the run, now then i know why... hahaha) And 5566 comming out their 4th album on 04Jan08.. This two is what my "BIG" eye saw in the CD shop today... haha

Money Money where are you? Why everything you are so near to me while i am unable to get it.. Money money i love u... (Mummy Mummy i love you too :) )

Friday, December 7, 2007

Untited Post

Hey! You all dun wan blog liaoz is it? A short blog before i sleep..

Well, finally end of a hetic week. Before this week end, I have already think of next week liaoz. Mon Night Class, Tuesday ERP Test, then Thursday still have to do a presentation. Well, i told myself just be busy for another week and we have two weeks of holidays.

What am i going to do in this two weeks. Actually, i feel like going overseas to relax myself. However, as a travel consultant, me myself know that at this point of time even i had alot of money i also cant travel in this holiday already. (Understand you want to pay to take on business class which generally cost abt $4k for per person to HongKong) Alot of popular countries had already been snap up in the past few months. Even Ah Heng say he go Gold Coast also not take Qantas liaoz coz no seat. So people out there, you all know how many hundred thousand of singaporeans are going overseas this holiday.. (Singaporeans like getting richer.. But why i am not? haha..) Maybe i think my two weeks i shall go somewhere! Genting, do you still have room for my family to squeeze up? hahaha...

Well, Sleeping liaoz larx.. I think i go dream of 4 numbers better so my Chinese New Year overseas trip can come true. Hope i can go larx.. I keep want to fly but no money to fly... (Heee... I secrectly tell everyone i blocked 5 seats to Bangkok on CNY! shhh... $2k is needed for the air-tickets.. )

How to deal with rising cost

Inflation for Oct had rise to 5.6% high. Everything increase! First was GST from 5% to 7%, flour price increase (causes my roti prata & bread price increase), then to oil increase (causes my bus fare increase) and now the latest TAXI FARE INCREASE. ComfortDelgro Group had already send in proposal for fare increase. As what newspaper says is that the start-up fare $2.50 (for Toyota Crowns Vehicles) and $2.70 (for Hydunai Sonata Vehicles) will be risen by 30cts. After which the jumping 10cents will also increase! OMG! But they say they will do away with some complicated surcharges. Let us guess what surchage will they taken away. I hope is PEAK HOUR & CBD Surcharge..

Everything increase how am i going to deal with it.
1) Boycott Taxi (Walk "500 bus stops" - Its not impossible for me)
2) Don't eat (Totally impossible to me!)
3) Dont talk too much on my mobile phone (so i will have more money for other thing.. Hmm.. Can consider)

Everything increase, why my pocket money never increase. No wonder my money is becomming smaller and smaller. Since when did i feel my money become smaller.. I think since 3 months ago. When i owe up to 2 months of my mobile phone bills. In the past, the most i owe is one month, i seldom chalk to 2 months unpaid bills but since dunno few months ago i keep finding no money to pay my mobile phone bills. That why i am now saying MY MONEY IS GETTING SMALLER AND SMALLER.

** For friends who do not understand what does ComfortDelgro Group means, it is refering to Comfort Taxis and Citycab Taxis - which representing 16000 cabs out of 22000 cabs in Singapore.

2.50am ... Zzzz....

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tests and Exams ARE NOT FOR ME!

After those stupid test this few days i think i had realised something.

Yes, I am aboustely right, tests and exams are based on memory work. If you can remember everything there you simply just score. Its not because i had low memory and i am here complaining about all this. But i was really thinking what are tests and exams for since all is based on memory work. For this moment i can understand, what is solid liquid and gases but after exam do you think i can still remember if i memorize? (well, solid liquid and gases is just a respresentation) So what are tests and exams for? I simply do not understand.

Well, maybe this is the style of Singapore. I shall just take it because i am Singaporean. If i cant take it then migrate to a place where test and exams are based on common sense. hahaha...

Finally, ENDED. This few days i gonna just relax and relax. I had go through alot of test and my memory power now is like very LOW. I gonna delete it before new stuffs can be stored. Before i delete this piece of memory, i better say it out first. HEY PEOPLE YOU ALL VERY LONG NEVER BLOG LIAOZ.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


these are some clips i been watching cos the song they sang veri nice... lol...

Monday, December 3, 2007

Meaningful Quotes

I got the fiollowing from my friend's blog. Its meaningful so i plan to share here with you guys. (Anyway thanks June! hahaha)

To My Friends Who Are ...........SINGLE 給我單身朋友們
Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it eludes you. But
if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect it. Love can
make you happy but often it hurts, but love's only special when you give it
to someone who is really worth it. So take your time and choose the best.

所以,花點時間去選擇最好的他 /她吧。

To My Friends Who Are............NOT SO SINGLE 給我那不是單身的朋友們
Love isn't about becoming somebody else's 'perfect person.' It's about
愛不能使他 /她成為一個 '完美的人 '
finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be.
它卻可以使你找到一個幫你成長的他 /她

To My Friends Who Are............PLAYBOY/GIRL TYPE 給我玩世不恭的朋友們
Never say 'I love you' if you don't care. Never talk about feelings if they
如果你不在乎,不要說 '我愛你 '。如果他們不在時,不要討論自已的感受
aren't there. Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart. Never look
in the eye when all you do is lie. The cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl is
to let her fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch her fall and it works
最殘忍的事莫過於男人讓女人愛他,卻是逢場作戲。反之亦然 …
both ways...

To My Friends Who Are............MARRIED 給我已婚的朋友們
Love is not about 'it's your fault', but 'I'm sorry.' Not 'where are you',
不要老是說 '這是你的錯 ',何不說說 '對不起 '。
but 'I'm right here.' Not 'how could you', but 'I understand.' Not 'I
不要老是問 '你去哪裡了 ',何不說說 '我就在這兒等著你 '。
不要老是問 '你怎麼會這麼作? ',何不說說 '我了解你 '。
wish you were', but 'I'm thankful you are.'
不要老是說 '我希望你這麼做 ',何不說說 '我感謝你的一切 '。

To My Friends Who Are............ENGAGED 給我那已訂婚的朋友們
The true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together but how
good you are for each other.

