Saturday, August 2, 2008

Untitled Post

I think i shall make a post everyday (at least) for now and the next few week.

Well, start with this first. I think i shall let go on my old goal and focus on a new goal. Actually, this goal is actually not new at all, it was laid three years ago and i think i shall relook at this goal again. Well, if everything goes all right, i think this goal shouldnt be no problem. I will see next to it. I have numerous goals everytime but out of how many of the goals can i acheive? Sad to say, i think less than half. Hahaha.

And i was being offered extension this afternoon. Well, i rejected the offer. I definately will leave on 15-Aug-2008. Hahaha..

And ya, i must thanks Da Xin Xin Jie this afternoon for helping me to check the SSDC de driving lesson. Wah piang is damm hot lorx, now want to book for 11-Aug also full liao. I think i come back from overseas then start learning liao. Anyway thxs Xin Xin.

Hmm, today not much happening. First day of 7th month. My department head come ask me want to go pray together with the rest of the staff downstairs anot. Then i go see. Wa, they pray alot sia.. We take half hour to burn the papers still havent burn finish. Then after work went home straight away coz my mum ask me help her pray also.

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