Sunday, August 10, 2008

Untitled Post

Just got back not long ago. And instead of uploading photos, i am blogging here.. Hahaha.. I am too tired for the day already and shall upload all the photos and send to all of you tomrrow ok? Hahhaa and Paiseh.

Lets begin with 08-Aug-2008
Today is the 08-08-08, this date only happen once in a thousand year. Hahaha. Meaningful right? And today is the 8million toto draw. End up, i didnt strike and $25 poorer. Hahhaa. I thought this few weeks i keep seeing alot of things with 8, this toto i might strike, but i didnt. LOL. But what i guess is correct, i told my colleagues tonight de draw sure dun have single digit number and total is 8 winners. See i am so zhun, if can like this bet i win lorx. Hahhaa.

Next, today is the last day of Green Jacket girl there. And they disturb her by going to ask her want to come along to K with us. My colleague was trying to say to pull the knots for me. They left her with my contact number. But too bad they kana rejected by her. Crazy one, pull what knots lorx. And please i will say that (for now at least) my heart will still remain as one. Dont come and speculate anything or pull any knots.

And at night we went K. My starting song is "Na Si Wo Wu Ji Pa Wan - If i have a million dollars" They will disturbing to ask me change to 8 million dollars. Hahaha.. And the ending song is also that. LOL.. I sang twice thinking will strike toto. Chey!

Happy National Day Singapore. 43th Birthday. "There was a time when people says that we could make it, but we didnt." See any difference for this? Hahaha. And well, today i indeed had a very tight schudule.

This Morning, i am a guest at my area de National Day Observance Ceremony. Wow, its since dunno when i havent really been a guest. Sitting down there and watch performance. The kids are really cute when performing and i thought of me myself in the past and my tears dropped. Hahaha... Well, And today is also i sing National Anthem since last year. LOL. I wonder how long had you people sing National Anthem? Hahaha.

And the whole thing was running late since morning that why my appointment for the whole day is late.

After that when home, awhile later go to my friend de baby de first month. Brought a $100 voucher for her. Hahaha. Dont say i am rich. And after that went to meet up with JJ they all.
Sorry for being late and sorry for messing up whole things today. Alot of unexpected things do happen sometimes. Movie timeslot full is beyond my control. Next time if we really want to watch movie in weekend, buy earlier. And fireworks de crowd and place closesure also isnt my control. The crowd is unexpected to me too, coz this is the first time i am watching fireworks there too. Sorry for everything.

Well, after that celebrate Evelyn de birthday.

No more to add on to this lengthy post, i shall send all of you the photo tomrrow(after uploading) and might upload some photos here.


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