To My Friends Who Are............HEARTBROKEN 給我心碎的朋友們
Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to
go. The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them.

To My Friends Who Are............NAIVE 給我所有天真的朋友們
How to be in love: Fall but don't stumble, be consistent but not too
要如何戀愛? --就愛吧。不要欲言又止;要互相協調,不要太固執;
persistent, share and never be unfair, understand and try not to demand,
and get hurt but never keep the pain. 受傷後不要再記恨。

To My Friends Who Are............POSSESSIVE 給我積極的朋友們
It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else but
看到你所愛的他 /她和其他人很快樂使你心碎
it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.
但知道你所愛的他 /她是和你在一起不快樂,令人更加的傷心。

To My Friends Who Are............AFRAID TO CONFESS 給我害怕去承認的朋友們
Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when
當你和他 /她分手時,愛受到傷害
someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you
當他 /她和你分手時,更是傷痛
love has no idea how you feel.
但傷害最深的是你所愛的他 /她完全無法了解你的感受

To My Friends Who Are............STILL HOLDING ON 給我那還在等待的朋友們
A sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love, only to
人生最傷心的事,是你和他 /她愛情長跑了多年,最後的結局卻不如所望。
find out in the end that it was never meant to be and that you have wasted years on someone who wasn't worth it. If he isn't worth it now he's not
' 如果他/ 她現在讓你覺得不值得付出,那麼一年,甚至十年後,都不會值得付出的。
going to be worth it a year or 10 years from now. Let go.....
讓他 /她走吧

I know its very long to read but you had come to an end.. Meaningful right? ahaha...

Saturday, December 1, 2007



I wish i was him. but no.. im not him. soon eh :P

And this is the guitar.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Untitled Entry

I think this is my personal space. Personal Space. EVERYONE START BLOGGING CAN?

Well, this had been in my mind since today morning. When i am having my bread till my breakfast. Going to Beijing or not.. LOL... ahahaha.... Was thinking the pro and cons of going larx... Althought the distanjce between Beijing and Singapore is only 6 hours flight distance and i will definately miss my home and my friends IF i am going. Well, you can say its two month of overseas tasks but two months alot of things can happen. (Maybe i do not have the chance to go also. =.="")

Actually, i havent even ask my parents do i want to fight for the chances to go. I was afraid that if i fight for the chance to go and they do not want me to go then i will be wasting my "fighting". Well, i really think if i got the chance they would also support me one. Its only me myself is afraid. I was afraid might miss my friends here as well as someone. Although, the flight distance is 6hours, i cant possible fly back on friday night(reaching Singapore Saturday Morning) then take sunday Night flight back(Reaching there monday morning). My idea of like this flying is too realistic to solve a problem here..

Go or dun go? LOL.... Will be considering if i have the chance. Will i really leave you here and go there to develop my "future"? Haiz...

Thursday, November 29, 2007


i tink tis blog is going to closing down..
cos no one blogging le.. haha

i am back again to blog le..
today went to penasula(dunno how to spell) at city hall there to buy my skinny jean white color de.. today gt alot of ppl going sia.. Gt 5 ppl.. unexpected de.. HAKIM n CHUNSIM going..usually they are busy.. Mus thx cs for bring us go to the shop there..

After buying, we decided to go eat n went to marina square! And we did window shopping there.. we walk ard n play ard there.. Funny sia.. when hakim trying to switch the tv channel in the gv cinema.. Cos there is a tv at the cinema near the counter there and it advertising enchanted and hakim saw the button den he go test out the button.. ANd it really can switch, den he cant switch so we fast run.. haha

Hakim actually wanna play bowling de but most of them dun wan.. so nvm when sch holiday on week 10 n 11, we can go there play.. Mus ENJOY tis coming holiday.. haha.. planning to go kbox wif candy they all. wahaha..

wah sian, tis few week mus chiong project liao.. SIAN!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Untitled Entry

I think sooner or later this will become my personal space. Its seems like you guys dun like to post here is it? ahhaha... PLEASE POST. PLEASE POST.

Well, just a random post of what am i doing today. First morning first thing go bank to deposit cheque (if not people thought i default their money).. Then after that went to collect my insurance commission... Well, not bad sia.. My commission for November is $200+.. Next went to orchard to do some work and wanted to go buy mobile phone. I was seeing the advertisement today Singtel offering Sony Ericcsson W910i at $98/2Year Plan. I was thinking since i got my commission why dont i spend some money to indulge myself.. I know my handphone plan is about a year liaoz so had to pay $100 more, $198 is still worth it for that "shake shake" phone.. To my disappointment, my next upgrade (1 yr upgrade) is on 3Dec 2007. No choice, fated my commission paycheque is to save for future spending..

Planning at night go Giant Tampines to buy SD Card for my "family" camera. because they having promotion at $12.90 for 1Gb. Kingston SD Card at $12.90 for 1Gb. Cheap hor.. My mum say buy lorx, if not next time no space for my old SD Card. Because my house those women are pro in taking picture! But i hate taking picture! I am totally opposite.. Haha... However, in the end never go because i was too giddy last now. Worsen sick!

Well, end my post here.. Everyone blog lea.. Chun Sim dun keep on see Liverpool larx... I know they 3-0 today.. LOL... and JJ dun keep on see chio bu larx.. See until my friend say chio... hahaha..

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Untited Blog Entry

I found this quote in newspaper - "Today" dated 23-Nov-2007.

"I have found the paradox that if i love until it hurts,
then there is no hurt
but only more LOVE" by MotherTheresa
Paradox refer to that a saying which seems to contradict itself but seems to be true.

I not in love or whatever so i post this quote. Is that i long never blog and just nice i saw this quote so i think i should share with you guys!

Well, having a hetic week this week. Everyday i was either rushing for assignments or if not studying for test. Finally its friday tonight. I am down with fever again, but honestly speaking i am surviving for so long until now. In the past, i can fall ill every month but this time i managed to survive 10mths from the past recovery until now. (PS: I am not showing off or wanting people to pity me but i just want to let people around me know that i had a bad immune system)
Somehow i may walk finish my last kilometre within this few years. I dunno but god knows. hahaha...

And i began to realize, its like no people wanting to contribute now. Are everyone really so busy until you all have no time to contribute?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The rest...

waited for so long to start..haiz..
at last it started at 9pm
first song was Given Up...Power sia...serious shit

The back digital screen come out when they sang the 3rd song sia..effing cool sia...

they back screen change to the breaking the habit music video...can't see clearly...but it was super cool

ahhh there chester and Mike..if u all can see ah...

da habisss

They sang pushing me away and breaking the habit acoustic sia..powerrr

In the Endddddddd

No More Sorrowww

Last song of the night

Bleed It OuT

Linkin ParK Concert

Crawlingggggggggggggggg in my skinnnnnn

will post the rest of the pix and vids later2...

Monday, November 12, 2007

Where is the SUN?

Today bad day!! wanna go sentosa den raining..
Early in the morning jiu start to rain le.. but in the end we still went to sentosa..
Although go there no rain le.. But it oso not SUN too.. so sian, no suntan le, CLOUD TAN jiu hav!!

When we reach there we settle down le den we start to play frisb B.. wahaha.. still quite fun de.. play den sweat so shiok.. gt use frisb B to disturb Weijie.. wahah..
we decided to leave sentosa on 5pm.. cos nth to do le.. so head back to vivo to eat dinner!

We decided to eat cow's junior.. wahaha.. the meal abit ex.. 10+ for a meal worth it.. Cos the burger is big onli for beef de.. but den for chicken abit small.. Cos i cant eat deef so i order chicken de.. den i compare wif jh they my food.. my chicken is the small.. haha.. sian! i tink weijie going to kana blacklisted le.. since drink is free flow, he keep refilling the water.. den i told him, i tink the ppl there going to hong u out soon and paste ur face outside every outlet.. WAHAHA..

Their service oso quite good.. keeping asking us wanna refill our drink anot.. tok about refilling, stupid weijie ask him go refill ICE LEMON TEA he refill ICE TEA! den i drink le no taste de =.=

after eating, we decided to go back home le.. cos jh n pradeep is veri tired.. haha..

Wah so sian now!! nth to do lo.. lazy to do homework too.. i tink i dying of boreness!! haha.. ok end here le.. continue to rot inprocess! ANYONE free can feel free to chat wif me.. wahaha

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Today veri veri BORING!!
Onli went out for jogging nia.. To keep fit cos tml going to sentosa.. Yea!
finally can sun tan le and oso can enjoy swimming le.. wahaha..
can do some sport there too.. hehe..

CYA guy tml!

Untitled Entry

Its a sunday. Sunday!

Current location: Sengkang community centre enjoying the natural air see people walking by and using my laptop.. Dun ask me i got see chio bu anot because my eyes are FIXED on my screen. One thing i know is only there is a girl who seat beside me and she study until she sleep liaoz.. hahaa.... study so bored de mahz? can study until sleep.. whahahaha....

Well, tomolo the start of SDL week. what SDL week sia? Ma-jiam better dun have. Every module also got tonnes of homework. Who dare to say SDL week is holiday now sia.. Intially raymond keep asking "you sure week 5 holiday!" Now i wanted to say holiday my foot arx, where got holiday! Tonnes of things to do and still got to study for so many test on week 6.

And my business mandrain ask me write 500 words of comparision between china and spore! OMG! I can die of writting 500 words. Secondary school my composition record is 400+ words nia.. I havent write before 500 words somemore as me write comparision. OMG! someone give me idea what to write can? ahha..

Now hor i feel that my laptop is like nothing after i re-format it. All i want to do i also cant do liaoz.. I still havent install microsoft office yet! Damm it! Sian sia after reformat. Curse that Raymond sia, for having that virus. He cry he is a victim i think now the school technicans are crying hard too.. Coz the whole Block S is virus-ed.. Just because of him. I think the whole NYP (students + lecturers + staff) should be crying victim too liaoz.. hahaha... I wonder if NYP go and calculate the loss (in terms of time and repairing) how big the amount is.. ahhaa...

K larx, end my blog now.. Sunday afternoon,... Enjoying.. Ooh, the girl is hugging her bag and sleep now.. hahaa... she scared later people steal her NIKE bag.. ahaha...

PS: Dun ask me the girl chio anot.. I DUNNO. (Will u all believe? whahaha)

Friday, November 9, 2007

U think i believe ah??

Supposed to go gym tdy, but in the end nvr go ah. Went to meet my frens. a GUY and a GERL.
Then walk walk, dunno wat to do, so went north canteen slack abit. Then my fren was soo bored that he started drawing mind maps of where to go. Then called D, was at central, so went to meet. Intro D to em, but like both parties shy to talk. Then all like stand under some block and stare and each other. Then D had to go somewhere with mom. So we left and walk walk and end up in amk park, or garden, or watever. Soo far in my life staying in amk i like never been inside the park even 1ce.

Something happened there and i still haven explored inside the park.

We were just walking on the outskirts of the park trail when i saw a pond with alot of lotus flowers. My mom likes em alot. So wanted to go get a flower for her. But all were too far in the water. Then walk walk abit, I saw 1 flower closer to the shore.

Then i dunno wanna take anot ah. So we all just sit on the grass and think think, i try use stick, no use. too far alr. only way was to go into the water. Then as i was thinking if wanna risk it, there was a huge blob in the water. i was like woah... seems like pretty large things are living there.

Then my fren psycho me go take, cuz if i nvr take sure i'll regret later. So i go use a stick to check the depth. it was damn steep, murky and very deep, the flower was abt 1 metre away from the shore and the stick was abt almost 3/4 my height and when i stuck it in, it went almost 3 quarters inside. whew.. VERY steep drop.

But heck care ah, i remove shoes and go in, while my another fren hold my hand to anchor me. then managed to pull the whole thingy out.
lucky didnt fall,in. Then put in bottle and went back and gave my mom :D

seeing her tdy was both a blessing and a curse...

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


i like tis song! gt feel lo.. when sing tis song.. haha.. so mus share wif everyone.. haha





Sunday, November 4, 2007


TADA! my 19 inch com.. haha


Ytd when i went out and i started to zi lian again!! haha..
ytd went out trying to cheer myself up but still abit hard to get back.. went out wif benned n jh.. we went sim lim first, cos i buying td, after tat we went to paradise center play pool.. alot of memories there.. haha.. benned veri funny keep killing his white ball.. haha.. we play abt 2 hr like tat..
den we decide to go watch movie, so we go cathay to check out the time slot for the movie and we decided to watch the game plan.. After buying ticket, we find out tat we still hav 2 hr more to the show.. cos we watch at 9.45pm and it's 7pm when we finish buying our tickets. So we decided to go eat first at kfc, den after eating we walk ard n we find a place to settled down and we start chatting to waste time..
we chat n chat n we finally can go in and watch movie le.. the game plan is quite a nice show veri funny n abit touching toward the end.. So guy if u all wanna hav some laughing can we catch tis movie.. After the movie, it 11.45pm.. den we faster walk to the mrt station and we find out tat 2 min more is our LAST train.. lucky we manage to get into the train if not we had to take a cab home le.. haha..
Later going to sim lim again ba.. to get a monitor for myself.. Cos my monitor going to spoil le.. i end here le.. Bye guy!

10th good thing of being Single

Hey Guys! Let me share with you all 5th good things of being SINGLE.

1st: You can see any girls (Regardless of Cute, Chio and xxxxxx......) when they walk past you! (No one will slap you at the side.. ahaha)
2nd: You can walk anyone you like.. (You wont have to respect your girls to walk here and there)
3rd: Your brain can have alot of free space (Because you wont have to worry when is your other half birthday, annivesary and even dun nid worry where to go.. heez...)
4th: You can chat on the phone with other girls for as long as you like (Because no one will care about you liaoz.. ahhaha)
5th: Can everyday stay at home to game liaoz.. (Because you are a free man! hahaha..)

Well, the above are what i want to share to you guys the good things of being single.


Below are the worse thing that being single.. ahhaa

You will be lonely and no one will cares about you (except your good friends..)

haha... the choice is ours. To have or not..

But hor i think for myself one song can suit me alot... Wo Xin Guan Yi Ge Ren Sheng Huo...

Saturday, November 3, 2007

My love is gone

hey friends, u all might wonder wat happen to me ytd? i am not the usual JJ, the cheerful and disturbing JJ is missing.. Cos i jus broke up wif her, really sad lo.. den whole din really slp, crying.. cos my heart really hurt.. mayb tis is the other side of me, the WEAK side.. haha.. but is worth the tear.. when i saw the sms i was really shock too.. but nvm over is over.. i noe tat u not prepare enough for love.. but if once u ready for love can tell me! i will be WAITING for u.. haha.. but we r still friend! if u gt any problem or anything nd my help can still msg me or call me.. haha..

For our love, it is a sweet n happy memories for me although it is short but i still feel the LOVE n i enjoy it too.. i will rmb how we knew each other till we meet up n how we get together all inside my mind.. For me mayb tis is the first love n oso the last love ba!! tis few days i will try my veri best to get back to normal de.. all tis nd time.. but it all up to my mind.. i will still miss her sometime..

when i am in love, it feel like it find the other half n feel tat u r in a whole.. but after break, i will feel tat my body like losing a arm or a leg..

Sry for been so emo, but tis all my tinking n feeling for the past 2 days.. glad tat i hav a few great friends like jiehui n chun sim.. thx for there when i nd someone most.. i will be fine de.. wahaha.. the cheerful n disturbing JJ will be BACK soon!! so guy beware!! wahaha

Friday, November 2, 2007

Untitled Entry

Today, i saw something outside my house make me feel.. Die liaoz... Goverment sure want put ERP there liaoz.. Last time that stupid expressway will start the traffic jam at 8.30am BUT today 7.45am i saw jam and jam.. Haha... ERP Comming along the way.. Later will be as high as CTE's $5 ERP. I not kidding with you guys but if you all will to notice the news, From next monday onward, ERP at PIE towards CTE (after Kallang Bahru) will be chargable at $5 from 8.30am to 9am. Making that the most most expensive ERP in Singapore..

According to Wai Jiat's theory 36 times of passing the ERP can buy his bag liaozz... wahahaha... (coz yesterday he say dunno how many times cut hair can go buy his bag liaoz.. haha)... So 1mth suffered from jam escape from that route so can buy his bag liaoz.. hahaa... In the end dunno is waste how many more time + more petrol if we will to do like this.. ahaha..

Sianz larx... This module sian larx.. 0855Hrs at 2-Nov-07

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Untitled Entry

Oi ! Everyone.,.. Why dun want blog liaoz.. ??

Monday, October 29, 2007

Untitled Entry

In class now.. 7.06pm.. tired.. sian.. boring.. I done alot of thing in the past hours liaoz.. Beside listening to lesson, i on the phone, sms, see people blog, see stomp.. Totally bored lesson but last 50mins liaoz.. hack liaoz.. haha..

JJ, JJ.. In love liaoz totally different arx..

Wah 0.02 0.01 all the hell the numbers are.. Now (at this moment) mei xin qu with the numbers.. hahaha...

Blog blog blog.. Hey guys start writting lea..

(EDITED on 30-OCT)


Ytd was a great day for me, cos i meeting my dear.. haha.. B4 going to meet her, i go flower shop to buy a rose to surprise her.. it take me a veri long time to find a flower shop.. cos i dunno where it is.. so i walk ard n ard 900+ and finally found 1... haha..

And off i go to meet her.. when i sms her sae tat i reach le, she sae "so fast ah, u can wait for me till you slp" =.= but it is worth waiting for u no matter how long.. wahaha..

When she reach she realised tat it is late so we decide to change plan.. go to amk hub instead of vivo.. we went to catch a movie, the seeker, it is quite a nice show.. is abt light vs dark.. i tink u all shd go watch it... hehe..

After movie, we decided to go outside of amk hub to walk ard.. and finally we find a place to settled down and chit chat.. i love to look at her when we chat, love the way she laugh n her reaction and lastly,


Hope tt time will not fly so fast.. so tt can hav more time be wif her.. After chatting, we decided to go home so i send her back home.. And home sweet home for me too... it's fun n nice day to be wif u.. haha

Thursday, October 25, 2007

wow... so i am iceman... weak dude...

You Are Iceman

You tried to live a normal life, but it just wasn't possible
A bit of a slacker, you rather tell jokes than cultivate your powers

Powers: turning self and others into ice, making ice weapons, becoming nearly invisible

Try this

You Are Wolverine
Small but fierce, you're a great fighter.Watch out! You are often you're own greatest enemy.
Powers: Adamantium claws, keen senses, the ability to heal quickly

Which of the X-Men Are You?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

JH birthday!!!

Ytd we went to celebrate JH birthday! so we meet 3.30pm at somerset n benned late.. he take wrong side tat y late.. =.= there are 5 ppl altogether, gt me, jh, pradeep, wj n benned. so we decide to play pool first b4 we go to sakura to eat..

During our pool seesion alot of funny thing happen.. haha.. As for me, luck is on my side.. i was able to clear my last four ball and win.. haha.. we had alot of fun in pool.. haha

after 1hr+ den pool, we decide to go sakura to eat.. sakura is EX man!! 30 bucks for each person.. den somemore eat awhile nia den full liao.. we keep taking things and eat.. TIll everyone is full.. i nearly vomitted.. But weijie the hardcore eater, he ate 3 chicken chop,1 lamp chop n alot of other things... MONSTER man.. wahaha.. lucky nv eat up everything inside if not blacklisted.. wahaha.. we sit awhile in sakura b4 we leave..

den we go herren to take a stroll to let our stomach digest.. haha... And i brought myself a white belt.. ^^

Hope jh hav fun ytd!! Ok bye guy..

Untitled Post...

Its a sunday afternoon..

Posting an entry in Snegkang Library with my laptop.. Now sitting infront of a pile of newspapers. Can i called these peole human? There are newspaper rack for them to place their papers after reading but instead of doing they are all throwing on the floor.. wah liaoz.. what kid of human...

One week had gone.. tomrrow a new week again.. ahaa,..

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Untitled Post

Firstly, wish Jie Hui HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
May all your wish comes true but not morning that birthday wish.. hahaa...

Next, JJ congrats to you and your apple. First relationship will be the most wonderful and most meaningful one because everytime u did is the first time.. haha.. (Guo lai ren zhi dao de).. heee.. N hor, next time post a clearer picture of apple.. So everyone can see.. hahaha... Who shall be the next to have stead among us? Let's us see...

Next, why now no one wants blog arx? Where is all your post guys? School starting (15-oct) till today, only 3 posts. Wah, now dun wan blog liao arx? ? Blog lea...

First week of school, no stress no nothing BUT see the following weeks things are comming up. "Excitement" is comming up too.. hahahaa.. If we can clear this semester, we had already spend 2 years together. 06, time flies in a blink of eye. We had been together for so long and will be seperated again in 2009.. Lets us not forget each other when we seperate in future..

time now: 20-oct-2007 0135. Yawnz... zzzz... Good Night....

Thursday, October 18, 2007


WAHAHA.. i'm back wif good new.. haha..
17 oct is a veri special for me n her.. wahaha.. LOVE YA.
tis is my first relationship!! abit nervous dunno wat to do too.. but i will try my best to make her HAPPY!! wahaha
enough of my crap le.. now show u all my dear dear!!

Pretty ma? haha

ok.. let tok abt wat i did for last days.. wat i did is go sch listen listen n listen to teacher toking, toking n toking.. wahaha.. first day n first lesson liao.. slp in marketing de lesson liao.. den tue listen awhile den afk liao den go disturb friend liao. wed nth much after sch go jogging in sch.. training for nafa.. haha..
As for today, after sch chiong to cat hse play mahjong liao.. LOL.. at first win, den slowly slowly lose liao... 20 buck!!! =[[

Monday, October 15, 2007

Back to School .. ... ...

120th blog! hahaa...

15-oct-2007 back to school! Now in Ah Heng's lesson.. Waiting for him to start. The situation now is can hear Shi Hui's laughter at the back, Chun Sim saying "Ni Hen Mang"(You very busy hor) coz he dunno i blogging.. LOL

First day of the new semester also meaning we left half of our polytechnic life to go.. And long i didnt blog here, anyway I AM BACK! haha..

Today till 8.30pm.....

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Ytd went out wif apple n her bro.. haha.. they're late for half n hour.. wahaha.. After meeting them, we went to paradise centre to play pool.. YEA. But when we reach there all full den no choice hav to leave my name at the waiting list.. haha..

den we go to park lane de mac.. her bro eating lunch.. haha.. den we jus sit down nia th seat not even hot.. they call liao sae there is available place liao.. den i n apple go play first.. after tat her bro join us cos he is eating =]]..

After playing, we went to watch resident evil.. the show veri nice n scary.. alot of violent scene, the character inside some die veri horribly.. den apple kana scare alot of time.. Veri funny the way she kana scare.. i sit beside her keep laughing.. cos last part she jump up.. WAHAHA..

Den go eat pasta mania de go home liao.. the train veri veri squeezy.. LOL

Today do nth, onli eat, slp n exercise.. wah sian tml sch starting, somemore end at 8.30pm.. =[[

Friday, October 12, 2007

Anti cholestrol

Went to causeway today, to meet some frens and yes, the girl in from my wacky dream. Finally managed to eat pizza after dunno-cant remember-how-long craving. Then now i feel like eating pata mania.. AGAIN... Then iw as telling my frens that i wanted to get a jacket. One guy recommended the sportslink in one of the upper floors, but in the end never go as the rest wanted to go off. Then as i was heading to the mrt, i had this gut feeling that i should go back and check out the shop my fren was talking about. So i went back to causeway and up to the sportslink. Go there look look look, they only had a few jackets, and i didnt like the material, like raincoat like that. Who noes. it cld hv been raincoats. Then i went up one floor. Walk walk around. I hate window shopping, but at that time i felt drawn to the place. Suddenly had the urge to walk around. Then as i was going up the escalator, then i saw it... IP zone having some sale. Suddenly felt like I HAD to go there. Then rushed down the escalator to the shop. And then i saw the jacket... It was damn damn nice. And sumore last piece! I quickly snatch that and go try, abit to big, but no more smaller size, well when u get some u lose some. Nothing is perfect. Then faster faster go buy. Was damn happy, walk around the place and bought a few long sleeves. Then happily go home. Thanking god while in the mrt for making me go back. And then when i go back home that i realised one of the shirts i bought is for ladies. The chest part very loose.-.- Wasted. Maybe i shall give it to my cousin on her bday. Well, gotta paint tommorow. Thinking abt it alr makes me tired, but, i can look forward to a good wrkout to burn off the pizza's excess cholestrol.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Count Down to New Sem

haha... i'm back to update...
tml basically is the end of IBC Working days...
Wat i did tis few days basically is weekend basketball then sunday slack....
mon till wed is abt all work... but today i slack though the working hrs... i even download a whole album by Xin Guang Bang... hahaha...
even cs and my friend find it surpirsely y i so slient today cos i been browsing though and downloading songs... Wahahaha...
speaking of Chun Sim... Pls man... Stop being so Gay and stop all the audrey stuff...
jus now finish work, do u noe her man was behind us @ the lift... wakao...
but working there wit chun sim basically u mus not hav any heart problem... cos u may not not wat he going to do next min... i was scare or lame by him a couple of times...
today oso is hui xian's last day... she look emo when she start work... Maybe due to bf and stuff... then suddenly at lunch i rmber tat lame joke tat goes when a emo gal and a emo guy hav sex and they give birth to Elmo... hahaha...
errrmmm... i going to end liao... hahaha...
guys wan to meet @ yck mrt abt 12 to go buy lect notes??? msg me if u wan to go @ friday...
thanks... bye...

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Long time din update i decided to update it..

Tis whole week is basically working, working n working.. LOL..
work le come back home chat wif HER.. Everyday is the SAME.. wahaha.. =]]

den ytd went for a hair cut n straightening.. 2nd time do straightening le.. now my hair like gu niang(gal).. wait for abt 2 hour for straightening.. haha.. den after tat go causeway buy shoe..

today jus come back from amk.. go there play pool n cs wif jh, pradeep, benned (apple's bro) n me.. it was fun.. while playing cs, we keep laughing all the way.. haha..

ok.. i will blog till here.. cya guy.. =]]

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Want to learns:
  1. License class 3, then 2
  2. Sita (indian instument, applying soon)
  3. Guitar
  4. Piano
  5. Taekwondo( this one can give up la, sure no time alr)

Want to dos:

  1. Rebon
  2. Permanent remove beard
  3. Train like mad
  4. Buy the glasses at taka **drools** (ahyaa... too ex alr laa)
  5. Get some clothes!..jacket esp. (every yr only throw, nvr refill)

Total cost : >$7000 wooot!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


YEA!! There are alot of happy things going on.. woohoo..
can feel the LOVE i the air.. there will be more good new..
i tink i will blog till here. SECRET!!

Now listen to tis song de lyrics from nan quan ma ma..



Monday, October 1, 2007


I'm going
i'm going
i'm going
holiday boring ah
3rd day of hari raya sch already
weak sia
end of this coming sem i 20 already
k bye

Sunday, September 30, 2007

pradeep = gg

Advise to you pradeep.its short and sweet.add sugar if u want it sweeter.

see a doctor!

and i am willing to pay to be in that dream changing partner to aseter!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

haiz.... vaianas!

well.. its been a while since i updated. been busy doing nothing. AHHA. so went sch just now to take the machine paper,LOL. if i fail then cya guys on lecture ah kay?haha. ohh yea, and i saw chee wei when walking towards the mrt, anyhows.. the paper was ok lah.. i studied yesterday sia..:SZOZ! i cant wait for school.. cuz right now im broke.. no school, no money.. WEAAAAAKKKKKKK~ i miss going mac, i miss ripping on WJ(haha),i miss checking out chicks..LOL i miss school sia! i cant believe im saying this! but i really do miss it.:( haha.. so.. cya guys on oct 15th then! hopefully!:D


very free now so share one jokes and fact ba.some is contributed by dillys.somehow i got the time totalk with ppl in msn :p

1)There is no records of jesus laughing or smile.
because jesus christ (cry)

2)What did Batman say to Robin before they got in the car?
Robin get in the car.

3)There was a lawyer that was talking to his client who just committed murder. He said "I have some good news, and some bad news. The bad news is that you're getting the electric chair." His client said "That's terrible!! Well, what's the good news? " The lawyer said "I got the voltage lowered."

4)A traveling salesman was driving down a country road when a rabbit ran in front of his car and he hit it. The proverbial farmer was sitting on the fence watching. The salesman gets out of his car and opens the trunk. He then removes an aerosol can and sprays the contents on the dead rabbit. The next thing you know the rabbit gets up and hops about 20 ft. down the road, turns and waves to the salesman, goes another 20 ft. and waves to the salesman. The salesman looks at the farmer and says "he'll be ok ay now." The salesman gets into his car and leaves. The farmer wondering what's going on walks over to the ditch where the salesman threw the can, picks it up and read the label which said FOR HARE RESTORATION AND PERMANENT WAVE.

5)A man is sitting on a park bench, making the STRANGEST noises."Are you all right?" asks a concerned stranger. The man nods and keeps making the noises. The stranger then asked "Then why are you screaming like that?" The man replies "It keeps the elephants away." The stranger mentioned that there weren't any elephants for miles. The man smiled "See, it works!"

6)What do you call a deer with no eyes?
answer : no idea ( no eye dear)

7)What do you call a deer with no legs and no eyes?
answer : still no idea

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Today meet up wif apple, her bro n jh.. haha.. FINALLY, apple come out le, usually she will be lazy to come out.. haha.. apple n her bro funny. keep disturbing each other..

Apple quite quiet today.. mayb she's SHY! LOL.. we went to buy ticket first, we brought 4.25pm de.. den we went to eat lunch.. saw paul 2hill at food junction.. after tat when to watch movie, ratatouille.. veri funny we laugh till peng.. Apple seem to be excited abt the movie cos can see her keep moving her body forward.. gt 1 part she chua tio.. kana scared.. =.=

After movie, we decided to play pool.. lucky they din check IC if not apple will not be able to go in.. we r having a great fun playing pool.. apple almost win jh.. she first time play too, mus be talented in playing pool.. u noe y? cos i teaching HER how to play.. WAHAHA.. =]]

After pool we go eat kfc n den go home le.. jus reach home nia.. slping soon.. working tml..

Happy Birthday!!!!

Happy 18th Birthday Pradeep!!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

trying to BE STRONG

Sorry if ive pissed anybdy off lately k? Im nt in a carefree position curently. Im facing some serious stuff at home. My mind's in a whirl. Current situations dun permit me to do stuff i rather do. Do put up with my suckky attitude for a few days yea... all will be fine... i hope.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


3B+, 2B,1C and 1 C+. Hmm actaully this is my best result soo far even though no A la. GPA displayed wat 2.6 smth but when i calculate this sem GPA it was 3.1 smth. But too bad la, they compile everything. But anyways, lets work hard next time and im thankful to God for the pass.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

lawyer jokes

These are from a book called Disorderinthe American Courts, and are thingspeople actually said in court, word forword, taken down and now published bycourt reporters that had the torment ofstaying calm while these exchanges wereactually taking place.

ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at themoment of the impact?

WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.


ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?

WITNESS: No, I just lie there.


ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, doesit affect your memory at all?


ATTORNEY: And in what ways does itaffect your memory?

WITNESS: I forget.

ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot?


ATTORNEY: Do you know if your daughter has ever been involved in voodoo?

WITNESS: We both do.



ATTORNEY: You do?WITNESS: Yes,voodoo.


ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the nextmorning?

WITNESS: Did you actually pass the exam?


ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?

WITNESS: Are you shitt'in me?


ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (ofthe baby) was August 8th?


ATTORNEY: And what were you doing atthat time?

WITNESS: Uh.... I was gett'in laid!


ATTORNEY: She had three children,right?


ATTORNEY: How many were boys?


ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?

WITNESS: Are you shitt'in me? YourHonor, I think I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?


ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?

WITNESS: By death.

ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?

WITNESS: Now whose death do you suppose terminated it?


ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?

WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard.

ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?



ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?

WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when Igo to work.


ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?

WITNESS: All my autopsies are performedon dead people. Would you like to rephrase that?


ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST beoral, OK? What school did you go to?



ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?

WITNESS: The autopsy started around8:30p.m.

ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?

WITNESS: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy on him


ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?

WITNESS: Huh....are you qualified to ask that question?


And the best for last:

ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performedthe autopsy, did you check for a pulse?


ATTORNEY: Did you check for bloodpressure?


ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?


ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible thatthe patient was alive when you begantheautopsy?


ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure,Doctor?

WITNESS: Because his brain was sittingon my desk in a jar.

ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patienthave still been alive, nevertheless?

WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law




Monday, September 17, 2007

tis past few days...

hi guys... result on wed coming out... haha
well tis week was quite fun for me... Although there was a few thing i wish to say...
first is that fucker tat keep licking my manager's ass and he tink he is handsome tat gals wan to stay around him... Well the fact is tat he is jus a rich guy and gals onli look at him for his money... so to tat guy, get a grab...
feel so funny when he talking like a big shot and he tink he is so high class... OMG... haha...
And wat i learn tis week is tat don look at a person's look onli and one self mus learn wat is their limited... i don wan to say much abt wat happen... cos i oso hav no right to talk much...


i went to work as normal and went home as usual... but at 8 i met my friends and when to drink @ Lighthouse... We oso crazy one... we spent 6 hrs to drink frist 2 martell and talkin to gals who work there... i met tis good gal name sophia and she is 19 too... but wat too bad is tat my friend targeted her... and no use to snatch friends' target although we r in a 'play for fun' mood... then form 4 - 6 am we went to martin entertainment and wat we get is a fake martell and it doesn't taste rite...
then after tat we went home and sleep...


i wake up abt 1pm and start jio ppl for basketball at nite... turn out, my friend brought 2 guys wit 1.95m and 1.86m players from unity sec sch... playing wit them seriously is a hard one although i did score abt 4 points out of 11 game points in front of them... but i can not do wat i wanted to do due to two of them... 7 sets of games and my team onli able to win 3... good job to my friends cos they did most of the scoring and i did onli rebounds and steals... it was fun when challenge arise...
sleep early till to fri fun and sat excerise...

well tat all guys... good luck for wed result and keep updating... and we broke our 100 posts... i am 102... haha...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

EVAN almightly

Today went out wif jh, apple bro (benned) to watch movie, evan almightly.. Apple actually wanna come along de.. den last min PANG SEH.. wahaha..
Nvm.. next time see her.. make her into apple juice as wat jh mention to me.. LOL..
During the movie, we three laughed till peng.. ALOT of veri funny scene.. u all mus go watch..
After watching movie, we went to paradize centre to play pool.. it was fun, cos tis time ard i on form.. manage to win jh.. but sometime win jh is luck. cos i anyhow shoot n it anyhow go in.. wahaha..benned oso got improve too.. mus thx to jh too.. he is alot ppl de shifu.. LOL..
After our pool session, we were headaches abt wat to eat.. so we decided to go back ps den we decide... n so we decided to eat pasta mania.. we were so hungry tat we order alot of things.. gt bread, baked rice n pizza.. LOL.. eat till full..
ok.. apple i will jio u out again for movie.. since u sae it in ur blog.. WAHAHA.. but tis time no pang seh.. =]]
GUYS pls update?

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Yellowcard - Light up the sky

Your making choice to live like this,
And all of the noise,
I Am Silence.
We already know how it ends tonight,
You run in the dark through a firefight.
And I would explode just to save your life,
Yeh I would explode.

Let me light up the sky,
Light it up for you.
Let me tell you why,
I would die for you.
Let me light up the sky.

I can't find a wall to pin this to,
Their all coming down since i've found you.
I just wanna be where you are tonight.
I run in the dark looking for some light,
And how will we know if we just don't try,
We won't ever know.

Let me light up the sky,
Light it up for you.
Let me tell you why,
I would die for you.

Let me light up the sky,
Light it up for you.
Let me make this mine,
I'll ignite for you.

Let me light up the sky,
Just for you tonight.
Let me help you fly,
Cause you won't have time.
Cover your eyes,
Get your disguise,
They won't ask you why,
They just watch you die.

And it's still so hard to be who you are,
So you play this part,
The show goes on.
You've come this far with a broken heart,
Yeh you've come this far,
And you've broken.

Let me light up the sky,
Light it up for you.
Let me tell you why,
I would die for you.
Let me light up the sky,
Light it up for you.
Let me make this mine,
I'll ignite for you,
I'll ignite for you.

Let me light up the sky,
Light it up for you.
Let me tell you why,
I would die for you.

And it's still so hard to be who you are,
But you've come this far with a broken heart.
And it's still so hard to be who you are,
But you've come this far with a broken...

Let me light up the sky,
Let me light up the sky.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Today n tml take off.. Cos i have to attend my ah ma de funeral.. =[[
On Mon i receive tis sad new after my work.. Ah ma was dead.. she's dead after suffering from a heart attack.. so tis few days i will MIA..
i oso piss off too..
SOMEONE wanna spoil my reputation? how u spoil it? come lo.. u tink i scare.. call me cheapo?
last time sae wj watch free movie online u oso call him cheapo den u urself watch free moive too.. ratatouille!! so was u a CHEAPO too?
As for the present, since u sae noe 2 days friend mus chip out money den u noe 2 days friend will u lend him money? if u will lend den i will pay.. if not fuck off.. somemore pradeep din sae anything abt the present lo.. he jus ask me come cos he sae tat there was not enough ppl going.. so not too spoil mood, i went.. BTW i din sae noe for 2 days NOT friend u BITCH..
u tink u veri pretty ar? u jus a fat n below average BITCH.. my tt friend add u in msn bcos he jus being friendly.. he oso got add jh too.. u tink he interested in u? PLS dun tink too HIGHLY of urself? u will not get a handsome guy as a husband cos of ur action n ur bitchy attitude.. SO STOP fa hua chi.. see handsome guy like horny like tat.. the guy veri shuai.. wad wad wad.. =.=
i still hav alot of thing to sae i giv u face so i stop here n i use a black font too.. i scare tat i will spoil ur reputation MORE if i keep write.. so if ppl highlight it they will noe u MORE too..

Sunday, September 9, 2007

A veri sian Week

tis week to me damn sian... i did not went back to secondary sch to visit my teacher during teachers' day...
but then my sec sch hav nothing for me to visit to.... LOL...

tue i was off from my work and i did nothing but rest at home... At nite i was onli able to make myself to run for 1/2 hr... Hope i will not gain more weight during tis time...

Fri was a veri boring day for me... Although i took half day off, i was not able to meet up wit my pals to go pub in the end... seriously No Money = No life... LOL...
i hav to say sorry to edmund who is going to army... i can't meet u all for the last 2 weeks due to low cash... & i don wan to own u all any more money... it not right to keep owning u guys money...

Sat was the same... went to lot 1 to pay bills on my dad's behalf and saw kai ni working at 'giodano'(i don noe really how to spell it!!!)... seeing someone in giodano kept making me rmb of someone...(most of u noe wat i talking abt)
Then at home i draw a couple of pic...

first pic is jay chou(I don tink i draw it correctly)... the second is haseo from the game(HACK//G.U) not completed yet... Third one i get it long ago from warcraft...

Saturday, September 8, 2007

on 31 aug pic

ALL tis pic below is on teacher's day, 31 aug.. today den gt the pic so i upload it.. haha


Last but not least, ME

Candy n zifu
US.. but look like candy was been blocked

Friday, September 7, 2007



Singapore Indoor Stadium

TICKET PRICE (Exclude Booking Fee)

Free Standing - S$148, S$128

Reserved Seating - S$128, S$88, S$68

Please add to above price $2 Booking Fee for tickets above $20 and $1 Booking Fee for tickets $20 and below. Charges include GST where applicable.

Admission Rules

No admission for infant in arms or child aged below 7 years old for seated sections and below 12 years old for standing sections.

* Strictly no Bottles, Photography, Video recording and Audio recording is allowed for this event !

No Stupid Ppl.!

eh Interested sia.but 128...and 148 free standing? then why buy 148 one xD....

Thursday, September 6, 2007

They coming to Singapore againnnn!!

Yes they are coming to Singapore Again
November 13 Singapore Indoor Stadium
But the ticks are expensive
Those interested about the price
Can go see at
I think im going again
How cool is that man!
k im done
Fasting month is coming
im becoming thinner?
no no..gonna eat more when break fast time

Monday, September 3, 2007


31 Aug 07

Take off from work n head to sch for teacher's day celebration.. When we reach there, we faster went to hall to watch the performance.. haha.. But the performance abit boring.. all singing de.. haha.. After the performance, went down to the staff room to visit teachers. The last teacher tat we visited is our form teacher, Mr how and everyone is waiting for him to treat us lunch again.. wahaha..

After lunch, candy suggested to go to kbox, so we agreed... onli five of us go nia and they r kai ming, jiaming, zifun candy n me.. the rest go home.. =.= So we decided to go amk for our kbox session.. but tis is not at kpool de kbox is at other side de, raider there.. the kbox there veri good.. Cos we were supposed to sing till 5.30 but in the end, we sang till 7pm..

After tat, candy n kaiming went home den left me jiaming n zifu.. we went to kfc to had our dinner n went home.. =]]

1 sep 07

Meet zifu, wei kiong n his gf n we went to suntec for IT fair.. Cos zifu wanna buy laptop n weikiong wanna buy mp3.. but in the end weikiong brought himself a mp4 n zifu brought himself a toshiba laptop.. wahaha..

After buying we went home, cos they going to jam after tat at 4.30.. so i meet them at chong pang n went jamming.. wahaha.. after tat they had dinner n home sweet home..

3 sep 07

As for today, nth much.. went to work nia.. super sian lo.. den i slp during work when is abt to release tat time.. Having a flu now.. keep sneezing.. =[[

B4 i end i wanna wish wen juan good luck for her N lvl.. =]]